Myasishchev M-50 and M-52 concepts

Here the M-51 Intercontinental cruise missile !
Are there any drawings ?
Many Thanks
ucon said:
When there are almost no comments I understand that subject is not interesting))

Speaking personally I would dispute that! All the variants posted so far are of great interest to myself, and I am sure others here, apologies if a lack of comments is interpreted as a lack of interest!

Based on your posts so far I would definitely be interested in the book on the M-50 when it becomes available, as a modeller it's just a pity that the only commercially available models of the M-50 are so expensive, far too expensive to consider using as a basis to kitbash some of the magnificent alternate variants posted here.


Myasishchev M-50/52 is a very interesting subject. I would love to read a proper book about it in English.
Myasishchev M-50/52 is a very interesting subject. I would love to read a proper book about it in English


what are those things under the wings of variant '26'?, giant boosters??

robunos said:
what are those things under the wings of variant '26'?, giant boosters??


Anti-reindeer-missiles. The commies were planning to outlaw Christmas and take out The Fat Man ;D ;)

Regards, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Thomas L. Nielsen
dear UCON
Very interesting subject the M 50 development !
Could we have a recapitulative of all this types with
principales caracteristics and the duration of all this studies
A question : what language for your book ?
A GREAT THANKS for all this....and when we could have
something other with the same interest ?
My dear UCON
Some questions
Under the M 50/09 what is the plane ?
Why more wheels for the 50/22; Heavier plane ?
Is 50/25 a flying boat or not ?
50/26 two engines and two boosters or two cruise missiles ?

On an old French " le Fana de l aviation" I've see, a long time ago,
what seems to be a 50/18 with a little plane under the nose What could be
An other without reference with a little plane on the uper of the fin ?

It's all.....Whit my thanks. Bye
I too must add my thanks. I've always been facinated by the M-50, despite the fact it proved a failure. All these variants come as a complete surprise to me, I was totally unaware of any of them. Makes me want a copy of the book!
hambone said:
Great video!! That plane looked very difficult to land

In the words of Louis Blériot (I think): "Any landing, you can walk away from, is a good landing".
Later addition: "Any landing, where the aircraft can be reused, is a great landing".

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Thanks for the interest in Myasishchev M-50 - for me, perhaps the most beautiful of all aircraft. I love the Myasishchev projects in general, and always hunger for more info, esp. on the illusive M-18 & M-20 projects. Looking for good 3-views of those.
Dear Triton and Foiling!
There were 41 different configurations of M-50/ Some of then you may find in
A huge amount of images and info has now been split from the generic Myasishchev topic and added to this one.

Thanks a bunch to ucon for sharing so many marvels with us!
In Flying Review 9/1957,

here is a strange variant of Myasishchev Bison,powered by four turbojets,mounted
in the wing roots,one above anther,I can't find any drawing matching with this concept ?.


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Does anyone have a clue if or when the avicopress site will open again?
Thank you for asking athpilot. I have been wondering what the problem is there. I would give my right arm to be able to buy some of the books published by them. I have always found it way too confusing, and continually put it off.
IIRC a couple of years or so ago Ucon had some medical issues. I had been trying to get some of his books as well but could never maintain a continuous dialogue long enough. Finally, he emailed me one of the titles I wanted, gratis, albeit one of the ones that wasn't a priority. Anyway, Ucon's medical issues may have cropped up again.
foiling said:
Thank you for asking athpilot. I have been wondering what the problem is there. I would give my right arm to be able to buy some of the books published by them. I have always found it way too confusing, and continually put it off.

From what I gather, AvicoPress is pretty much the work of a single individual, and I believe he's had some health issues in the past few years and may not have had the necessary time or energy on his hands to carry out all the ongoing book projects and website. But of course that's only my interpretation.
Ucon sent me a copy of one of the Myasishchev books that i had been unable to get, and i was absolutely delighted with his kindness. Not the very rarest of books, but unavailable all the same at least for my efforts, and of huge valuable to me. He also took a look at some sample pages from a book i have been working on, and he liked it very much. For me, the Avico press books are far and away my favourite books on aircraft. It has been my wish for several years to fly to Russia just to see which of these books i could find - they mean that much to me. (Especially any on Ekranoplans, and Myasishchev that i haven't got). However, being retrenched at age 52 seven years ago, has put that on hold for the forseeable future.
I hold Ucon in very high regard, and hope that he is well, or making very good recovery. I am thinking of you sir, and praying that you will be fighting fit very soon.
it is a pleasure to have in hand book of Constantin Udalov. Full of drawings, color schemes, original drawings and sketches and professional text - there are books from our friend Mr. Udalov. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to illustrate book on M-50 some years ago. From foreign publisher we had time only 6 months and minimal time to render all 40 versions was 2 years I think. Only a 5-6 versions were closed. As sample I attach half of texture for M-50 wing. Only cleaning of rivets took me two evenings. What a pitty


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Hello Mr Gatial; anything illustrated by you is a masterpiece of inestimable price. What i am looking for is books of Avico standard that covered the Myasishchev M-18 & M-20, in particular. Does anyone know if such books were ever produced by Avico?
What I know M-18 and M-20 have been described in one part of Myasishchev encyklopaedia. Given that AvikoPress was "court writer" of Myasishchev they have certainly enough material for monographs of these projects. We planned do it, too


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I agree with both foiling and PlanesPictures that Avico Press books are among the very best and most desirable aviation books I've ever seen.

