Now I see that as an x-wing ultra-crossbow if modified....a self moving carabiner, with weak legs. Jump, drag light, then heavy lines, wedge in rock, etc. Salto is a more agile bot that could ride this as a vehicle. The Asimov shrine is moving. There should be a minimalist Starship, with area ruling...single footprint headstone at the ladder. One small circular window allows the Sun-on the longest day of the Martian year-to shine on Bradbury's portrait-and make a tiny robot dandilion bloom...
And more in line with the fun:
‘Fictosexual’ man married hologram bride, but now struggles to bond with her
“Fictosexuals” are people who are sexually attracted to fictional
They can keep the tapewormsWell this is going to freak people out at dinner parties.
Pasta-shaped robot with no moving parts can navigate through mazes
A soft robot made from a twist of rubber can harvest heat energy and use it to roll across a variety of surfaces and even escape
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