Morane Saulnier designations

Still from Trait d’Union #260, the last batch:
MS-2015 (no date) 1 jet
? ? ? (1945) single seat fighter, one engine of 1,700hp
Rallye bimoteur (no date) 2 engines
Convertible Roue/Air (no date) one piston engine, roadable
Stratodyne 01 (1955) 1 ATAR 101 jet + 1 Turbomeca Gourdon
Stratodyne 02 (1955) two ATAR E3
Stratodyne 05 (1959) flying jeep
Stratodyne A (1955) wind-tunnel model
Stratodyne B (1955) demonstrator for MS-1000
Stratodyne E1 (1955) small single-engined machine
Stratodyne E2 (1955) 2 or 3 Turbomeca Marboré jets of 400 kgp
Stratodyne E4 (1955) 2 or 3 Turbomeca Marboré jets
Stratodyne E5 (1955) two-seat trainer with 1 Orpheus jet of 2,200 kgp
Thanks Tophe for your tremendous input on this subject!!
Well, I feel ashamed somehow, because the "Trait d'Union" magazine is currently sold... Nevertheless, this is not piracy, for two main reasons:
- several among you know it is almost impossible to get a copy of the Trait d'Union magazine without being a member of the BFAB association (Branche Française d'Air Britain), so I am a member and I share the joy I have to be one;
- this is an English translation that was not in the original, and I completed a few points (MS-156 interpretation, MS-420 link, interpretation of the power column as "per engine" through checking with Google the Fleuret example, selecting the unbuilt projects not yet covered in this topic), this is not zero action.
I hope this is OK, so. Thanks (a little to me maybe but most of all) to the marvelous Trait d'Union that made the list.
I've updated the list now, using the very comprehensive list from "Morane-Saulnier- Ses avions, ses projets" by Henri Lacaze.
Please notice, that several designations actually were used twice and that actually several numbers are mentioned, which for
example are appearing in the Messiers website, too, but are clearly indicated as studies, or designs, not as designations.

Type A 1911 single seater, shoulder wing small series
Type PP 1911 single seater, shoulder wing 2 built
Type TB 1912 twin seat, shoulder wing 1 built
Type B 1912 twin seat, shoulder wing 3 built
Type C 1913 single seater, shoulder wing small series
Type D 1912 ? 2 built
Type E 1912 single seater, monoplane 3 built
Type F 1913 single seater, shoulder wing small series

Type Bi 1913 floatplane for the Russian Navy 3 built
Type WR 1912 twin seat recce monoplane 4 built
Renault 1912 twin seat sportsaircraft
Hydro 1912 twin seat biplane for competition in Monaco 1913
Canton 1913 3-place monoplane
Type SD 1913 twin seat monoplane
military type XIV 1914,
military type XV 1914,
military type XVI 1915
military type XVII 1915,
military type XVIII 1915,
Type G 1913 twin seat, shoulder wing small series
Tape GL 1913 twin seat, parasol, prototype for Type L, 4 built
Type H 1914 single seater, development of G small series
Type I development of N small series
Type K floatplane racer, monoplane
Type L 1913 twin seater, parasol series production

Type LH 1913 single seater parasol, fighter, military design. Type XX
Type LA 1914 (?) development of L small series
Type M 1912 armoured monoplane
Type N 1914 single seater, shoulder wing small series
Type O 1914 single seater, development of G prototype
Type P 1916 twin seater, parasol series production
Type S 1915 4-seat, twin engined biplane prototype

Type T 1914 (!) twin seat sesquiplane, not finished
Type T 1916 3-seat, twin engined biplane small series
Type TRK 1917 3-seat, twin engined triplane prototype
Type V 1916 development of N small series
Type BB 1915 twin seat biplane series production

Type BBM 1915 twin seat biplane 3 built
Type BH 1916 development of BB series production
Type U 1916 single seater, shoulder wing prototype

Type V 1916 single seater, shoulder wing prototype
Type X 1916 3-seat biplane project

Type Y 1916 2-engined bomber
Type Z 1916 2-engined, maybe prototype for Type T
Type AC 1916 single seat fighter
Type AA 1916 single seat fighter
Type AB 1916 2-engined project
Type AG project
Type AH project
Type AJ single seat biplane project
Type AI single seat monoplane fighter
Type AK single seat biplane fighter not finished
Type AL 1917 single seat biplane fighter
Type ANB 1918 twin seat biplane fighter
Type ANL 1919 twin seat biplane fighter
Type ANR 1918 twin seat biplane fighter
Type AE 1917 twin seat biplane 1 built
Type AF 1917 single seat biplane fighter 1 built
Type AFH 1917 single seat float fighter 1 built
Type AD 19?? twin seat biplane project
Type ANS 1919 twin seat biplane fighter
Type AP 1919 single seat monoplane
Type AR 1919 twin seat monoplane series production
Type AS 1919 single seat monoplane 5 built
Type AT 1922 twin seat monoplane
Type AU 1 1921 single seat monoplane
Type AU 2 1921 single seat sesquiplane wind tunnel model
Type AV 1 1923 four seat monoplane
Type AW 1922 twin seat monoplane
Type AX 1921 2-engined monoplane transport
MoS.23 1916 Type AC, single seater, shoulder wing small series
Type AE twin seater, parasol wing prototype
MoS.27 1917 Type AI, single seater, parasol small series
MoS.28 1916 Type AF, single seater, biplane small series
MoS.29 1918 development of MoS.27 small series
MoS.30 1916 twin seat development of MoS.27 small series
MoS.31 1918 Type AN, twin seat, biplane small series
Type ANL development of AN prototype
Type ANR development of AN prototype
Type ANS 1919 development of AN prototype
MS. 35 1915 Type AR twin seater, parasol wing series production
MS. 36 1917 Type AU, single seater, parasol small series
Type AV 1922 4-place parasol prototype
MS. 42 twin seat, biplane prototype
MS. 43 1922 development of MS. 42 series production

MS.44 twin seat, biplane project
MS.45 1923 twin seat monoplane
MS.46 1924 single seat monoplane
MS.47 19?? 3-seat monoplane
MS.48 19?? single seat monoplane
MS.49 19?? single seat monoplane
MS. 50 1924 single seater, parasol wing small series
MS. 51 1925 development of MS. 50 small series

MS.52 19?? twin seat monoplane
MS. 53 1925 development of MS. 50 small series
MS. 56 development of MS. 50 small series

MS. 120 1925 single seater, parasol wing
MS. 121 1926 single seater, parasol wing prototypes

MS. 122 1926 single seat monoplane
MS. 123 1926 twin seat monoplane
MS. 124 1924 twin seat monoplane
MS. 125 twin seat monoplane
MS. 126 twin seat monoplane
MS. 127 1927 four seat monoplane
MS. 128 twin seat monoplane
MS. 129 1925 twin seat parasol small series
MS. 130 1927 development of MS. 129 series production
MS. 131 1927 development of MS. 130 prototype
MS. 132 1927 development of MS. 130 prototype
MS. 133 1927 development of MS. 130 prototype
MS. 134 1927 development of MS. 130 prototype
MS. 136 1927 development of MS. 130 prototype
MS. 137 development of MS. 138 small series
MS. 138 1927 development of MS. 35 series production
MS. 139 development of MS. 138 small series
MS. 140 twin seat, biplane prototype
MS. 141 development of MS. 140 prototype

MS. 142 development of MS. 140
MS. 143 development of MS. 140
MS. 146 1929 twin seat monoplane
MS. 147 1928 twin seat parasol small series
MS. 148 1928 development of MS. 147 prototype
MS. 149 1929 development of MS. 147 small series

MS. 150 1929 twin seat monoplane
MS. 151 1929 twin seat monoplane, floatplane version of MS.150
MS. 152 1928 twin seat parasol small series