It has been my dream for many years to own all the Avico Press books but to say it's hard to get copies of them is an understatement if ever there was one... Actually, I'm very curious to know how you managed to receive them safely and how much it cost you, foiling (if you would kindly say so in a private message of course) because the Myasishchev encyclopedia in particular is #1 on my wish list, but considering the number of volumes, I can't even think of placing an order, the cost + shipping would probably be prohibitive (not to mention the fear of the packet getting lost on the way).

On a different (but related) note, I had a discussion with Constantin Udalov a couple of years ago and told him how I wished his books could be translated into English or French for the rest of the world to enjoy. At some point the concept of an English-language book on Beriev was seriously discussed, and I even made steps towards a renowned author on Soviet aircraft to make sure this would not interfere with any of his current projects... Not only it didn't, but he kindly offered to provide any help he could to facilitate the project.

Unfortunately, with me not speaking Russian and Constantin not being too fluent in English, it meant that he had to translate everything into approximate English, which I then had to turn into proper English, only to resubmit it to him to see if I'd got his meaning well... and then probably retranslate the whole thing into French for local publication as articles, since an entire book on the subject might not have been commercially viable. It was all too complicated, and we left it at that... but I deeply wish there could be some serious investigation by a Western publisher to produce some adaptations, condensed versions at least, because Avico has access to all the company records for Myasishchev, Beriev and a few others and the books are definitive on every subject they tackle.
Thank you, PlanesPictures, for sharing that cover and pages. That looks very much like the book i am looking for. I shall not give up until i find a copy.
Skyblazer, you are so right about the problems of postage. Not only has it become heart-breakingly expensive, but the risk of loss is a big concern, too. I ordered a copy of a book on 5th generation jet fighters written in Russian, almost two years ago and it has not yet arrived. I ought to accept that it will never arrive but, at $50 before postage, it is a big loss of what looks like a super book. More recently, i have ordered 2 books on aircraft, and a magazine (with a 3-view of the Beardmore Inflexible) and they ought to have arrived a month or more ago. To complicate matters, late last year our postal service (South Africa) went on a strike for a few months, so heaven knows what might still arrive.

here is a drawings to Myasishchev M-50 as SST aircraft.

Первые сверхзвуковые - Ту-144 против "Конкорда"


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Yes, I see a similarity to the Convair B-58 - If not, as exact copy, but as a reaction ( in multiple designs ) to counter the threat. - Is there much tie-up time wise, well, espionage wise? The B-58 seemed quite contained design and production wise. These M-50 - M-52 concepts designs seem to be wide ranging. Was it a constantly shifting brief? or design fishing to get the right politburo patron to lever it into production? I'd love to be better informed ( corrected ) by those of you with closer ties with this proposed beast. My regards to all contributors here...
Hi MaxLefroom and Zeppelin,

I think this project preceded the Convair design.
Thanks Hesham. Did it precede any of paper designs that lead to the [font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]B-58 production. I'm interested if its a home grown Soviet design or an influenced design. [/font]Were there any other bomber designs planned at the time by other nations?. I guess most of the R&D was teased out from Germany post 1945. But was the M-50 M-52 developed because of any specific Western craft - or was it a uniquely early design??
Zeppelin said:
Thanks Hesham. Did it precede any of paper designs that lead to the B-58 production. I'm interested if its a home grown Soviet design or an influenced design. Were there any other bomber designs planned at the time by other nations?. I guess most of the R&D was teased out from Germany post 1945. But was the M-50 M-52 developed because of any specific Western craft - or was it a uniquely early design??

Hi Zeppelin,

the Convair B-58 preceded the M-50,but the M-50 SST came before Convair 58-8 & 58-9.
Hi! M-50

Following picture shows early T-50 concept.

"Then the problem tried to approach the other hand, proposing a new "bundle," in which a large aircraft zapraeschik disposable be towed behind an aircraft with crew and bomb load. Note - at supersonic speed! Of course, technical difficulties prevented the implementation and the concept. Chief among them are recognized: off coupling of two aircraft, the development of coordinated control system in two planes, providing the necessary agility hitch. In March 1955, the board of MAP and buried the idea. "

"One such option was the normal aerodynamic configuration aircraft, equipped with a huge drop tanks, in which additional engines were installed. His rise was carried out with the use of all engines, and after running out of fuel from the external fuel tanks dropped them together with the engines. Traction remaining enough to continue the flight. By the way, this option very seriously studied the Americans, leading search image supersonic bomber B-58. "


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Hi! M-50.


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Hi! M-52 three side view drawing and mockup picture. Which three side view drawing is correct?


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  • M-52 mockup picture taken in 1957 with the later side by side cockpit arrangement..jpg
    M-52 mockup picture taken in 1957 with the later side by side cockpit arrangement..jpg
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M-50 variant model.


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