Questions about China

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23 September 2024
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I found that there are many false reports about China in the European and American media, and I think this situation also exists in China. Add to that the circumstances in which we live, and we may never be able to understand each other. So I created this topic, so that you can ask me about your questions or opinions about China, and I want to try to minimize the misunderstandings and estrangements between us. I think the professionalism and quality of this forum are much higher than that of popular forums, so I hope you will come with kindness. (* ^ ω ^)
Social credit is seen as pretty scary, from Europe at least. Are the penalties very harsh and unforgiving ? or are some smart people flying under the radar, having found loopholes to screw the damn thing ? Did they managed to enforce it even on the most remote countryside ?
Social credit is seen as pretty scary, from Europe at least. Are the penalties very harsh and unforgiving ? or are some smart people flying under the radar, having found loopholes to screw the damn thing ? Did they managed to enforce it even on the most remote countryside ?
To put it simply - the scale, scope and size of the social credit system is GREATLY exaggerated. First of all, it's not some kind of universal system; more correctly would be to describe it as multiple independent networks, mostly aimed toward small companies, not individuals. Their main goal is to prevent financial scams, by keeping tabs on debtors and defaulters and to control small buisness by encouraging the govermment-preferred behavior (i.e. companies who willingly and eagerly comply with government regulations got tax extemps and priority for participation in government programs, while companies who acting shady and try to circumvent regulations would be barred from receiving government money).
That may have been the original intention, but it does seem to have suffered more than a bit of 'scope creep'.
That may have been the original intention, but it does seem to have suffered more than a bit of 'scope creep'.
Mostly in the too predictable imagination of "western free press", which basically present speculations about "how the system MIGHT THEORETICALLY BE USED" as some kind of already-proven facts. As I said above - this isn't even a common system yet, it's several independent networks (which already have troubles cooperating).
Well the social credit system was being enabled effectively during the COVID period, and 'enhanced' for those who had different opinion with it.

While trying to threaten scams MIGHT be one of its intention, the trouble now are those who's identity was being stolen for scam work, with their social credit being seriously affected and the government refused to restore their credit, even though they themselves are the victims of scams also.

It is far from being an independent system. For instance, there was a case involving a Shanghai contractor who had a legal dispute with a local village government over unpaid work for constructing a government building. One day, while attempting to purchase a high-speed train ticket from Shanghai, he discovered that his social credit score had been lowered to the point where he was no longer able to buy the ticket. Despite his efforts to restore his social credit score through various means, he was unsuccessful.