MS. 153 modified MS.152
MS. 154 twin seat monoplane
MS. 160 1927 twin seat monoplane
MS. 161 twin seat monoplane
MS. 162 twin seat monoplane
MS. 170 twin seat monoplane
MS. 171 1928 twin seat monoplane
MS. 172 twin seat monoplane
MS. 180 1928 single seater, parasol wing, sports/training series production
MS. 181 1929 development of MS.180 series production

MS. 182 twin seat monoplane
MS. 185 1929 development of MS.180 series production

MS. 190 twin seat monoplane
MS. 191 development of MS. 138 small series
MS. 200 modified MS.130 prototype
MS. 221 1928 development of MS.121 prototype
MS. 222 1928 development of MS.121 prototype

MS. 222bis 1932 MS.222 with Townend Ring
MS. 223 1930 development of MS.221 prototype
MS. 224 1930 development of MS.221 prototype
MS. 225 1932 parasol fighter series production
MS. 226 1933 carrier version of the MS.225 series production
MS. 227 1933 MS.225 as testbed for HS 12Xcrs engine prototype
MS. 229 1931 version of the MS.230 for swiss AF prototypes
MS. 230 parasol wing, training a/c series production
MS. 231 1931 modified MS.230 small series
MS. 232 1940 modified MS.230 prototype
MS. 233 modified MS.230 small series
MS. 234 modified MS.230 prototypes
MS. 235 1930 modified MS.230 prototype
MS. 236 1932 modified MS.230 for belgian AF small series
MS. 237 1934 modified MS.230 small series

MS.240 1929 twin seat, biplane
MS. 250 parasol training a/c prototype
MS. 260 1932 high-wing touring a/c prototype
MS. 251 version of the MS.250 prototype

MS. 252 or 253
MS.260 1932 license version of DH.260 Puss Moth
MS.262 development of MS.260 project
MS.263 development of MS.260 project
MS.270 1931 4-engined Bomber project
MS. 275 1934 modified MS.225 prototype
MS.275S development of MS.225 project
MS.276 development of MS.225 project
MS.277 development of MS.225 project
MS. 278 modified MS.225 prototype
MS. 300 1930 parasol wing, training a/c prototype
MS. 301 version of the MS.300 prototype
MS. 302 version of the MS.300 prototype

MS. 303 version of the MS.300 prototype
MS.310 1930 version of the MS.300 prototype
MS.311 1930 version of the MS.300 prototype
MS. 315 1932 parasol wing, training a/c, derived from MS. 300 series production

MS. 315-2
MS. 316 version of the MS.315 series production
MS. 317 (1960) re-engined MS.315 small series

MS. 320 1930 single seat low wing fighter project
MS. 322 1931 single seat low wing fighter project
MS. 325 1933 single seat low wing fighter prototype
MS. 330 1929 twin seat parasol prototype
MS. 331 1929 development of 330 prototype
MS. 332 1929 development of 330 prototype

MS. 335 1934 development of 330 prototype
MS. 340 1933 parasol wing, touring a/c small series
MS. 341 1941 development of 340 small series
MS. 342 1942 development of 340 small series
MS. 343 1937 development of 340 small series
MS. 345 1935 development of 340 small series

MS. 350 1931 (!) 3-seat single engined observation a/c project
MS. 350 1932 (!) 2-seat single engined a/c project
MS. 350 1936 bi-plane, acrobatic a/c prototype
MS. 360 1935 derivative of MS.260 project

MS.380 1934 twin engined 2-seat fighter project
MS.382 1934 twin engined 2-seat carrier based fighter project
MS.385 1935 twin engined 3-seat fighter project
MS.390 1935 twin engined transport project
MS. 400 1936 single seat fighter project
MS. 405 1938 single seat fighter small series

MS.407LP 1938 experimental a/c 3 built
MS. 406 1938 development of 405 series production
MS. 408 single seat development of 430 project

MS.410 1940 several variants of MS.406
MS.411 1938 variant of MS.405 as testbed for HS.12Y45
MS. 412 development of 406, swiss version ( D-3801), series production

MS. 415 2-seat side-by-side seating trainer project
MS. 416 1939 2-seat side-by-side seating trainer
MS.420 1931 single seat low wing fighter project
MS.420 1936 (!) 2-seat low wing fighter project
MS.425 1936 (!) 2-seat low wing fighter project
MS. 430 1937 low-wing, twin seat training a/c prototype

MS. 431 1938 low-wing, twin seat training a/c project
MS. 432 1938 low-wing, twin seat training a/c project
MS. 433 development of 430 project
MS. 434 1938 low-wing, twin seat training a/c project
MS. 435 1937 low-wing, twin seat training a/c prototype
MS. 438 1938 development of 430 prototype

MS. 440 1936 low-wing, twin seat training a/c
MS. 450 1939 single seat fighter, development of MS. 406 prototype

MS. 460 1940 single seat fighter project
MS. 470 1945 training a/c, based on MS.406 prototype

MS. 470A 1941 single seat fighter (pre-MS.540/640) project
MS. 471 probably series version with Renault 6Q engine project
MS. 472 1946 development of 470 with GR 14M engine series production
MS. 473 development of 470 with HS.12X engine project
MS. 474 1947 development of 472 , navalized series production
MS. 475 1947 development of 470 , with HS.12Y engine series production

MS. 476 1949 (!) planned version with Renault 12S engine project
MS. 476 1948 development of 472 , enlarged wing and empennage prototype
MS. 477 1951 development of 472 with SNECMA 12S engine prototype
MS. 478 development of 472 with Isotta Fraschini Delta engine, project
MS. 479 1952 development of 472 with SNECMA 14X engine prototype

MS. 480 1939 2-seater high-wing observation a/c project
MS. 500 1942 (!) several studies for sports/Touring a/c project
MS. 500 1944 licence built Fieseler Fi-156 Storch series production
MS. 501 modification of MS.500 with Renault engine prototype
MS. 502 1947 modification of MS.500 with Salmson engine prototype

MS. 503 1946 modification of MS.500 with DH Gipsy Queen engine prototype
MS. 504 1947 modification of MS.500 with Jacobs engine prototype
MS. 505 1947 modification of MS.500 with Jacobs engine series production

MS. 506 1960 MS.500/2/5 with Astazou XIV turboprop engine project
MS. 506L 1931 modifications of MS.500/2/5 with Lycoming engine small number

MS. 520 1938 single seat biplane fighter project
MS. 530 1938 development of 330 prototype
MS.540 1941 Swiss D.3802 12 built
MS. 560 1945 single seat acrobatic a/c prototype
MS. 561 re-engined 560 prototype
MS. 562 re-engined 560 prototype
MS. 563 1949 development of 560 prototype
MS. 570 1945 2/3-seat development of 560 prototype
MS. 571 1947 3-seat development of 570 prototype
MS. 572 1947 4-seat development of 571 prototype

MS. 573 1947 development of 571 project
MS.580 1945 2-engined transport project
MS.591 1951 Aspin jet engine powered development of 571 project
MS. 600 1947 2-seater sports/touring a/c prototype
MS. 601 1947 development of MS.600 prototype
MS. 602 1948 development of MS.600 prototype

MS. 602A development of MS.602
MS. 603 1948 development of MS.600 with tricycle landing gear prototype

MS.640 1942 single seat fighter project
MS. 650 1947 2-seat light a/c project
MS. 660 1946 single seat light a/c (today ULM) prototype
MS. 661 1946 development of MS.660 prototype
MS. 662 modification of MS.661, mentioned by P.Gaillard prototype

MS. 680 1946 2-engined transport
MS. 700 1949 twin engined 4-seat a/c prototype

MS. 700R 1949 twin engined 6-seat a/c project
MS. 701 development of MS.700 prototype
MS. 702 1949 twin engined 6-seat a/c project
MS. 703 1951 development of MS.700, 6-seater prototype
MS. 704 development of MS.700, 6-seater prototype

