hesham said:Hi,
NASA twin engined fighter of 1987.
hesham said:Hi,
also a look like the XB-70.
hesham said:Hi,
We can speak about NASA projects which was never built.
During the end of 1970s,NASA had launched a program for Energy Efficient Aircraft,
a joint NASA/US industry research and development project to reduce by 50 per cent
the fuel consumption of future generation civil transport aircraft,the project was
for airliner aircraft powered by four rear mounted engines (look like Vickers VC-10),
I have a picture for the model but I can't send it.
Uhm this link is broken or not available anymore, anyone have another "version" ? (I'm trying to figure out WHY there is a "pizza-delivery" UAVhesham said:Hi,
Jemiba said:the idea seems to be too similar to tip jet driven helicopters, which mostly
weren't economical at all,
Stargazer2006 said:Nice! I could be wrong, but the "Emergency Car" and all related pictures have a Hiller feel to them... artwork, lettering, fuselage design.
fightingirish said:See from 7min 54s (474s) on. NASA Noise reduction and Heavy Lift Helicopter concepts.
Stargazer2006 said:Graham, you posted the same pic twice. Did you mean for four different pics to be posted, or were there only three?