The usage of social credit, together with other personal information, has gone way beyond any imagination of 'western free press'.
What is the true status of political freedoms and democracy in China, and why does the sole ruling party still call itself "Communist" when it clearly has turned to full on capitalism long ago?
First, on the issue of political democracy, In my personal experience, China's system of government is far from dictatorship, Resolutions are mostly passed by a vote on a position called a "people's representative". People's deputies are selected from: provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, special administrative regions and the armed forces. (I don't know if these terms are translated correctly) So I think the system is still relatively democratic. And then there's freedom of speech, and my opinion on that is that every country has its own "landmines", In the United States, it may be black, it may be LGBT, in the United Kingdom, it may be Scotland, in China it may be the Communist Party of China or Taiwan problem. Therefore, China also has freedom of speech that is not inferior to that of other countries, but we are more sensitive to criticism from the ruling party and leaders. Finally, on the question of socialism and capitalism, the official statement in our country is that we are "Socialism with special characteristics", The market economy is in our favor, so use it, Personally, I have not been very clear about the distinction between isms, The so-called socialism should not be confined to a difficult situation, and capitalism will not be impressed. Everyone's policies are learning from each other, and in order to build a better country, as for the so-called doctrine, I personally feel that it is just a label for ourselves to make it easier to divide camps.
Social credit is seen as pretty scary, from Europe at least. Are the penalties very harsh and unforgiving ? or are some smart people flying under the radar, having found loopholes to screw the damn thing ? Did they managed to enforce it even on the most remote countryside ?
I think about the "social credit" is one of the biggest misconceptions, In my current personal life, its impact is minimal, First of all, we need to know what is a social credit score. this credit It's not about what you did to the country, Credit refers to credit cards(Not entirely accurate), Credit scores are often linked to payments,Loans, renting shared bikes or power banks, etc. For example, if you are sentenced to $2w in damages for hurting someone else. But if you refuse to compensate, this is a breach of trust(or losing credit), You may be restricted from spending until you pay money to the person you have hurt, I think your country should have similar regulations to punish those who have committed crimes. And restricting spending, it may include, not being allowed to fly in first class (you have so much money that you don't compensate people?). "Unnecessary consumption" such as high-speed rail travel is not allowed until you have completed the execution of the imposed compensation. Then, the credit score likewise affects the loan, If you have a high credit rating, the bank will be more willing to lend you a loan, and of course it may have less collateral(This mechanism definitely exists in your country as well), This is probably the meaning of the existence of credit scores, But this is the credit system of the country as a whole, Some payment software also has its own credit scoring system, which we call payment credit, For example, WeChat and Alipay, These two little things will only affect the convenience of your life, For example, if you need to ride a shared bicycle, if you have a low score, you may need a deposit of 50 yuan, and if you have a high score, you don't need it, and renting a power bank in a shopping mall is the same reason. So, from my personal point of view, it's just an economic mechanism with a terrible name, which helps banks reduce their losses, and it may also act on insurance and so on, and you must have a similar mechanism for banks, but with a different name.Social credit doesn't affect your job, your child's school, your salary, or even the "special zone" of the shop, These example are complete dog shit.
.I think it is very reasonable to punish economic offenders by not allowing them to fly in first class on planes or trains or to buy luxury cars, etc, Most of the credit scores we mentioned are linked to payments, Perhaps, in the misunderstanding, you have combined the credit score with the criminal law. Credit scores are like criminal law, you can't escape the law.
Summary: Social credit is mostly related to the economy, like not paying debts, not paying electricity bills on time, etc. A small part may be related to your behavior such as drunk driving. The penalties are also mostly related to the economy, such as not being able to ride in first class, not being able to stay in a star-rated hotel, etc. It's not scary at all, and you rarely feel it in your life. At the same time, as long as you have the need to pay, it is difficult for you to avoid it, especially with credit cards, not to mention the cashless society that we have almost achieved, which is why we need to build a credit system.
(My words are a bit cumbersome and repetitive, and I'm still using translation software, so if you have something you don't understand, please keep asking me questions, and I'm sorry that I'm typing so many words, only with such a large amount of text can I be roughly sure that my meaning is not distorted by errors in the translation software)
Well the social credit system was being enabled effectively during the COVID period, and 'enhanced' for those who had different opinion with it.

While trying to threaten scams MIGHT be one of its intention, the trouble now are those who's identity was being stolen for scam work, with their social credit being seriously affected and the government refused to restore their credit, even though they themselves are the victims of scams also.

It is far from being an independent system. For instance, there was a case involving a Shanghai contractor who had a legal dispute with a local village government over unpaid work for constructing a government building. One day, while attempting to purchase a high-speed train ticket from Shanghai, he discovered that his social credit score had been lowered to the point where he was no longer able to buy the ticket. Despite his efforts to restore his social credit score through various means, he was unsuccessful.

The usage of social credit, together with other personal information, has gone way beyond any imagination of 'western free press'.
I think that he was punished not for not being allowed to buy train tickets because the company went bankrupt, but because he owed money to the bank, and he would probably have been so restricted until he paid it back, I don't know if there is a similar mechanism in the West, but I feel that the money owed to the bank will not be better anywhere.
Partially true, it does focus on those who default on their debts, with minimal impact on individuals, but I can't confirm that on the business side, because I'm just a college student, maybe in another ten years, I'll be able to answer that question about business
I'm not sure about this thread's meaning in the forum. It is both far from the core topics and too close to political questions that arise more sterile argumentation than knowledge.