MS. 705 development of MS.701 project
MS. 706 1950 development of MS.701 with 2 or 4 jet engines project
MS. 708 development of MS.703 project
MS. 710 1947 jet fighter , contender to Dassault Ouragan project
MS. 710 1958 (!) twin engine transport project
MS. 711 1948 development of MS.710 with swept wing project

MS.720 1948 twin engine transport project
MS. 730 1949 single engined training a/c prototype
MS. 731 1949 development of MS.730 prototype
MS. 732 1951 development of MS.730 prototype
MS. 733 1951 development of MS.730 series production

MS. 734 1951 development of MS.733
MS. 735 1953 development of MS.730 series production
MS.740 1948 4-engined surveillance a/c project
MS.740 2-engined surveillance a/c project
MS.751 1950 twin engined jet trainer project
MS. 752 1950 twin engined jet trainer project

MS. 753 1950 twin engined jet trainer project
MS. 755 1953 2-seater jet trainer, contender to Fouga Magister prototype

MS.756 development of MS.755 project
MS.760 1950 (!) 2- seat high wing observation a/c project
MS. 760 1954 development of MS.755 as 4-seat communications a/c series production

MS. 760 IR development of MS.760 with Marboré VI engines
MS. 760 II/B development of MS.760
MS. 760 C 1964 bizjet development of MS.760
MS. 760 D 1964 bizjet development of MS.760 project
MS. 760 E development of MS.760 as liaison a/c project
MS. 761 1961 single engined development of MS.760
MS. 765 1961 development of MS.760III as liaison a/c project
MS. 765A 1961 3-engined development of MS.760III as liaison a/c project
MS. 765B 1961 development of MS.760III as liaison a/c project
MS. 765C 1962 development of MS.760III as liaison a/c project
MS. 765D 1962 development of MS.760III as liaison a/c project
MS.770 1950 (!) 2- seat high wing observation a/c project
MS.770 1953 (!) tandem seat derivative of MS.733 project
MS. 775 pre-project to MS.1500 project
MS. 785 1956 4-engined executive jet, project

MS. 786 1957 4+2-engined executive jet, pre-project to MS.880 project
MS. 786 1958 (!) 4-engined executive jet, project
MS. 787 1959 2-engined liaison a/c, project
MS.790 1953 jet trainer
MS. 800 ground attack jet a/c, contender to SE. Baroudeur project
MS. 810 1955 twin engined COIN

MS. 820 1956 2- seat high wing observation a/c project
MS. 830 1958 2-engined transport project
MS. 831 1960 2-engined transport project
MS. 832 1961 2-engined transport project
MS. 850 project
MS. 860 1958 twin engined executive/liaison jet, project
MS. 861 1960 twin engined executive/liaison jet, project

MS. 862 1960 3-engined executive/liaison jet, project
MS. 880 1958 (?) 4-engined executive jet project
MS. 880 1959 single engined 2/3-seat sports/touring a/c prototype
MS. 881 development of MS.880 series production

MS. 882 development of MS.880 prototype
MS. 885 1961 development of MS.880 series production
MS. 886 1964 development of MS.880 6 built
MS. 890 development of MS.880, 4-seat series production
MS. 891 development of MS.890 project
MS. 892 development of MS.890 series production
MS. 893 development of MS.890 series production
MS. 894 development of MS.890 series production

MS. 895 development of MS.890 project
MS. 900 1960 (?) twin engined light transport project
MS. 901 development of MS.900 project
MS. 902 1961 COIN, development of MS.900 project

MS. 910 1960 transport project
MS. 915 1961 COIN, development of MS.900 project

MS. 930 1960 acrobatic a/c project
MS. 980 1965 push-pull design project
MS. 990 1963 twin engine light transport project
MS.1000 1953 delta, heart shaped wing jet interceptor project

MS.1001 1955 VTOL, tailsitter, several variations (Statodyne) project
MS.1010 1953 trainer derivative of MS.1000 project
MS.1020 1953 trainer derivative of MS.1000 project
MS.1080 1964 twin engine light transport project

MS.1100 1961 see MS.2000
MS.1500 1954 COIN prototypes
MS.1500B transport derivative of MS.1500 project
MS.1510 1960 development of 1500 with retractable landing gear project
MS.1520 twin engined 1500/1510 development, project
MS.1530 1955 twin engined 1500/1510 development, project
MS.1550 1957 enlarged 1500 with RR Dart project
MS.1600 1961 COIN/light transport,development of 900/901 project

MS.2000 1961 USTOL design project
MS.2010 1962 USTOL design project
MS.2015 1963 USTOL design project
MS.2020 USTOL design project
Jeep-1 1959 Flying Jeep project
Jeep-2 1959 Flying Jeep project
Jeep-3 1959 Flying Jeep project
without designation1959 2-seat STOL design with Bristol BS 53 project
without designation1959 4-seat STOL design with Bristol BS 53

project/design numbers listed separately, mainly drawn during the time of occupation, obviously
NO designations in the common sense:
010, 1941 2-seat trainer
020, 1941 2-seat trainer
040, 1943 single seat fighter
041, 1945 fighter bomber
050, 1943 2/3 engined attack a/c
060, 1943 leading to MS.560
061, touring a/c
070, leading to MS.570
080, 1942 twin engined transport
081, 1946 4-engine transport
082, twin engined transport
083-1, 1946 twin engined transport
083-2, 1946 twin engined transport
084, twin engined liaison a/c
Oh my dear Jemiba,

you made my day,very great thanks.
Jens, you are my hero!

Can't even begin to think how long it would have taken me to get such a complete list!

Thank you so much.
My dear Jemiba,

after that marvelous List,can I make a small additions;

MS.52 1925 aircraft with Lorraine 8 Bd engine
MS.156 1929 project
MS.167 1929 aircraft,developed from MS.160,with Salmson 9 Ac engine
MS.178 1929 experimental aircraft,developed from MS.135
MS.228 1934 C.1 single seat fighter naval version
MS.309 1930 two seat trainer with Salmson 7 Ac engine
MS.312 1932 two seat trainer with Salmson 9 Nc engine
MS.313 1933 two seat trainer aircraft for Pero
MS.314 1931 seaplane two seat trainer
MS.320 (2) two seat acrobatic trainer aircraft 1934
MS.351 1936 single seat acrobatic aircraft project
MS.370 1934 twin engined 8-seat light transport aircraft project
MS.409 1938 single seat fighter,derivative of MS.406
MS.420 1940 single seat fighter with retractable radiator,version of MS.406,project
MS.440 1940 single seat night fighter project,also derivative of MS.406
MS.540 (1) 1940 single seat fighter project,with Hispano 12Z engine
MS.550 C.1 Swiss D.3802A
MS.631 a Morko-Morane design;
That list principally is, what is shown in the mentioned book. Not asserted to be complete, it's
nevertheless the most complete one, I've found still yet in a single source. There are several other
designation bustling about, but several of them I watch at least with some carefulness, e.g. the
MS.550, said to be the Swiss D.3802 (mentioned as MS.540 here), or especially the MS.631 as
the Finnish "Mörko Morane". Those were purely Finnish modification to the existing MS.406, why
the should have ever got MS-designations ?
But, although very comprehensive, Henri Lacazes book certainly isn't free from errors, too, but to
be fair, that would be nearly impossible for a work of that extent.
Regarding it as the "new bible" about this manufacturer, we still have to clarify some discrepancies,
as for example, the MS.761 is described here as a single engined derivative of the MS.760, whereas
in Jean Cunies "Les Avions De Combat Francaise" (still a quite reliable source, I think) it is said to be
a dedicated attack version of the basic twin engined MS.760. So, there's still some work to be done ! ;)
Jemiba said:
Not asserted to be complete (...) So, there's still some work to be done ! ;)

There is actually, and your work provided an excellent base to start from.

