Questions about China

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Agree about offtopic, but I should point out that any fight for Taiwan between USA and China would probably be even more devastating.
There should be no fight whatsoever, because China would be a hostile aggressor. A simple referendum in Taiwan should be able to settle the issue once and for all. If people in Taiwan prefer the status quo, there is no justification at all for China to try to intervene in any way, shape or fashion.
If Taiwan doesn't want to be subsumed by China, don't try to force them, and respect their sovereignty - is that so hard to understand??? Otherwise, how would you feel if Taiwan tried to make China part of its nation instead???
First of all, Taiwan is the last part of the Chinese civil war, if your perspective is broader, you will know that there is only one China in the world, this is a fact that the United States also has to recognize, third, the CCP promises, peaceful reunification is the mainstay, but when it comes to last resort, military reunification will be the last resort, fourth, about the 1984 you read, this book is not banned in China, we all know the irony in it, this is not a secret, I don't think China is the society described in the book, the leader on our side has little influence on ordinary people. Finally, do you know what socialism is, what communism is, what capitalism is, we have only introduced the market from the beginning to the end, and what we have finally established is a socialist market, a market economy, a planned economy, these are all means, I don't think that we were a communist society in the past, and the socialist society is our current state, and during this period, we allow contradictions to arise and rise to communist society by resolving them.
Unlike your Germany itself, the essence of China belongs to the civil war, not like your Germany was first divided and then unified, but there were two parties within China, which was part of the civil war, to be honest, there is only one China in the world, either the mainland destroys them, or they counterattack us, but only one China.
There should be no fight whatsoever, because China would be a hostile aggressor. A simple referendum in Taiwan should be able to settle the issue once and for all. If people in Taiwan prefer the status quo, there is no justification at all for China to try to intervene in any way, shape or fashion.
There should be no fight whatsoever, because China would be a hostile aggressor. A simple referendum in Taiwan should be able to settle the issue once and for all. If people in Taiwan prefer the status quo, there is no justification at all for China to try to intervene in any way, shape or fashion.

That should also include people from the mainland, so that it is fair, unless you think that the secession of a state in the United States from the United States now only needs a vote in the state to pass.To be honest, have you ever considered the mood of the people on the mainland?
An unlikely event, given the difference in size.

... and Taiwan, which hasn't shown an inclination to invade China in the past few decades. Or to join the PRC.
Of course, because they were driven out of the mainland in the first place
An unlikely event, given the difference in size.

... and Taiwan, which hasn't shown an inclination to invade China in the past few decades. Or to join the PRC.
I have to say one thing, that is, when the civil war was going on to the last step, which country's army drove to the Taiwan Strait
I found that there are many false reports about China in the European and American media, and I think this situation also exists in China. Add to that the circumstances in which we live, and we may never be able to understand each other. So I created this topic, so that you can ask me about your questions or opinions about China, and I want to try to minimize the misunderstandings and estrangements between us. I think the professionalism and quality of this forum are much higher than that of popular forums, so I hope you will come with kindness. (* ^ ω ^)
The problem of corruption is global, no country, any party is qualified to say that it is 100% free of corruption, no need to cater to the Chinese to say that there is no corruption problem, this is not a secret, there is one thing I think is quite ironic, there will always be a group of people who don't even know where Xinjiang is but are still superstitious about their own media reports, I have been to Xinjiang, there is no content reported in your media, at that time there was a project in our school that needed to contact a school in Xinjiang, I went there for a week. If you really feel that there is a problem, please don't follow the crowd and ask it yourself. I admit that my country is not doing well in many aspects, but this is not a bad way to deny the reason for all the actions of this country, as mentioned earlier, Chinese did not care much about politics for a long time, but this problem has actually changed now, you will find a lot of videos on the Chinese Internet criticizing some problems of the Chinese government, some bloggers are specialized in this type, and they already have millions of followers. Today I can only understand the so-called reputation score in your mouth, I don't even know what to say, what you say is as if China is on another planet.