Please think a bit before posting and remember that personal attack is not allowed.
why does the sole ruling party still call itself "Communist" when it clearly has turned to full on capitalism long ago?
They really don't follow much in the way of -ists or much a return to emperors riding nationalism.

Only during the Cold War did you have heady arguments about the individual vs societal needs.

It's all back to blood-and-soil...the Cold War an aberration.
I'm not sure about this thread's meaning in the forum. It is both far from the core topics and too close to political questions that arise more sterile argumentation than knowledge.

Please think a bit before posting and remember that personal attack is not allowed.
so sorry about that,that‘s my fault,My original intention was to break some bad stereotypes, as well as clarify some rumors, If this post violates the rules of the forum, please delete it, if this post is not deleted, I can help everyone to read, translate some articles in Chinese, if anyone needs. (´;ω;`)
Apologize again
so sorry about that,that‘s my fault,My original intention was to break some bad stereotypes, as well as clarify some rumors, If this post violates the rules of the forum, please delete it, if this post is not deleted, I can help everyone to read, translate some articles in Chinese, if anyone needs. (´;ω;`)
Apologize again
Actually I found this topic pretty interesting and educative. Thank you for providing specific details!
Actually I found this topic pretty interesting and educative. Thank you for providing specific details!
Thanks, Personally, I have always felt that the differences between people and countries are not so huge, and most of the emotions are generated by irresponsible media, people hate each other under the instigation of the media, and some people's education level and thinking ability are relatively "average", so 90% of the disputes on social platforms have been generated, but when it comes to this, even different regions within a country are discriminating against each other, and I am not qualified to say that "it is all the fault of the media"
First, on the issue of political democracy, In my personal experience, China's system of government is far from dictatorship, Resolutions are mostly passed by a vote on a position called a "people's representative". People's deputies are selected from: provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, special administrative regions and the armed forces. (I don't know if these terms are translated correctly) So I think the system is still relatively democratic. And then there's freedom of speech, and my opinion on that is that every country has its own "landmines", In the United States, it may be black, it may be LGBT, in the United Kingdom, it may be Scotland, in China it may be the Communist Party of China or Taiwan problem. Therefore, China also has freedom of speech that is not inferior to that of other countries, but we are more sensitive to criticism from the ruling party and leaders. Finally, on the question of socialism and capitalism, the official statement in our country is that we are "Socialism with special characteristics", The market economy is in our favor, so use it, Personally, I have not been very clear about the distinction between isms, The so-called socialism should not be confined to a difficult situation, and capitalism will not be impressed. Everyone's policies are learning from each other, and in order to build a better country, as for the so-called doctrine, I personally feel that it is just a label for ourselves to make it easier to divide camps.
Your personal experience is clearly subjective, so let's get quantitatively objective - look at the democracy index at With respect to your claim that China is "relatively democratic", since it falls in the lower third of the spectrum, "relatively undemocratic" is the much more correct characterization. With respect to free speech, neither the US nor the UK governments restrict open discussions on race, gender, politics, or nationality, as opposed to the Chinese government, by your own admission. Also, what exactly is the "Taiwan problem"? Taiwan is a sovereign country that just wants to be left alone. If China is "more sensitive to criticism from (or did you mean *of*?) the ruling party and leaders", then its freedom of speech is clearly impacted. This is confirmed by the corresponding index at And how exactly is "Socialism with special characteristics" defined - is capitalism in your view one of the "special characteristics" of Chinese *socialism*? No "1984" style gaslighting, please.
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Thanks, Personally, I have always felt that the differences between people and countries are not so huge, and most of the emotions are generated by irresponsible media, people hate each other under the instigation of the media, and some people's education level and thinking ability are relatively "average", so 90% of the disputes on social platforms have been generated, but when it comes to this, even different regions within a country are discriminating against each other, and I am not qualified to say that "it is all the fault of the media"
Since you invited questions, does Mainland China have any law(s) that prohibit the public burning of the Communist Chinese flag?
Your personal experience is clearly subjective, so let's get quantitatively objective - look at the democracy index at
Who are these experts, if I may say so? If "democracy" is the power of Democrats, then it certainly is. Try to say something against queers or blacks and you'll find out what democracy is.
Your personal experience is clearly subjective, so let's get quantitatively objective - look at the democracy index at With respect to your claim that China is "relatively democratic", since it falls in the lower third of the spectrum, "relatively undemocratic" is the much more correct characterization.
With all respect, but this index made on what base exactly? As far as I know, the "Economist group democracy index" is based on scoring system, when a number of questions are asked from some experts. Of which literally nothing is said, so essentially it's a "some peoples said something about some countries". And methodology matters in research, you know.
Try to say something against queers or blacks and you'll find out what democracy is.
Which something would you like to say against queers or blacks? I can imagine saying something against a particular black, or a particular queer. To say something against blacks or queers in general smacks of prejudice to me.
Another stereotype, why am I talking nonsense, why am I a liar, you even only know my nationality and make a big fuss about it, No evidence, no thought, only accusations, baseless accusations.