I'll be posting the results of my investigations in the not-so-far future... :)
Jemiba said:
That list principally is, what is shown in the mentioned book. Not asserted to be complete, it's
nevertheless the most complete one, I've found still yet in a single source. There are several other
designation bustling about, but several of them I watch at least with some carefulness, e.g. the
MS.550, said to be the Swiss D.3802 (mentioned as MS.540 here), or especially the MS.631 as
the Finnish "Mörko Morane". Those were purely Finnish modification to the existing MS.406, why
the should have ever got MS-designations ?
But, although very comprehensive, Henri Lacazes book certainly isn't free from errors, too, but to
be fair, that would be nearly impossible for a work of that extent.
Regarding it as the "new bible" about this manufacturer, we still have to clarify some discrepancies,
as for example, the MS.761 is described here as a single engined derivative of the MS.760, whereas
in Jean Cunies "Les Avions De Combat Francaise" (still a quite reliable source, I think) it is said to be
a dedicated attack version of the basic twin engined MS.760. So, there's still some work to be done ! ;)

My dear Jemiba,

for Morko-Morane,I mentioned it to know if it was a designation for MS or not,and for
MS.550,you know from Trait d'Union magazine,it was assigned for Swiss D.3802A.


  • MS.JPG
    15.5 KB · Views: 228
I know, but there's at least one other example of a Morane Saulnier designation, that actually
found widespread use in several sources, without being an original MS designation: The "MS.506L",
used for a MS.502 conversion with a Lycoming engine never got this designation officially. The
"original" MS.506 was a MS.500/502 with an Astazou engine. Sometimes official and inofficial
designations got mixed up and then, it's time for some research, no matter, what the sources
are. ;)
OK my dear Jemiba,

and again very very great work.
hesham, I don't understand why you go picking little bits of the Trait d'Union listing if you have the whole document!

I do have the 10-page document too and I've sent it to Jens by mail earlier today. That's the spirit of this forum, collaborating and advancing together. I'm also reworking all the info and the additions into a giant Excel file that will be shared in this page soon.

what do you mean by 10-page ?,and that spirit,I have it too,but we can't send
all pages and documents from Trait d'Union,that's illegal,and my dear Tophe
sent all new info from the magazine in the same topic,and he didn't leave
any available aircraft and projects,he mentioned all of them.
Folks, calm down, please !
To my opinion, at least for this manufacturer, our problem isn't to find additional designations anymore,
but to confirm, that those, we already have are authentic. And in this sense, we have to scrutinise
all our sources ! The question just is : Who we should ask ? In the moment I'm trying to contact Henri
Lacaze, because although his book really is great I can at least prove one statement drawing to be wrong
and I have some doubts about some other statements. We have several designations mentioned in Jean
Cunys book, but unfortunately we cannot ask him anymore. I love his books, they gave me the first deeper
insight into the French postwar military aviation, but they were published in the '80s, so their state of research
probably is from the late '70s. Maybe he is regarded in the meantime as a kind of "French Heinz J. Nowarra"
(Not to disparage his work !) ? And there are, of course, lots of other sources, which are listing types. The
problem just often is, that it isn't obvious, where this data comes from, maybe just copied and pasted from
another source ?
And in the end, we perhaps have to face the fact, that not even the documents of a manufacturer are always
and all consistent ! Just a speculative scenario: The Finnish airforce had modified their MS.406/410 on its own
to "Mörkö Moranes", but had asked Morane Saulnier for advice/plans, whatsoever, maybe after WW II, when
production had ended long before. Everybody who has ever worked for some kind of industrial company knows,
that such things are producing paperwork, which means some kind of billing, at least internally. The settlement
accounts for the MS.406 closed long ago, maybe just another number was used ? Would this be a "real" designation
then ? Again, I built this scenario just as an example, what could have happened, but I know, that things like that
happen every day in other industrial or administrative branches, so why not in the aviation industry ?
All we can do is, to compare the sources we have, trying to get to know their origin and assess their credibility,
always keeping in mind the old say "shit happens", that means "they were made by humans and to err is human" !
So, there certainly is no easy way and the one "final designation list" will be just a myth in many cases, I'm afraid.
Nevertheless, our work can bring us at least nearer to it, step by step ! ;)
Jemiba said:
Folks, calm down, please !

I don't think there was any anger, just surprise that hesham was sharing tiny bits of a ten-page document when he could have shared the document itself with you... Anyway, as you now know, I have sent the document to BOTH of you, so this shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Jemiba said:
So, there certainly is no easy way and the one "final designation list" will be just a myth in many cases, I'm afraid.
Nevertheless, our work can bring us at least nearer to it, step by step ! ;)

As you have noticed, the list from Le Trait d'Union #260 not only adds a number of previously undocumented entries (even though it misses a few, too, notably the "German occupation" series and the whole Rallye family...) but it also provides some great differences to what has been written previously in this topic, notably with regards to the numbers produced for certain types...

Particularly noteworthy additions/corrections for our topic resulting from comparing the sources:

