Nuclear Weapons - Discussion.

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As much "cool factor" as it's got it would almost certainly be less efficient than ICBMs in every measurable way.
sferrin said:
As much "cool factor" as it's got it would almost certainly be less efficient than ICBMs in every measurable way.
And Joe Cirincioni and the Arms Control zealots would be really upset.

You want to read some freaks read the comment section on this or almost any military story at this site.
bobbymike said:

Just don't read the comment section if you value your sanity.

What a nice way to dismiss those you disagree with.
STRATCOM Deputy Chief: Air Force Welcomes Protected Fund For Bomber, Nuclear Missile Modernization

By Exchange Monitor

Dan Parsons Defense Daily

Both the ground and air legs of the U.S. nuclear triad are in need of replacement and the Air Force would welcome a dedicated fund to pay for their modernization, according to Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, deputy Commander of U.S. Strategic Command.
bobbymike said:
STRATCOM Deputy Chief: Air Force Welcomes Protected Fund For Bomber, Nuclear Missile Modernization

By Exchange Monitor

Dan Parsons Defense Daily

Both the ground and air legs of the U.S. nuclear triad are in need of replacement and the Air Force would welcome a dedicated fund to pay for their modernization, according to Lt. Gen. Stephen Wilson, deputy Commander of U.S. Strategic Command.

I'd add the SSBN to that list. Too important for politicians to be screwing around with the budgets for political points. *cough* McCain. . .


"Iran: U.S. Encouraging Islamic Republic to Keep Illicit Missile Tests Secret"

"A senior Iranian military commander claimed that U.S. officials are quietly encouraging the Islamic Republic to keep its illicit ballistic missile tests a secret so as not to raise concerns in the region, according to Persian language comments.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace and Missile Force, said in recent remarks that the Obama administration does not want Iran to publicize its ongoing missile tests, which have raised questions about the Islamic Republic’s commitment to last summer’s comprehensive nuclear agreement.

“At this time, the Americans are telling [us]: ‘Don’t talk about missile affairs, and if you conduct a test or maneuver, don’t mention it,’” Hajizadeh was quoted as saying during a recent Persian-language speech that was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute."

This isn't about not rattling Iran's neighbors. This is ALL about not embarrassing the Obama administration. That arrogant !@#$!$! rammed this deal down the taxpayer's throat, against the better advice of, well, just about everybody, and now we get to see the results.
sferrin said:


"Iran: U.S. Encouraging Islamic Republic to Keep Illicit Missile Tests Secret"

"A senior Iranian military commander claimed that U.S. officials are quietly encouraging the Islamic Republic to keep its illicit ballistic missile tests a secret so as not to raise concerns in the region, according to Persian language comments.

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace and Missile Force, said in recent remarks that the Obama administration does not want Iran to publicize its ongoing missile tests, which have raised questions about the Islamic Republic’s commitment to last summer’s comprehensive nuclear agreement.

“At this time, the Americans are telling [us]: ‘Don’t talk about missile affairs, and if you conduct a test or maneuver, don’t mention it,’” Hajizadeh was quoted as saying during a recent Persian-language speech that was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute."

This isn't about not rattling Iran's neighbors. This is ALL about not embarrassing the Obama administration. That arrogant !@#$!$! rammed this deal down the taxpayer's throat, against the better advice of, well, just about everybody, and now we get to see the results.

Details of the abduction are likely to start an uproar in the nation and call into question the Obama administration’s handling of the incident, which many experts say violated international and maritime law.

“I think that when the details actually come out, most Americans are going to be kind of taken aback by the entire incident, both how Iran handled it and how we handled it,” Forbes disclosed. “I think that’s going to be huge cause for concern for most Americans. That’s why I’ve encouraged members of Congress to get that briefing so they do know exactly what did take place.”

Forbes suggested that Iran’s treatment of the U.S. sailors—which included filming them crying and forcing them to apologize at gunpoint—may have been much worse than what has been publicly reported.

“I think clearly there were violations of international and maritime law that took place here,” Forbes said. “We [the United States] did almost nothing in response, in fact, to have Secretary [of State John] Kerry actually thank them for releasing our sailors after they way they captured them, I think was a slap in the sailors’ face.”

