MDS Updates for 2024
6 weeks ago, I filed another FOIA request for the latest official MDS allocations, expecting that it will take again a very long time. Quite surprisingly, I received the reply already today. The bad news is, that the "Description" field of the MDS record was (again) not included, this time with an explanation: It's classified! Kind of, at least. To quote the letter from the FOIA office:
Per FOIA exemption 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1) we are not providing the description column in the interest of national defense.
FOIA Exemption 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1), protects from disclosure information that has been deemed classified “under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy” and is “in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(1) Additionally, courts have recognized protection for information using a “mosaic theory” approach that considers the consequences of piecing together unclassified information maintained by the government with information in the public domain. See, ACLU v. DOJ, 681 F.3d 61, 71 (2d Cir. 2012) (finding protection of information necessary “even if the redacted information seems innocuous in the context of what is already known by the public”).
To me, this seems to say, that the MDS "description" is not necessarily classified
per se, but information from it, together with information from elsewhere in the public domain, may lead to insights which TPTB would rather not give to the public.
Anyway, so what I got is a list of MDS, the allocation date, the manufacturer, the requesting service branch, data about the aircraft/missile's engines (sometimes) and the aircraft's official "popular name" (rarely). I present the new allocations from 2024 with the available data (+ a comment from me)...
Date: 27 March 2024
Service: Air Force / Army
Manufacturer: Piasecki
Name: ARES (Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System)
Engine(s): 2x Honeywell 900-2-1D turboshaft
Comment: Great, the name entry leaves no doubt about this item

Date: 10 April 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman
Engine(s): 1x Solid Rocket Motor
Comment: This is SiAW (Stand-in Attack Weapons). For once, a designation, which could be expected.
Date: 25 April 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Multiple
Engine(s): 1x Solid Rocket Motor
Comment: Yet another APKWS II rocket variant, I assume.
Date: 25 April 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Bombardier
Engine(s): 2x Rolls-Riyce BR700-710D5-21
Comment: I vaguely remember to have read about an E-11 variation, but I can't pin it down. Can someone help here?
Date: 26 April 2024
Service: Navy
Comment: No data given, but not needed. The AIM-174B has been discussed all over the internet
Date: 22 July 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Boeing
Engine(s): 2x High-bupass turbofan CFM LEAP-1B
Comment: A planned C-40 variant as VIP transport
Date: 22 July 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC)
Name: Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC)
Engine(s): 4x General Electric Genx-2B
Comment: The name says it all (replacement for E-4B)
Date: 29 August 2024
Service: Space Force
Manufacturer: BAE Systems Inc.
Comment: WTF

?? So far, "L" was for "Laser Armament". But in that series, L-1 was already used. Also, in the table, the "L" is in the "Vehicle Type", and not the "Basic Mission" column. Never saw an "L" vehicle type. And finally, it's for the Space Force - so far, the USSF only used satellite MDSs. All said, I don't have the slightest clue what this is about.
Date: 8 October 2024
Service: Navy
Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin
Engine(s): 4x Rolls-Royce AE2100D3
Comment: Strange, but already known, designation for the Navy's TACAMO aircraft
Date: 25 November 2024
Service: Air Force
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Engine(s): 1x F107-WI-106
Comment: This just drops the "Y" prefix from the MDS of the LRSO missile. And the engine data is new.
Date: 25 November 2024
Service: Army
Manufacturer: Bell Textron, Inc.
Engine(s): 2x AE 1107F
Comment: So it seems the FLRAA / Bell V-280 Valor has finally got an official designation. 75 is of course wildly out of sequence, but I guess it's now standard practice to get a "special" number for the more important systems

Date: 27 December 2024
Service: Army
Manufacturer: Textron Systems
Engine(s): 1x Lycoming EO-101
Comment: Q-series numbering is apparently out of control

. Also, I have no immediate idea to which UAS this refers. Google doesn't even find an "EO-101" engine. Ideas, anyone?
Date: 27 December 2024
Service: Army
Manufacturer: Griffon
Engine(s): 1x HFE DA-215 EFI Hybrid Generator
Comment: Same as for YRQ-10A - except, that at least a "DA-215" engine seems to exist. OTOH, the Q-number duplication is even weirder, because the RQ-11 Raven is still in use. Also, the Griffon website doesn't seem to list an UAV with a DAI-215 engine.
That's all for now. Comments are of course welcome, especially ideas on the ID of the various "unknown" aircraft.