1°) The "_60" designations:
  • MS. 60 was the De Havilland DH. 60 Moth produced under license.
  • MS. 160 was the Fieseler Storch produced under license (different from the later MS. 500 Criquet).
  • MS. 260 was the De Havilland DH. 80 Puss Moth produced under license.
2°) The Swiss fighters:
  • MS. 406H was the D-3800.
  • MS. 506 was the D-3801 (designation was later reallocated to a 1960 liaison type).
  • MS. 540 was the D-3802 (re-use of a designation previously allocated to a 1940 fighter project).
  • MS. 550 was the D-3802A
  • MS. 560 was the D-3803 (strange re-use of the designation allocated two years before to an aerobatic prototype).
3°) The names:
  • MS. 470 was called the Lévrier (greyhound) and was the first Morane to receive a name.
  • MS. 631 was the Mörkö-Morane version of the MS. 406 and was known as the Fantôme.
  • MS. 785 was called the Versailles in its twin-jet version and the Nice (or "Comté de Nice") in its four-jet version.
  • MS. 861 was called the Super Paris.
  • MS. 1510 was called the Épervier II.
  • MS. 1550 was called the Super 1500.
Also it is important to correct an important mistake made previously in this topic: the MS. 800 attack project was NOT a contender of the Baroudeur (which indeed wouldn't make much sense) but of the Bréguet Taon and the Dassault Étendard.
The exclusive SECRET PROJECTS FORUM list!
  • 1-seat sport aircraft, Saulnier type, similar to Blériot XI, one 30 hp Darracq engine, 1 built, 1910
  • 1-seat sport aircraft, Saulnier type evolved from the previous aircraft, one 50 hp Anzani engine, 12 built, 1910
  • 1-seat sport aircraft, version of above with different engine, one Labor-Picker engine, 1 built, 1910
  • ? sport aircraft, version for Lesseps, one engine, 1 built, 1910
  • 1-seat sport aircraft, Morane-Borel type, one 50 hp Gnome engine, 1911
  • 4-seat military aircraft, Morane-Borel type for Concours Militaire 1911, one 140 hp Gnome engine, 1 built, 1911
  • Type B : 2-seat shoulder wing school aircraft, tandem seat version of Type A, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 3 built?, 1911
  • Type PP : 1-seat shoulder wing sport aircraft, type A modified for records, one 50 hp Gnome engine, 1 built, 1911
  • Type C : 1-seat shoulder wing sport aircraft, presented at Salon 1911, one 35 hp ? engine, 1911
  • Type C : 1-seat sport aircraft, export batch for Russia, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 5 built, 1911
  • Type D : no details, one engine, 2 built?, 1912
  • Type E : 2-seat biplane hydro aircraft, for Schneider Cup in Monaco, one Le Rhône engine, 2 built, 1912
  • Type TB : 2-seat shoulder wing military aircraft, "Torpille Blindée", one 80 hp Gnome engine, 1 built, 1912
  • "Renault 1912" 2-seat sport aircraft, one 80 hp Renault engine, 1912
  • Type E : 1-seat monoplane? sport aircraft, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 1913
  • Type F : 1-seat shoulder wing sport aircraft, derived from Type C for Romania, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 2 built, 1913
  • Type WR : 2-seat monoplane, recce aircraft, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 5 built, 1913
  • Demoiselle, 2-seat sport aircraft, a redesign of Santos-Dumont type, one Gnome engine, 1913
  • Hydro-Canard, 1-seat hydro aircraft, one 70 hp ? engine, not completed
  • 3-seat sport aircraft, built for Rebikoff, one 70 hp ? engine, 1 built
  • "Canton monoplane", 3-seat monoplane sport aircraft, one 90 hp Canton engine, 1913
  • Type H = MoS. 1 (I) : 1-seat sport aircraft, development of G, one engine, small series, 1914
  • Type HS : 2-seat school aircraft, four-wheel landing gear, one 50 hp Gnome engine, 9 built, 1911-14
  • Type I : 2-seat pursuit aircraft, no details, one engine, 38 built, 1913
  • Type BI : 2-seat hydro pursuit aircraft, version of Type I for the Russian Navy, one engine, 3 built, 1913
  • Type G = MoS. 2 (II) : 2-seat shoulder wing aircraft, one engine, 94 built (all G models), 1913
  • Type G : 2-seat school aircraft, Russian version, one 80 hp Le Rhône engine, 1913
  • Type G Hydro : 2-seat biplane hydro sport aircraft, for Schneider Cup in Monaco 1913, one engine, 1 built, 1912
  • Type GA : 2-seat school aircraft, civil variant, one 60 hp Le Rhône engine, 1912
  • Type GB : 2-seat school aircraft, civil variant, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 1912
  • Type GL = MoS. 3 (III): 2-seat aircraft, a.k.a. "G Parasol", Type L prototypes, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 3 built, 1912
  • Type L = MoS. 3 (III) : 2-seat parasol wing, pursuit aircraft, export version of Types XIV/XV, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, over 1000 built, 1913
  • Thulin Type D : 2-seat aircraft, Type L built under licence in Sweden, one engine
  • Type J : tourism aircraft, one 80 hp Gnome engine
  • Type K : 1-seat monoplane hydro racing aircraft, for Schneider Cup in Monaco 1914, one 160 hp Gnome engine, 1 built, 1914
  • Type LA = MoS. 4 (IV): 2-seat school aircraft, development of L with ailerons, one 80 hp Le Rhône engine, small series?, 1914
  • Type N = MoS. 5 (V) : 1-seat shoulder wing sport aircraft, monocoque fuselage, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 1 built, 1914
  • Type O : 1-seat sport aircraft, development of G, one 60 hp Le Rhône 7 B engine, 2 built, 1914
  • Type Nm = MoS. 6 (VI) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, version of Type N (sometimes dubbed "Bullet"), one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 48 built, 1915
  • Type N bis : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, like Type N with wings of Type I for UK, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1916
  • Type I = MoS. 6 (VI) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, development of Type N, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine, 25 built, 1916
  • Type BB = MoS. 7 (VII) : 2-seat biplane recce aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 103 built, 1915
  • Type BBM : 2-seat biplane recce aircraft, one 140 hp Hispano 8 Aa engine, 3 built, 1915
  • Type BH = MoS. 8 (VIII) : 2-seat experimental aircraft, development of Type BB as flying test-bed, one 140 hp Hispano 8 Aa engine, 1 built, 1916
  • Type TRK = MoS. 9 (IX) : 3-seat triplane night bombing aircraft, two 230 hp Canton-Unné A9 engines, 1 built, 1915
  • Type S = MoS. 10 (X) : 3/4-seat biplane bombing aircraft, two 220 hp Renault 12 Fa engines, 5 built, 1915
  • Type SD : 2-seat monoplane ?, 1913?
  • Type A = MoS. 11 (XI) : 1-seat shoulder wing school aircraft, one 50 hp Gnome engine, 13 built, 1911
  • Type H = MoS. 12 (XII) : 1-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1912?
  • Type M = MoS. 13 (XIII) : 1-seat monoplane recce aircraft, an armoured version of Type H, one 80 hp Gnome engine, 3 built, 1913
  • Type G = MoS. 14 (XIV) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1914
  • Type G = MoS. 15 (XV) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1914
  • Type G = MoS. 16 (XVI) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1915
  • Type G = MoS. 17 (XVII) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1915
  • Type G = MoS. 18 (XVIII) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine, 1915
  • Type G = MoS. 19 (XIX) : 2-seat school aircraft, one engine
  • Type G : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, version of Type G, not carried out, one 80 hp Le Rhône engine, project, 1915
  • Thulin Type B : 2-seat school aircraft, no details, one 50 hp Gnome engine, 3 built, 1915
  • Type LH = MoS. 20 (XX) : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, military design, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 3 built, 1915
  • Type P = MoS. 21 (XXI) : 2-seat recce aircraft, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine,
  • Type Q : no details, 1 built, 1916
  • Type R : 2-seat recce aircraft, export version of Type LA for Russia, 2 built, 1916
  • Type T (1) : 2-seat sesquiplane two 110 hp Le Rhône 9 Jb engines, not finished, 1914?
  • Type U : 1-seat shoulder wing pursuit aircraft, evolved from Type V, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine, project, 1916
  • Type V = MoS. 22 (XXII) : 1-seat shoulder wing pursuit aircraft, evolved from Type I, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine, 13 built, 1916
  • Type AA : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, 1916
  • Type AB : two engines, project, 1916
  • Type AC = MoS. 23 (XXIII) : 1-seat shoulder wing pursuit aircraft, last evolution of Type N, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine, 33 built, 1916
  • Type AC = MoS. 23 (XXIII) : 1-seat shoulder wing pursuit aircraft, last evolution of Type N, one 120 hp Le Rhône 9 Jb, 1916
  • Type Y = MoS. 24 (XXIV) : 3-seat bombing aircraft, two 150 hp Hispano 8 Aa engine, 1 built, 1916
  • Type T (2) = MoS. 25 (XXV) : 3-seat biplane recce aircraft, two 110 hp Le Rhône 9 Jb engines, 90 built, 1916
  • Type P = MoS. 26 (XXI) : 2-seat parasol wing recce aircraft, one 110 hp Le Rhône 9 J engine, 1916
  • Type X : 3-seat biplane bombing aircraft, one 350 hp Panhard 12 J engine, 1 built, 1916
  • Type Z : maybe prototype for Type T, two engines, 1916
  • Type AD : 2-seat biplane, 3 built, 1916
  • Type AE : 2-seat biplane recce aircraft, one 150 hp Le Rhône engine, 4 built, 1916
  • Type AE : 2-seat parasol wing recce prototype, 1917
  • Type AE bis : 2-seat experimental aircraft, version of Type AE with one 170 hp Le Rhône 9 R engine, 1 built, 1917
  • Type AG : 2 built, 1916
  • Type AH : 2 built, 1916
  • Type AI = MoS. 27 (XXVII) : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft (= MoS. 27 C1), one 150 hp Gnome 9 Nb engine, 1214 built°, 1917