We made it easier for China to achieve parity by cutting way below what was necessary. Should have stayed at START I 1200 launchers 6500 warheads, with active warhead research into next generation warheads and 'warm' production lines able to restart production in a short period of time.
Electric Boat will submit Ohio-class replacement proposal next week

General Dynamics Electric Boat on May 20 will submit its proposal to the Navy for detailed design of the multimillion-dollar Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine program, according to a service official.
bobbymike said:

"A new Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. Upgraded U.S. nuclear gravity bombs and air-launched nuclear cruise missiles. "

Whoa, whoa, hold up. Russia is actually building NEW ICBMs. The bomb the US is upgrading was designed in the 60s and probably came of the line thereabouts as well. And we retired our most advanced nuclear cruise missiles, the AGM-129, and haven't even got powerpoints of what we think we maybe might want going forward, at some undefined time.
bobbymike said:
sferrin said:


"Iran: U.S. Encouraging Islamic Republic to Keep Illicit Missile Tests Secret"

Prove that Iran testing missiles is "illicit" in any way.
Iran is a sovereign nation, they didn't even violate the NPT ever, which the USA surely did for many years.

The hatemongering propaganda against Iran is sickening.
It replaced a look at reality for way too many Americans.

Hint: Persia/Iran didn't attack another country for longer than the United States' existence.
The only war of aggression they were involved them saw them as the victim (of Saddam), with the United States helping the aggressor Iraq to avert defeat by breaking the Iranian naval blockade. Whatever Iran did in 1979 - it's been much more on the receiving end ever since.
lastdingo said:
bobbymike said:
sferrin said:


"Iran: U.S. Encouraging Islamic Republic to Keep Illicit Missile Tests Secret"

Prove that Iran testing missiles is "illicit" in any way.
Iran is a sovereign nation, they didn't even violate the NPT ever, which the USA surely did for many years.

The hatemongering propaganda against Iran is sickening.
It replaced a look at reality for way too many Americans.

Hint: Persia/Iran didn't attack another country for longer than the United States' existence.
The only war of aggression they were involved them saw them as the victim (of Saddam), with the United States helping the aggressor Iraq to avert defeat by breaking the Iranian naval blockade. Whatever Iran did in 1979 - it's been much more on the receiving end ever since.

Oh, dear. You will now be marked in the eyes of some Americans forever as being a "Terrorist sympathiser" an an "enemy of the United States of America". You will have joined the "Axis of Evil"(tm).

So, how does it feel to be a rational, thinking, understanding, human being?
Kadija_Man said:
lastdingo said:
bobbymike said:
sferrin said:


"Iran: U.S. Encouraging Islamic Republic to Keep Illicit Missile Tests Secret"

Prove that Iran testing missiles is "illicit" in any way.
Iran is a sovereign nation, they didn't even violate the NPT ever, which the USA surely did for many years.

The hatemongering propaganda against Iran is sickening.
It replaced a look at reality for way too many Americans.

Hint: Persia/Iran didn't attack another country for longer than the United States' existence.
The only war of aggression they were involved them saw them as the victim (of Saddam), with the United States helping the aggressor Iraq to avert defeat by breaking the Iranian naval blockade. Whatever Iran did in 1979 - it's been much more on the receiving end ever since.

Oh, dear. You will now be marked in the eyes of some Americans forever as being a "Terrorist sympathiser" an an "enemy of the United States of America". You will have joined the "Axis of Evil"(tm).

So, how does it feel to be a rational, thinking, understanding, human being?

From reading through the article the individual quoted doesn't appear to be the most coherent (appears to be a rough translation) and is of somewhat unclear agenda.

As for the wider point lads I don't think anyone seriously thinks Iran is the place of unblemished virtue as is being suggested; it has its own particular rotten aspects like its rampant anti-semitism (Holocast denial isn't legitimate criticism of specific Israeli governments), support for Assad and other highly dubious allies etc. (I could go on and on).

