Can you give a name of book?The best account of the MiG-23 weapons system development and performance is in a recent MiG-23 book by Viktor Markovsky. I'm translating it at present.
Can you give a name of book?The best account of the MiG-23 weapons system development and performance is in a recent MiG-23 book by Viktor Markovsky. I'm translating it at present.
N003E is capable of automatic tracking max 6 aircraft and after pilot launched his R-23R or 24R ,radar is capable of tracking not only engaged target but another 5 in scanning zone ( if there are in that zone of scanning)
It is, 'let say' track while scan. The same approach as in Mig-29, Su-27 etc.kinda difficult to do tho without phased array.
Yes - I have this somewhere, will post tonight. Its a little worse than Sapfir-23D-III at high altitude and more worse at low altitude.Does anybody know the range data for the RP-23L? The one fitted to the MiG-23 Edition 1971, the first variant of the RP-23 series.
Sapfir-23L ranges against Tu-16 (16 sq m RCS)
Look up: 35-50km search, 25-35km track
Look down: 8-18km search, 5-15km track
I haven't seen a manual for the Sapfir-23L so these figures are from Russian forum sources.
Бортовая аппаратура радиоуправления
- поиск, обнаружение, опознавание и прицеливание при перехвате воздушной цели в свободном пространстве или на фоне земли, днем и ночью, в простых и сложных метеоусловиях, на встречнопересекающихся и задней полусфере цели;
- формирование необходимых сигналов и команд управления самолетом и выдачу их в систему автоматического управления на этапе самонаведения;
- формирование необходимых сигналов и команд для обеспечения пуска самонаводящихся ракет, а также для обеспечения стрельбы из пушки и неуправляемыми реактивными снарядами;
- подсвет сопровождаемой цели для радиолокационной головки самонаведения;
- индикацию радиолокационной, командно- пилотажной информации и отметок теплопеленгатора на едином совмещенном индикаторе. Режимы работы:
РЛ - атака с автоматическим включением некогерентной обработки или пространственной селекции или селекции движущихся целей в
зависимости от высоты цели иистребителя;
МПХ - атака с селекцией движущихся целей в условиях метеопомех с ручным переключением глубины режекции;
ПСЦ - атака с пространственной селекцией воздушных движущихся целей;
ББ - ближний бой в условиях визуальной видимости;
ГОР - атака в условиях гористой местности.
1. БлокН008- 01 - антенна
2. Блок Н008- 42 - распределитель гетеродинного сигнала
3. Блок С23МЛ- 74А - блок имитации и контроля цели
4. Блок С23МЛ- 12Б - передатчик КНП
5. Блок С23МЛ- 02А - передатчик импульсный
6. Блок С23- 37 - высоковольтный выпрямитель индикации
7. Блок С23МЛ- 65 - блок автоматической регулировки яркости
8. Блок С23- 75 - пульт регулировки яркости
9. Блок С23- 05 - индикатор
10.Блок С23МЛ- 64 - блок управления контролем
11.Блок С23- 50 - комплект антеннофидерного устройства
12.Блок Н008-89А - высокочастотный приемник
13.Блок Н008-40 - комплект монтажный
14.Блок С23- 15 - блок разверток
15.АСП (авиационно-стрелковый прицел, в Н008Э не входит)
16.Блок С23МЛ- 44 - пульт управления средний
17.Блок С23МЛ- 24 - пульт управления левый
18.Контейнер радиоэлектронных блоков Н00810
19.Блок Н008- 94 - блок коммутации
20.Блок H003- 17 - блок питания
21.Блок H003- 27 - блок питаниАВМ
22. Блок H003- 54 - блок сопряжения с КЗА (контрольно- записывающей аппаратурой)
23.Блок Н008- 30 - распределительная коробка питания
24.Блок Н008- 61Э - блок целеуказания
25.Блок С23- 67 - блок терморегулирования
26.Блок С23- 57 - стабилизатор тока индикатора
27.Блок Н008- 34 - пульт управления правый
Bah, that just means gunsight and I think is referring to the S-17MLD gunsight/HUD.15. ASP (aviation rifle sight, not included in N008E)
Interesting, assuming translation is correct...
Some interesting points in the post above - the RL mode makes life massively easier for the MiG-23 pilot by automatically switching between various lookup/lookdown modes automatically according to the height of the aircraft and target. has sections from the export S-23E manual.
The picture of the first post is gone, could you please send it again?Thank youI don't think you will find a copy for sale anywhere.
I don't have it. The original post linked to a picture long since gone.The picture of the first post s gone, could you please send it again?Thank youI don't think you will find a copy for sale anywhere.