  • Type AF = MoS. 28 (XXVIII) : 1-seat biplane pursuit aircraft, one 150 hp Gnome 9 Nb engine, 2 built, 1917
  • Type AFH : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, amphibian version of Type AF, one 150 hp Gnome 9 Nb engine, 1 built, 1917
  • Type AP = MoS. 29 (XXIX) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, development of MoS. 27 with two machine guns (= MoS. 29 C1), one 150 hp Gnome 9 Nb engine, °, 1917
  • Type AI = MoS. 30 (XXX) : 1-seat trainer aircraft, development of MoS. 27, one 120 hp Le Rhône 9 Jb engine, °, 1918
  • Type AI = MoS. 30 (XXX) : 1-seat trainer aircraft, development of MoS. 27, one 135 hp Le Rhône 9 Jby °
  • Type AI = MoS. 30bis (XXXbis) : 1-seat trainer aircraft, one 90 hp Le Rhône 9 Jby engine, 1919
  • Type AJ : 1-seat biplane one 120 hp Le Rhône engine, 5 built, 1916
  • Type AK : 1-seat? biplane pursuit 5 built, 1916
  • Type AL : 1-seat biplane pursuit, 1917
  • Type AN = MoS. 31 (XXXI) : 2-seat biplane pursuit aircraft, one 450 hp Bugatti 16 C engine, 1 built, 1918
  • Type AN = MoS. 31 (XXXI) : 2-seat pursuit aircraft, modification of Type AN, one 450 hp Bugatti 16 C engine, 1 conversion
  • Type ANL = MoS. 32 (XXXII) : 2-seat biplane pursuit aircraft, development of AN, one 400 hp Liberty 12 engine, 1 built, 1918
  • Type ANR = MoS. 33 (XXXIII) : 2-seat biplane pursuit aircraft, development of AN, one 450 hp Renault 12 F engine, 1 built, 1919
  • Type ANS = MoS. 34 (XXXIV) : 2-seat biplane pursuit aircraft, development of AN, one 540 hp Salmson 18 Z engine, 1 built, 1919
  • Type AR = MS. 35R (XXXV) : 2-seat parasol wing school aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 463 built*, 1919
  • MS. 35A (XXXV) : 2-seat parasol wing school aircraft, one 80 hp Anzani engine, *, 1919
  • MS. 35C (XXXV): 2-seat parasol wing school aircraft, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, *, 1919
  • Type AS = MS. 36 (XXXVI) : 2-seat monoplane school aircraft, (also single-seat?), one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1920
  • Type AT = MS. 37 (XXXVII) : 2-seat monoplane pursuit aircraft, one Le Rhône 9 Jb engine, 1 built, 1922
  • Type AU 1 = MS. 38 : 1-seat parasol wing acrobatic aircraft, derived from AS for thick wing tests, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1 built, 1921
  • Type AU 2 = MS. 38 : 1-seat sesquiplane acrobatic aircraft, variant, wind tunnel model, 1921
  • Type AV = MS. 39 : 4-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 1 built, 1923
  • Type AV 1 = MS. 39 : modification of Type AV, 1 conversion?
  • Type AW = MS. 40 : 2-seat monoplane transport aircraft, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 1 built, 1921
  • Type AX = MS. 41 : 18-seat monoplane transport aircraft, three 370 hp Lorraine 12 Da engines, 1 built, 1922
  • MS. 42 : 2-seat biplane school aircraft, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 1 built, 1923
  • MS. 43 : 2-seat school aircraft, development of MS. 42, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 79 built, 1923
  • MS. 44 : 2-seat biplane trainer aircraft, one 220 hp Lorraine 8 Fb engine, project, 1923
  • MS. 45 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1 built [F-AHBX], 1923
  • MS. 46 : 1-seat monoplane pursuit aircraft, one 250 hp Salmson 9 Zc engine, project, 1925
  • MS. 47 : 3-seat monoplane transport aircraft, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, project, 1925
  • MS. 48 : 1-seat monoplane trainer aircraft, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, project, 1925
  • MS. 49 : 1-seat monoplane pursuit aircraft, one 450 hp Lorraine 12 Eb engine, 1 built?, 1925
  • MS. 50 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 3 built, 1924
  • MS. 50C : 2-seat primary trainer aircraft, version for Finnish AF, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 6 built, 1925
  • MS. 51 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 50, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 2 built, 1925
  • MS. 52 : 2-seat monoplane trainer aircraft, one 275 hp Lorraine 8 Bd engine, project, 1925
  • MS. 53 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 50, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 5 built, 1925
  • MS. 56 : development of MS. 50
  • MS. 60 : 2-seat biplane tourism aircraft, licensed version of DH.60 Moth, one 85 hp De Havilland Gipsy I engine, 50 built, 1930
  • MS. 120 : 1-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, like MS. 53 with more powerful engine, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 1 built, 1926
  • MS. 121 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, one 400 hp Hispano 12 Jb engine, 2 built, 1926
  • MS. 122 : 1-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 1 built, 1926
  • MS. 123 : 2-seat monoplane trainer aircraft, development of MS. 53, increased wing area, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 124 : 2-seat monoplane aircraft, one 250 hp Salmson 9 Zb engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 125 : 2-seat monoplane trainer aircraft, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 126 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 127 : 4-seat monoplane transport aircraft, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 128 : 2-seat monoplane tourism aircraft, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, project, 1926
  • MS. 129 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ab engine, 25 built, 1926
  • MS. 130 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 129, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 143 built, 1926
  • MS. 131 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, development of MS. 130, one 230 hp Lorraine 7 Ma engine, 3 built, 1928
  • MS. 132 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 130, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 5 built, 1927
  • MS. 133 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 130, one 230 hp Gnome-Rhône 5 Ba engine, 10 built, 1928
  • MS. 134 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 130, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 2 built, 1926
  • MS. 135 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1 built, 1926
  • MS. 136 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 130, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 9 built, 1926
  • MS. 137 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 138, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 31 built, 1927
  • MS. 137/5 : 2-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, former MS. 137 and MS. 137/7, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, 2 conversions, 1928
  • MS. 137/7 : 3-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, former MS. 137; became MS. 137/5, one 100 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, 1 conversion, 1929
  • MS. 138 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 35, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 149 built, 1927
  • MS. 139 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 138, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 40 built, 1927
  • MS. 140 : 2-seat biplane sanitary aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, 1 built, 1928
  • MS. 141 : 2-seat biplane sanitary aircraft, development of MS. 140, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, 3 built, 1929
  • MS. 142 : 2-seat biplane estafette aircraft, development of MS. 140, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, 1 built, 1928
  • MS. 143 : 2-seat biplane sanitary aircraft, development of MS. 140, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 1 built, 1929
  • MS. 146 : 2-seat monoplane, 1929
  • MS. 147 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 109 built, 1928
  • MS. 148 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 147, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, 3 built, 1928
  • MS. 149 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 147, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, 37 built, 1928
  • MS. 150 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 151 : 2-seat monoplane hydro aircraft, version of MS. 150 for Finland, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 152 : 2-seat parasol wing liaison aircraft, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 1 built, 1928
  • MS. 153 : 2-seat parasol wing liaison aircraft, re-engined MS. 152, one 230 hp Lorraine 7 Ma engine, project, 1930
  • MS. 154 : 2-seat parasol wing liaison aircraft, re-engined MS. 152, one 240 hp Gnome-Rhône 5 Kd engine, project, 1930
  • MS. 156 (1) : project, 1929
  • MS. 156 (2) : 3-seat liaison aircraft, version of the Fieseler Fi 156 Storch, one 240 hp Argus As 10 engine, 793 built, 1942
  • MS. 160 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 161 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 162 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 167 : 2-seat primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 160, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 170 : 2-seat monoplane estafette aircraft, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 171 : 2-seat monoplane liaison aircraft, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 172 : 2-seat monoplane transport aircraft, one 100 hp Hispano 6 Pa engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 178 : 2-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, a formerMS. 135 with a diesel engine, one 100 hp Clerget 9 A engine, 1 conversion, 1929
  • MS. 180 : 1-seat parasol wing sport aircraft, became MS. 181, one 40 hp Salmson 9 Ad engine, 1 built [F-AIYH], 1928
  • MS. 181 : 1-seat parasol wing sport aircraft, development of MS. 180, one 60 hp Salmson 5 Ac engine, 15 built + 1 conv., 1929