You don't have to be one of the forums resident ultra-right wing US ultra-nationalists not to buy the Iranian regime's bullshit (while still seeing the nuclear deal as ultimately far more effective and far less damaging than the alternative).
kaiserd said:
You don't have to be one of the forums resident ultra-right wing US ultra-nationalists not to buy the Iranian regime's bullshit (while still seeing the nuclear deal as ultimately far more effective and far less damaging than the alternative).

It is how that non-acceptance is projected which is IMHO and other's view on the matter. Iran is no angel, neither is the USA. Which is worse? I have no idea because all views are highly subjective I am only too willing to admit. Iran is though, a sovereign nation, something some here refuse it seems to accept. Indeed, they seem to refuse to accept it for any other nation than the USA. All other nations should Kowtow to Washington in their view.
bobbymike said:

I'm SO glad we got that stellar nuclear deal with Iran.
bobbymike said:

Yeah, but they can't. At the moment that claim is pure bullshit clearly intended for domestic Iranian consumption.

And even if Iran could at some undetermined point in the future have this capability (which the nuclear deal helps push further into the future than any realistic military action would be likely to do) they would certainly know Israeli nuclear forces that survive their attack (submarines based etc) would destroy them in retaliation.
bobbymike said:

Have you read the article?
It's analysis in it is poor and superficial (the Chinese government doesn't really give a fig about what Obama does or does not say in Hiroshima, despite what spin might be put in the Chinese state media for domestic consumption).
The article comes across as half-hearted Obama-thrashing click bait.

The facts are that the US nuclear bombs killed a lot of Japanese people and left a particularly unpleasant legacy interms of health consequences for the survivors.
Despite my own views that their use was justified it is right that a sitting US president recognise and express regret at the suffering inflicted, especially given the close and relatively warm relationship the US now enjoys with Japan. This is not an apology for their use and clearly does not create a hierarchy of victims such as in regard to Chinese, Korean or other nations victims of the many crimes of the Japanese Empire before the end of WW2.
The Iran Deal Wasn’t About Nukes At All

But the messaging work from Ploughshares on Iran began long before there was any Iran deal and long before Rhodes convened his regular meetings with progressive groups on shaping the Iran narrative.

Beginning in August 2011, Ploughshares and its grantees formed the Iran Strategy Group. Over time this group created a sophisticated campaign to reshape the national narrative on Iran. That campaign sought to portray skeptics of diplomacy as "pro-war," and to play down the dangers of the Iranian nuclear program before formal negotiations started in 2013 only to emphasize those dangers after there was an agreement in 2015.
Been calling Joe "disarm the US at any cost" Cirincione a propagandist hack for years.
bobbymike said:

God what a useless puke. Sorry but I mean, damn.
lastdingo said:
Iran is a sovereign nation, they didn't even violate the NPT ever,

Iran was found non-compliant with the Safeguard Agreement and had a history of not reporting nuclear activity. This resulted in resolutions 1696, 1737, 1747, 1803, 1929, etc.

lastdingo said:
which the USA surely did for many years.

Please illustrate out how the United States was in violation of the NPT.
quellish said:
lastdingo said:
Iran is a sovereign nation, they didn't even violate the NPT ever,

Iran was found non-compliant with the Safeguard Agreement and had a history of not reporting nuclear activity. This resulted in resolutions 1696, 1737, 1747, 1803, 1929, etc.

lastdingo said:
which the USA surely did for many years.

Please illustrate out how the United States was in violation of the NPT.

We seem to be hearing nothing but crickets.
Could be an interesting read:

China is believed to have doubled the size of its nuclear arsenal, making it “the forgotten nuclear power,” as described in Foreign Affairs. Susan Turner Haynes analyzes China’s buildup and its diversification of increasingly mobile, precise, and sophisticated nuclear weapons. Haynes provides context and clarity on this complex global issue through an analysis of extensive primary source research and lends insight into questions about why China is the only nuclear weapon state recognized under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty that continues to pursue qualitative and quantitative advancements to its nuclear force.

Through precipitous and unnecessary disarmament we have invited China to pursue parity which, in effect, gives our adversaries the potential for a much larger arsenal than ours. All this at a time our weapons are withering on the vine and our production capacity for new weapons is basically zero. Dangerous times lie ahead.
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