Who said you were a liar? Who said it was a big deal? This kind of immediate counter-attack is indicative of a paid shill.

Let's look at some other things:

-You've joined very recently and then launched into a thread about "let's ask about China."
-Then you've regurgitated CCP talking points.
-After, you've laid down some misleading statements and you've done the usual USA contrast that isn't actually true.

I hope you've got your money's worth. I would caution any other member to take what you are saying with a large dose of salt.
With all respect, but this index made on what base exactly? As far as I know, the "Economist group democracy index" is based on scoring system, when a number of questions are asked from some experts. Of which literally nothing is said, so essentially it's a "some peoples said something about some countries". And methodology matters in research, you know.

It's all there.
It's all there.

According to this, United States of America is electoral autocracy, because it's presidental republic, and president is elected - but elected not by popular vote, but by rather weird and outdated system of "electors", and the only choice public actually have is the choice between candidated from two monster-parties. Which, should I point out, represent not the people's interests, but merely the interests of particular groups of political and economical elites, and therefore the choice is between two groups of oligarchs. So we could safely classify the USA as electoral autocracy, because A - there are elections, B - the real political power monopolized by two big groups that did not allow anyone else, C - the ability of peoples to influence politics is severly limited, basically to "which groups of oligarchs we want to rule us now". Do you agree with my logic?

View attachment 742114
According to this, United States of America is electoral autocracy, because it's presidental republic, and president is elected - but elected not by popular vote, but by rather weird and outdated system of "electors", and the only choice public actually have is the choice between candidated from two monster-parties. Which, should I point out, represent not the people's interests, but merely the interests of particular groups of political and economical elites, and therefore the choice is between two groups of oligarchs. So we could safely classify the USA as electoral autocracy, because A - there are elections, B - the real political power monopolized by two big groups that did not allow anyone else, C - the ability of peoples to influence politics is severly limited, basically to "which groups of oligarchs we want to rule us now". Do you agree with my logic?
I was pointing out that the methodology is there but I'm not interested in a debate over it I'm sorry.
How does upward mobility in the party look like? Does the public know about how successions work?

The west view from the party media apparatus: is the flaw hypocrisy or is the idea rule by stupid voters considered wrong?

How much build up is considered needed for a reunification attempt? Is non-attempt in response of a declaration politically impossible?

I remember reading about Chinese thinkers pointing to social flaws of modern western systems and political elites adapting being against it as ideology. What differentiating policy have been used and which has success?

Is China planning anything for their demographics problem? Online CN discourse is complaining about feminism, is the Chinese government dedicated to gender equality and in what way?

What is the force in China preventing the infinite expansion of bureaucracy into all aspect of life? (or there is none?)

What is up with the case of disappearing business leaders?