  • MS. 182 : 1-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, project, 1929
  • MS. 185 : 1-seat parasol wing sport aircraft, development of MS. 180, one 40 hp Salmson 9 Ad engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 190 : 2-seat monoplane primary trainer aircraft, one 80 hp Le Rhône 9 C engine, project, 1928
  • MS. 191 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, development of MS. 138, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 68 built, 1928
  • MS. 191/1 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, former MS. 191 for CFA, one 135 hp Salmson 9 Nc engine, 24 built, 1933
  • MS. 191L : 2-seat parasol wing acrobatic aircraft, modified MS. 191, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 1 conversion
  • MS. 200 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 147 with acrobatics capability, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 1 conversion, 1929
  • MS. 220 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Ac engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 221 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, re-engined MS. 121, one 480 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Ag engine, 2 built, 1928
  • MS. 222 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, development of MS. 121, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Asb engine, 2 built, 1929
  • MS. 222bis : 1-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, second MS. 222 modified with Townend ring, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Asb engine, 1 conversion, 1930
  • MS. 223 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, like MS. 222 with different landing gear, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Asb engine, 2 built, 1930
  • MS. 224 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, enlarged MS. 223 which led to the MS. 225, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Asb engine, 1 built, 1931
  • MS. 225 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, one 520 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kdrs engine, 74 built, 1932
  • MS. 225bis : 1-seat parasol wing acrobatic aircraft, version for Detroyat, one 520 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kdrs engine, 1 built? 2 built?, 1933
  • MS. 225 EVN : 1-seat parasol wing night pursuit aircraft, version of MS. 225 equipped for night operations, one 520 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kdrs engine, 2 built
  • MS. 225 VSD : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, version of MS. 225 equipped for acrobatics, one 520 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kdrs engine, about 10 built, 1934
  • MS. 226 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, carrier version of the MS. 225, one 500 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kbr engine, 2 built, 1933
  • MS. 226bis : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, variant with folding wings, one 500 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kbr engine, 1 built, 1934
  • MS. 227 : 1-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, MS. 225 as engine testbed, one 680 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Xcrs engine, 1 conversion, 1933
  • MS. 228 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, naval version, project, 1934
  • MS. 229 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, version of the MS. 230 for Swiss AF, one 180 hp Hispano 8 Ac engine, 2 built, 1931
  • MS. 230 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 1100 built, 1929
  • MS. 230 GR : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, first designation of MS. 235, one 300 hp Gnome-Rhône 7 Kd engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 231 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230, one 240 hp Lorraine 7 Mb engine, 6 built, 1930
  • MS. 231/1 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 230 hp Lorraine 7 Me engine, 1 built, 1936
  • MS. 232 : 2-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, modified MS. 230, one 200 hp Clerget 9 Ca engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 233 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230, one 230 hp Gnome-Rhône 5 Ba/Bc engine, 22 built, 1930
  • MS. 234 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230, one 250 hp Hispano 9 Qa engine, 2 built, 1931
  • MS. 234 : 1-seat parasol wing acrobatic aircraft, version for Detroyat, one 250 hp Hispano 9 Qa engine, 1 built, 1933
  • MS. 234/2 : 1-seat parasol wing racing aircraft, former MS. 130, became MS. 234 N°2, one 230 hp Hispano 9 Qb engine, 1 conversion, 1931
  • MS. 235 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230, former MS. 230 GR redesignated, one 300 hp Gnome-Rhône 7 Kd engine, (1 built), 1930
  • MS. 235H : 2-seat parasol wing hydro aircraft, float variant, one 300 hp Gnome-Rhône 7 Kd engine, 1 built, 1932
  • MS. 236 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230 built under license for Belgian AF (SABCA), one 215 hp Arm.-Siddeley Lynx 4c engine, 19 built, 1932
  • MS. 237 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, modified MS. 230, one 280 hp Salmson 9 Aba engine, 5 built, 1934
  • MS. 238 : no details, ?
  • MS. 240 : 2-seat biplane sanitary aircraft, one 150 hp ? engine, project, 1930
  • MS. 250 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, developed from MS. 152 (also "Travail"/observation work), one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 1 built, 1931
  • MS. 251 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, version of the MS. 250 with different engine, one 240 hp Lorraine 7 Mc engine, 1 built, 1931
  • MS. 252 : 2-seat parasol wing "travail" aircraft, one 300 hp Gnome-Rhône 7 Kd engine, project, 1933
  • MS. 260 : 2-seat high wing tourism aircraft, licensed version of DH.80 Puss Moth, one 105 hp De Havilland Gipsy III engine, 1 built, 1932
  • MS. 262 : high wing development of MS. 260, project
  • MS. 263 : high wing development of MS. 260, project
  • MS. 270 : 5-seat night bombing aircraft, four engines, project, 1930
  • MS. 275 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, modified MS. 225, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kers engine, 1 built, 1933
  • MS. 275 C1S : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, development of MS. 225 (also found as MS. 275 S), one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kers engine, project
  • MS. 275-2 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, no details, one 600 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kers engine, 1 built?
  • MS. 276 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, version of MS. 275 with different engine, project
  • MS. 277 : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, version of MS. 275 with different engine, project
  • MS. 278 (1) : 1-seat parasol wing pursuit aircraft, version of MS. 275 with different engine, project
  • MS. 278 (2) : 1-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, MS. 225 modified with diesel engine, one 520 hp Clerget 14 Fos engine, 1 conversion, 1938
  • MS. 300 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, civilian, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 301 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, military version of the MS. 300, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, 6 built, 1930
  • MS. 301bis : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, one 120 hp Lorraine 5 Pc engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 302 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, version of the MS. 300, one 120 hp Salmson 9 Ac engine, 2 built, 1931
  • MS. 303 : 2-seat parasol wing version of the MS. 300, prototype?
  • MS. 309 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, trainer; became an MS. 302, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ac engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 310 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, version of the MS. 300, one 95 hp Salmson 7 Ad engine, 1 built, 1931
  • MS. 311 : 2-seat parasol wing hydro aircraft, version of the MS. 300, one 100 hp Lorraine 5 Pa engine, 1 built, 1931
  • MS. 312 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, civilian, one 135 hp Salmson 9 Nc engine, 1 built, 1932
  • MS. 313 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, trainer aircraft for Peru, one 110 hp Lorraine 5 Pb engine, 6 built, 1933
  • MS. 314 : 2-seat parasol wing hydro trainer aircraft, for Gnome-Rhône school, one 130 hp Clerget 9 B engine, 8 built, 1931
  • MS. 315 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, derived from MS. 300, one 135 hp Salmson 9 Nc engine, 353 built, 1932
  • MS. 315/2 : 2-seat parasol wing primary trainer aircraft, civilian variant, one 175 hp Salmson 9 Nd engine, 5 built [F-AOIP…], 1935
  • MS. 316 : 2-seat parasol wing experimental aircraft, version of the MS. 315, one 180 hp Régnier R6-001 engine, 1 built, 1935
  • MS. 317 : 2-seat? parasol wing towing aircraft, re-engined MS. 315, one 220 hp Continental W-670-6A engine, 40 conversions, 1960
  • MS. 320 (1) : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, project, 1930
  • MS. 320 (2) : 2-seat acrobatic trainer aircraft, one 320 hp Salmson 9 Abd engine, 1 built, 1934
  • MS. 322 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, project, 1931
  • MS. 325 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, one 600 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Xbrs engine, 1 built, 1933