I found that there are many false reports about China in the European and American media, and I think this situation also exists in China. Add to that the circumstances in which we live, and we may never be able to understand each other. So I created this topic, so that you can ask me about your questions or opinions about China, and I want to try to minimize the misunderstandings and estrangements between us. I think the professionalism and quality of this forum are much higher than that of popular forums, so I hope you will come with kindness. (* ^ ω ^)
This kind of communication looks very good, but I don't think it can change any prejudice, bias comes from cognition, and cognition depends on whether you have been exposed to it, you are trying to use a few words in this website of Chinese to make people believe what they have not seen, this is difficult to achieve even in China, this kind of post will only be accepted by those who are willing to accept it, and those who are unwilling to accept it will still maintain their original views. This bias is too deep-rooted. The only thing that can really break down the barriers is to see, hear, and feel the people over there. Let's watch those military content on this site, don't make yourself unpleasant
Unlike your Germany itself, the essence of China belongs to the civil war, not like your Germany was first divided and then unified, but there were two parties within China, which was part of the civil war, to be honest, there is only one China in the world, either the mainland destroys them, or they counterattack us, but only one China.
The bottom line is that the Chinese civil war is long over, and Taiwan has the basic right for peaceful self determination. Mainland China has no right whatsoever to try to make any dictates to Taiwan - it is up to the Taiwanese people to decide whether they want to stay independent or reunite with China. I fully agree that there is only one China, just like there is only one Taiwan :D. I am thoroughly mystified why you would want to fight Taiwan instead of just let them peacefully coexist.
First of all, Taiwan is the last part of the Chinese civil war, if your perspective is broader, you will know that there is only one China in the world, this is a fact that the United States also has to recognize, third, the CCP promises, peaceful reunification is the mainstay, but when it comes to last resort, military reunification will be the last resort, fourth, about the 1984 you read, this book is not banned in China, we all know the irony in it, this is not a secret, I don't think China is the society described in the book, the leader on our side has little influence on ordinary people. Finally, do you know what socialism is, what communism is, what capitalism is, we have only introduced the market from the beginning to the end, and what we have finally established is a socialist market, a market economy, a planned economy, these are all means, I don't think that we were a communist society in the past, and the socialist society is our current state, and during this period, we allow contradictions to arise and rise to communist society by resolving them.
Why are you so hung up on trying to lord it over the citizens of independent Taiwan, instead of just leaving them be and letting them choose how to live??? Your resident dictatorship really seems to have done a brainwashing number on you, I'm sorry to say.
The bottom line is that the Chinese civil war is long over, and Taiwan has the basic right for peaceful self determination. Mainland China has no right whatsoever to try to make any dictates to Taiwan - it is up to the Taiwanese people to decide whether they want to stay independent or reunite with China. I fully agree that there is only one China, just like there is only one Taiwan . I am thoroughly mystified why you would want to fight Taiwan instead of just let them peacefully coexist.:D
Tell me, which document indicates the end of the Chinese Civil War? In addition, we will try our best to maintain peaceful reunification, but only if they admit that they are Chinese, should you think that the term China is just a continent? Maybe it's a matter of translation
That should also include people from the mainland, so that it is fair, unless you think that the secession of a state in the United States from the United States now only needs a vote in the state to pass.To be honest, have you ever considered the mood of the people on the mainland?
Why should anybody outside mainland China consider the mood of the people there??? National sovereignty is not decided by anyone's "mood", especially if they're not even a citizen of the country in question (i.e. Taiwan). How would you like it if Taiwan tried to run your affairs on the mainland?
Why are you so hung up on trying to lord it over the citizens of independent Taiwan, instead of just leaving them be and letting them choose how to live??? Your resident dictatorship really seems to have done a brainwashing number on you, I'm sorry to say.
I guess you don't know what the '92 Consensus is, you don't know the content of the Sino-US Joint Communique, and you have been brainwashed by your media
Why should anybody outside mainland China consider the mood of the people there??? National sovereignty is not decided by anyone's "mood", especially if they're not even a citizen of the country in question (i.e. Taiwan). How would you like it if Taiwan tried to run your affairs on the mainland?