What is the aspiration of the comfortable people, now that religion is tightly controlled out of seeking evangelical rule, consumerism is old. "Modern Woke clustered leftism"? "Techno-acceleratism?" "Nationalism?" Something else?
Forum rule #2

Political, religious and nationalistic topics are strongly discouraged. Specific areas to avoid include your views on specific politicians and parties, Brexit, commentry about immigration, "SJWs" and "woke", antifa, Black Lives Matter, far-right politics and other social/political commentary. You are welcome to have opinions on all these subjects, but they are generally unrelated to the forum core subjects and your posts may be edited or deleted without warning for violations.
According to author Yuval Noah Harari (Nexus), a scoring system is being tested in China to give each person a social value for each action carried out during the day: rewards, punishments... It is feared that this scoring system is an experiment to replace money with different levels of social respectability.

The score would affect access to all kinds of goods and services, in my opinion the latest expression of totalitarianism capable of being generated by a human mind... or by an AI?

For the sake of humanity, I hope that the system will be deactivated when the situation begins to create a loop that is impossible to undo.
Sorry, maybe a bit off topic, what grading system?
While some of these are interesting questions, I'm not sure they belong on this forum.
Since you invited questions, does Mainland China have any law(s) that prohibit the public burning of the Communist Chinese flag?
the answer is yes, I will listed the original text.
Article 19 Whoever desecrates the National Flag of the People's Republic of China by publicly and wilfully burning, mutilating, scrawling on, defiling or trampling upon it shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law; where the offence is relatively minor, he shall be detained for not more than 15 days by the public security organ in reference to the provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Link to China's flag law.
and other answers. I don't know how this website objectively quantifies this data, but since I am not very clear about the electoral mechanism in my country, I can't argue with that.
Race and Gender Issues. That's the only reason why I seriously suspect that the translation software is making me thought wrong, I feel that China's speech is a little too free, you can post any topic on the Internet, including but not limited to, the conflict between Pakistan and Israel, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the dispute between China and Japan, and of course, the "subtle" criticism of the leader, the criticism of the leader, which is indeed very unfree, but includes gender, sexual orientation, And so on, no one will say: "You are wrong" we do not have "political correctness" in terms of gender, and, on the issue of Taiwan, I think this is a political topic, let's skip him.
With regard to the policy of our country, I would like to state once again that we have only learned the ways in which our society works, and as for what socialism is and what capitalism is, I don't care.
Finally, what is the gaslighting in 1984, I read the book and thought he wrote it well, does gaslighting refer to "doublethoughts"?
I'm sorry, I think the current discussion is a bit too political, and I hope you can bring up more topics similar to life, thank you(×﹏×)
How does upward mobility in the party look like? Does the public know about how successions work?

The west view from the party media apparatus: is the flaw hypocrisy or is the idea rule by stupid voters considered wrong?

How much build up is considered needed for a reunification attempt? Is non-attempt in response of a declaration politically impossible?

I remember reading about Chinese thinkers pointing to social flaws of modern western systems and political elites adapting being against it as ideology. What differentiating policy have been used and which has success?

Is China planning anything for their demographics problem? Online CN discourse is complaining about feminism, is the Chinese government dedicated to gender equality and in what way?

What is the force in China preventing the infinite expansion of bureaucracy into all aspect of life? (or there is none?)

What is up with the case of disappearing business leaders?

What is the aspiration of the comfortable people, now that religion is tightly controlled out of seeking evangelical rule, consumerism is old. "Modern Woke clustered leftism"? "Techno-acceleratism?" "Nationalism?" Something else?
People tend to change positions through step-by-step job promotions, but we need to know that you are a party member, but you don't necessarily work for the government, you may also be an employee in the factory, and if you do a good job, you become the team leader, and then the factory director, and then you may go further, for the government, it may be similar to the mayor? I don't think it's a difficult question for me as a college student to answer, and I don't know exactly how the succession mechanism works, but given that the current leader has been re-elected several times, if I'm not mistaken, he seems to have changed some of the rules.