From a former WarPac radar technician:
N003E is capable of automatic tracking max 6 aircraft and after pilot launched his R-23R or 24R, radar is capable of tracking not only engaged target but another 5 in scanning zone (if there are in that zone of scanning)
I've seen this claim published before but this is the first "evidence" albeit anecdotal![]()
It was a private email. Quote is exactly as he said it.From a former WarPac radar technician:
N003E is capable of automatic tracking max 6 aircraft and after pilot launched his R-23R or 24R, radar is capable of tracking not only engaged target but another 5 in scanning zone (if there are in that zone of scanning)
I've seen this claim published before but this is the first "evidence" albeit anecdotal![]()
Link to this if you don't mind.
Is a copy of this manual available somwhere?Hi Gorka,
You can find the details you require in this same thread, page 1, the details are from MiG-23ML's weapon systems manual as provided by the user Mr. Detonator, nearly 10 years ago.
The weapon system selector switch “SIST” with modes:
-RL (BSV, BSV - Delta H4, BSV - Delta H1, SMV, MV)
-T (T I, T II, T III, T – Phi 0-I, T – Phi 0-II)
The switch IZL-EKV-VYK, impulse transmitter (emit/equivalent/off)
The switch NAVED-AVT-RUCHN, the GCI datalink ARL-SML on/off
The switch MSKC-PPS-ZPS, low-speed target engagements/front/rear hemisphere
The switch PU-VYK, parametric amplifier ON-OFF
The modes BSV, BSV-delta H4, BSV-delta H1, SMV, MV are switched automatically according to aircraft altitude Hs (DV-30 barometric sensor) and the antenna position ”Delta H” switch. The modes I BS, II BS, III BS must be switched manually. When the switch NAVED AVT/RUCHN is set to AVT, the radar mode selection is done automatically by GCI command link (ARL-SML). The radar scan patterns under GCI are better optimized due to PPS/ZPS aspect. The one-way commands from GCI are displayed on special symbol indicator on the HUD sight. Pilot can interrupt the GCI anytime setting the switch to RUCHN.
The mode BSV for high/medium altitudes, all-aspect intercepts (Hc<>=Hs), pulse width ~4 µsec, PRF 1Khz, switching altitude Hs>4,5km, Beam width in search 2,5°. Scan patters depend on NAVED AVT/RUCH switch position. Beam width in STT 1.7°.
The modes BSV-delta H4, BSV-delta H1 for high/medium altitudes are useful for searching targets on earth background not using the Doppler shifts (MTI). For all-aspect intercepts, switching altitude is 4.5km>Hs>1,5km. It uses half/third PRF compared to BSV mode. The “differential compensator device” (DKP) filters false ground signals out. For greater search range the parametric amplifier can be switched on. The receiver sensitivity gains of 5-10% (dB/mW).
The modes BS (I BS, II BS, III BS) for high/medium altitudes are used for all-aspect intercepts (Hs<>=Hc) in case of false targets (clouds) and for picking up targets on earth background by using reference coherent signal received by radar side-lobes. The “III BS” mode has the largest search range of 65km, the “I BS” the smallest one of 27km. The most used mode is the “II BS” with 45km search range. The "III BS" mode works only as a search mode. The FFT Doppler filtering techniques are used to select moving targets flying on the earth background. The so-called “blind speeds” are overcome by changing PRF pulses during each scan line. More than 90% of “blind speeds” are covered, what ensures good MTI.
The mode SMV for medium/low altitudes, only rear-aspect intercepts (Hs<Hc), The switching altitude is Hs<1.5km, pulse width ~1 µsec, PRF 1Khz. The scan patters depend on NAVED AVT/RUCH switch position.
The mode MV is used to engage targets flying at low altitudes on the earth background. It is only for rear-aspect intercepts (Hs>Hc), The switching altitude Hs<1.5km, switch “Delta H”<0, pulse width ~1 µsec, Beam width in search 2,5°. The MV mode uses the MTI based on Doppler shifts.
Do you recommend the afore-mentioned book?
Very interesting. In other word, "external coherence" is nothing more that "internal coherence" - except how COHO oscillator is initialized. And this is not due to some limitation of technology. Rather to cope with strong reflections from the ground...Some description on "Externally coherent" system from "Handbook of Radar Engineering Fundamentals" 1967 Edition. Basically why Soviet called it Coherent. Their "definition" of coherent transmission is based on the presence of reference signal, as long as there is reference signal regardless of source, it would be considered Coherent. The "Western" definition of coherence tho in this literature is referred as "Internally Coherent" as the source of the reference signal are within the radar.
The literature is downloadable for free in NTRL as "AD716660"
Very interesting, some details, and ranges provided.
Just quick replay, few words.Get reading, lots of juicy Sapfir-25 details in the MiG-25PD Flight and Combat Employment Training manual in English (for Iraq).
I did the OCR, file posted by