Is there a problem with this?This is a civil war
Why should anybody outside mainland China consider the mood of the people there??? National sovereignty is not decided by anyone's "mood", especially if they're not even a citizen of the country in question (i.e. Taiwan). How would you like it if Taiwan tried to run your affairs on the mainland?
We care about territorial integrity, not which regime it is
Is there a problem with this?This is a civil war
Ahem - "After the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, both tacitly ceased to engage in open conflict in 1979; however, no armistice or peace treaty has ever been signed." It's pretty much the same situation as in Korea - so? War means hostilities; in both cases it may be an uneasy, informal peace, but it's peace nevertheless. Do you advocate for China to recklessly break that peace?
Ahem - "After the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, both tacitly ceased to engage in open conflict in 1979; however, no armistice or peace treaty has ever been signed." It's pretty much the same situation as in Korea - so? War means hostilities; in both cases it may be an uneasy peace, but it's peace nevertheless. Do you advocate for China to recklessly break that peace?
Are we ruined, do you think we don't like peace? But there is a bottom line for peace, and Taiwan can reject the mainland bureaucracy, but it must first admit that he is Chinese, and it doesn't matter if we go or not, but the territory must be intact, not take the initiative to split out
I guess you don't know what the '92 Consensus is, you don't know the content of the Sino-US Joint Communique, and you have been brainwashed by your media
I simply care about fundamental human rights - do you?
Are we ruined, do you think we don't like peace? But there is a bottom line for peace, and Taiwan can reject the mainland bureaucracy, but it must first admit that he is Chinese, and it doesn't matter if we go or not, but the territory must be intact, not take the initiative to split out
If Taiwan can reject the mainland bureaucracy, but the territory must be intact, would you then be ok with Taiwan taking over the mainland governance as well?
Tell me, which document indicates the end of the Chinese Civil War? In addition, we will try our best to maintain peaceful reunification, but only if they admit that they are Chinese, should you think that the term China is just a continent? Maybe it's a matter of translation
Please don't try to gaslight me - China isn't even a continent, it's just a country, one among currently 195, as is Taiwan.
Ahem - "After the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis, both tacitly ceased to engage in open conflict in 1979; however, no armistice or peace treaty has ever been signed." It's pretty much the same situation as in Korea - so? War means hostilities; in both cases it may be an uneasy, informal peace, but it's peace nevertheless. Do you advocate for China to recklessly break that peace?
To be fair, you don't seem to understand the concept of "China", like socialism and communism mentioned earlier, there is a difference between the regime and the state, just like the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese mainland government are different
Of course, as long as Taiwan can overcome the CCP and win the support of the mainlanders
If Taiwan can reject the mainland bureaucracy, but the territory must be intact, would you then be ok with Taiwan taking over the mainland governance as well?
Please don't try to gaslight me - China isn't even a continent, it's just a country, one among currently 195, as is Taiwan.
I am skeptical about this place, do you think Taiwan is a regime or a country?
To be fair, you don't seem to understand the concept of "China", like socialism and communism mentioned earlier, there is a difference between the regime and the state, just like the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese mainland government are different
And pray tell, who actually runs the Chinese mainland government?
Please think of Chinese mainland people as people with brains, not a bunch of fools who listen to what others say
Now you may be too young to remember it personally, but do the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre ring a bell?
Good to know.
Okay, since you don't admit it, forget it, we have too many contradictions, back to reality, there are two reasons why you don't recognize my point of view, first of all, your stereotype is that the CCP is a dictatorship, and secondly, you don't care about China's history at all. And the reason why I oppose your opinion is very simple, I have been brainwashed by the CCP, everything I say is wrong, of course, you and my words can't change anything, and I don't want to quarrel with an unknown person over a question that has no suspense
Now you may be too young to remember it personally, but do the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre ring a bell?
I'm impatient to hear this old question, yes, this problem is really not handled well, is there any problem? Do you think we don't know
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