The second question refers to our evaluation of the West? If so, different programs have different theories, some focus on explaining the flaws of the system, but most of them just say that your government is taking taxpayer money and not doing anything
I don't understand what it is reunification attempt, If you're in politics, of course you'll have to respond to the manifesto, whatever it is, but if you're not in politics, it's probably okay if you don't respond.

I don't know, maybe you'll need some more professional to answer this question

Population, we used to have family planning, and now we have policies to encourage second children for the aging of the population (although most people feel that the policy is not reasonable). At present, Chinese law is extremely favorable to women in marriage, both in terms of regulations and judgments, and women who cheat can also leave with the man's property (it may be an exaggeration, but I remember that there were such judgments). Most of the voices on the Internet are complaining about this, but in reality, maybe the conflict is not so intense? (probably).I think around 1980 was real gender equality, women and men worked in the fields, harvested, and produced weapons, tools, machines in factories. we call that 妇女能顶半边天 (Women can hold up half the sky).

I don't know, I can't answer, I've always been insensitive and averse to politics

Business leaders have not disappeared, there are many leaders who still appear in the news and other places, and we can often see them, whether it is the leaders of electrical appliances (refrigerators, washing machines), mobile phones, and game companies, they are still alive. There is only one thing, Tencent, or WeChat, because WeChat payment is very convenient, "maybe" threaten the country's monetary security to a certain extent? (I don't know very well) so the state has a certain amount of regulation over it.

Our religion is very free, I have friends who are Christians , my parents believe in some Buddhist theories, there are Muslims in my class, I am an atheist personally, I think we are more tolerant of religion than anyone else. People's aspirations? Maybe live a good life? I think everyone has their own different pursuits. At the same time, I can feel that nationalism is on the rise, and I consider myself more objective and different from them.
I am not very clear about the electoral mechanism in my country, I can't argue with that.
I would urgently recommend you to educate yourself in that respect in order to become a politically aware, proactive, and responsible citizen.
I feel that China's speech is a little too free, you can post any topic on the Internet, including but not limited to, the conflict between Pakistan and Israel, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the dispute between China and Japan, and of course, the "subtle" criticism of the leader, the criticism of the leader, which is indeed very unfree, but includes gender, sexual orientation, And so on, no one will say: "You are wrong" we do not have "political correctness" in terms of gender, and, on the issue of Taiwan, I think this is a political topic, let's skip him.
I would urgently recommend you to practice deep psychological introspection or even seek professional psychological help, because speech can *NEVER* be too free.
With regard to the policy of our country, I would like to state once again that we have only learned the ways in which our society works, and as for what socialism is and what capitalism is, I don't care.
I would urgently recommend you to immediately start caring, because free will and choice is a fundamental concept of enlightened humanity, and capitalism versus socialism versus whatever Chinese pseudo-ideology is these days are stark and basic alternatives.
Finally, what is the gaslighting in 1984, I read the book and thought he wrote it well, does gaslighting refer to "doublethoughts"?
I would urgently recommend you to read the book called "Nineteen Eighty-Four" authored by the English writer George Orwell and published in 1949, see, or at the very least watch the one of the movie adaptations, either from 1956, see, or from 1984, see (minor spoiler alert: China is just a part of Eastasia in this tale).
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I think we are more tolerant of religion than anyone else.
What is your basis for that thinking - how many other countries have you actually physically visited and experienced, instead of just being "informed" about in Chinese state run mass media?
Political topics, not answered.

Too liberal, of course, wrong, United States is the best example.

About 1984, I have already read the book and can see that something predicts something that is happening in China, but given that I am looking at the translated version, can you explain for me the meaning of the word gaslight?
What is your basis for that line of thought - how many other countries have you actually physically visited and experienced, instead of just being "informed" about in Chinese state run mass media?
My teacher studied in United States, I was studying Japanese, my Japanese teacher studied in Japan, and the teacher who studied in United States told about the things he was discriminated against and encouraged in the United States because he had "no faith". My Japanese teacher has talked about cults in Japan and Korea, and I think that's enough.
And there is a risk of violating the rules of the forum.
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