Orionblamblam said:
The point to continuing to refer to them as "Islamic State" is that, unlike Daesh, Daish, Da'ish or whatever... you know what you're getting. Some organization calls itself the Communist Party, you don't refer to them as the Economic Morons Party just to get their goats... you continue to call them Communists, because the link between the designation and the depravity should not be broken.
The so-called "communists" hardly ever are true communists actually. Almost all of them are Bolshevists or worse.
To call them "communists" is rather flattering actually.
Most North Americans never understood the mostly not subtle differences between Socialism, Communism, Titoism, early Social democracy, modern Social democracy, Bolshevism, Menshevism, Stalinism, Maoism and even much of the Catholic social theology - and called it all "Communism" or post-Cold War they called it "Socialism" - which was flattering to most of them and badly misleading about many of them.
I'm not inclined to repeat this with those Near Eastern infantiles.
Speaking of which, I think a huge motivation of theirs are indeed infantile power fantasies (against "others", against women etc.), eliminationist extremism (Megalomania) and young men's thrill and manliness confirmation seeking through warfare. A handful of leaders exploit this (as always).
This - if correct - hints at a brittleness of Da'ish, a suitable strategy may be disillusionment and frustration. I suppose they would greatly lose strength and recruiting drive after a series of un-spinnable defeats and loss of territory.
The Western-Arabic CAS and interdiction bombing campaign appears to lack what's often called a 'strategic vision'; maybe the Russian approach of focusing their effort regionally may come closer to a tipping point. On the other hand, the USAF no doubt had some main effort at Kobane for weeks or months already, and Da'ish was merely stalled strategically.