  • MS. 330 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 331 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, MS. 330 with different engine, one 230 hp Lorraine 7 Me engine, 1 built, 1930
  • MS. 332 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 330 for NACA; Salon 1932, one 250 hp Hispano-Suiza 9 Qb engine, 1 built, 1932
  • MS. 335 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 330, one 280 hp Salmson 9 Aba engine, 1 built [F-AMRP], 1934
  • MS. 340 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, one 120 hp De Havilland Gipsy III engine, 1 built, 1933
  • MS. 341 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, former MS. 340 modified, one 120 hp Renault 4 Pdi engine, 1 conversion, 1934
  • MS. 341/2 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, one 120 hp Renault 4 Pdi engine, 4 built, 1934
  • MS. 341/3 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, one 140 hp Renault 4 Pei engine, 32 built, 1934
  • MS. 342 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, development of MS. 340, one 120 hp De Havilland Gipsy Major engine, 4 built, 1934
  • MS. 342/2 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, cabin variant of MS. 342, one 120 hp De Havilland Gipsy Major engine, 1 built, 1934
  • MS. 343 : 2-seat parasol wing sport aircraft, development of MS. 340, one 175 hp Salmson 9 Nd engine, 1 built, 1937
  • MS. 343/2 : 2-seat parasol wing sport aircraft, one 135 hp Salmson 9 Nc engine, 1 built, 1939
  • MS. 344 : 2-seat parasol wing school aircraft, one 140 hp Renault 4 Pei engine, project, 1933
  • MS. 345 : 2-seat parasol wing tourism aircraft, development of MS. 340 with single masts, one 140 hp Renault 4 Pei engine, 1 built, 1935
  • MS. 350 (1) : 3-seat observation aircraft, project, 1931
  • MS. 350 (2) : 2-seat project, 1932
  • MS. 350 (3) : 1-seat biplane acrobatic aircraft, one 220 hp Renault 6 Q-01 engine, 1 built, 1936
  • MS. 351 : 1-seat biplane acrobatic aircraft, one 220 hp Salmson 6 Tes engine, project, 1936
  • MS. 360 : 3-seat biplane tourism aircraft, derivative of MS. 260, one 200 hp Régnier OR Gipsy engine, not completed, 1934
  • MS. 370 : 8-seat transport aircraft, light transport, two 500 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kbrs engines, project, 1934
  • MS. 380 : 2-seat pursuit aircraft, two engines, project, 1934
  • MS. 382 : 2-seat pursuit aircraft, carrier based, two Tornado (?) engines, project, 1934
  • MS. 385 : 3-seat pursuit aircraft, two engines, project, 1935
  • MS. 390 : 2-seat pursuit aircraft, two 650 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Ybrs engines, project, 1934
  • MS. 400 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, project, 1934
  • MS. 405 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Ycrs engine, 17 built, 1935
  • MS. 406 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, development of MS. 405, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, 1079 built, 1938
  • MS. 406H : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, Swiss version, became D-3800, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, 76 built, 1938
  • MS. 406L : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, Lituanian version, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, project, 1939
  • MS. 407 LP : 1-seat low wing experimental aircraft, a former MS. 405 and two futureMS. 406, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Ycrs engine, 1 conv. (2 built), 1938
  • MS. 408 (1) : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, possibly a former MS. 405 modified, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Ycrs engine, 1 conversion?, 1938
  • MS. 408 (2) : 1-seat low wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 430, one 390 hp Salmson 9 Ag engine, 1 conversion, 1939
  • MS. 409 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, derivative of MS. 406 with radiator enclosed under cowling, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, project, 1938
  • MS. 410 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, about 10 retrofits, 1940
  • MS. 411 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, variant of MS. 405 as engine testbed, one 930 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y45 engine, 1 conversion, 1939
  • MS. 412 : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, variant of MS. 410 with improved cooling, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y31 engine, project, 1939
  • MS. 415 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, side-by-side seating, project?
  • MS. 416 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, side-by-side seating, project?, 1939
  • MS. 420 (1) : 1-seat mid wing pursuit aircraft, twin-boom pusher, one 1200 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Mc engine, project?, 1931
  • MS. 420 (2) : 2-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, project?, 1936
  • MS. 420 (3) : 1-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, version of MS.406 with retractable radiator, one 500 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Mc engine, project, 1940
  • MS. 425 : 2-seat low wing pursuit aircraft, one engine, project?, 1936
  • MS. 430 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, one 390 hp Salmson 9 Ag engine, 1 built, 1936
  • MS. 431 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, one engine, project, 1938
  • MS. 432 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, version of MS. 430, one 420 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kfs engine, project, 1938
  • MS. 433 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, version of MS. 430, one 440 hp Gnome-Rhône 7 Kfs engine, 1 built, 1938
  • MS. 434 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, one engine, project?, 1938
  • MS. 435 : 2-seat low-wing primary trainer aircraft, (45 aircraft initially ordered), one 550 hp Gnome-Rhône 9 Kdrs-1 engine, 1 built, 1939
  • MS. 438 : 2-seat? low-wing development of MS. 430, one engine, prototype?, 1938
  • MS. 440 (1) : 2-seat low-wing trainer aircraft, one engine, project, 1936
  • MS. 440 (2) : 1-seat low-wing night pursuit aircraft, a derivative of MS. 406, one engine, not completed, 1940
  • MS. 450 : 1-seat low-wing pursuit aircraft, development of MS. 406, one 1100 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y51 engine, 3 built, 1939
  • MS. 460 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, one 1050 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y51 engine, 1 built, 1939
  • MS. 470 LÉVRIER : 2-seat low-wing trainer aircraft, based onMS. 406, one 690 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 X13 engine, 1 built, 1944
  • MS. 470A : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, pre-MS. 540/640 design, one engine, project?, 1941
  • MS. 471 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, one Béarn 12 B engine, project, 1945
  • MS. 472 VANNEAU : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 470, one 570 hp Gnome-Rhône 14 M05 engine, 233 built, 1945
  • MS. 473 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 470, one 690 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 X13 engine, project, 1945
  • MS. 474 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, navalized, one 570 hp Gnome-Rhône 14 M04 engine, 70 built, 1947
  • MS. 475 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 470, one 860 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Y45 engine, 201 built, 1947
  • MS. 476 (1) : 2-seat trainer aircraft, planned version, one Renault 12S engine, project
  • MS. 476 (2) : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, enlarged wing and empennage, one Gnome-Rhône 14 M+ engine, 1 built, 1948
  • MS. 477 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, one 580 hp SNECMA 12S-02 engine, 1 built, 1950
  • MS. 478 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, one 1050 hp Isotta Fraschini Delta RC 25 engine, project, 1950
  • MS. 478A : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, one 800 hp Isotta Fraschini Delta RC 40 engine, project, 1950
  • MS. 478B : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, one 1050 hp Isotta Fraschini Delta RC 20 engine, project, 1950
  • MS. 479 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 472, one 820 hp SNECMA 14X-04 engine, 1 built, 1952
  • MS. 480 : 2-seat high-wing observation aircraft, project?, 1939
  • MS. 500 (1) : 2-seat tourism aircraft, several studies for sports/touring aircraft, project, 1942
  • MS. 500 CRIQUET (2) : 2-seat liaison aircraft, licence-built Fieseler Fi 156 Storch, one 240 hp Argus As 10 C / As 10 R engine, 925 built, 1944
  • MS. 501 : 2-seat liaison aircraft, MS. 500 with metallic structure, one 220 hp Renault 6Q-01 engine, prototype?,
  • MS. 502A : 2-seat liaison aircraft, modification of MS. 500, one 280 hp Salmson 9 Abb engine, prototype?, 1945
  • MS. 502B : 2-seat liaison aircraft, modification of MS. 500, one 230 hp Salmson 9 Ab engine, prototype?, 1945
  • MS. 502C : 2-seat liaison aircraft, modification of MS. 500, one 240 hp Salmson 9 Abc engine, prototype?, 1945
  • MS. 503 : 2-seat liaison aircraft, modification of MS. 500, one De Havilland Gipsy Queen engine, prototype?, 1946
  • MS. 504 : 2-seat? towing aircraft, MS. 502 modified as tow aircraft, one 300 hp Jacobs R-755A2 engine, 1 conv. [F-BCME], 1968
  • MS. 505 : 2-seat? towing aircraft, MS. 502 modified by SIPA & Reims as tow aircraft, one 300 hp Jacobs R-755A2 engine, 40 conversions, 1963
  • MS. 506 (1) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, development of MS. 406, Swiss version (D-3801), one engine, 207 built, 1940
  • MS. 506 (2) : 2-seat liaison aircraft, MS. 500 with turboprop engine, one 530 hp Turbomeca Astazou II engine, project, 1960
  • MS. 506 (2) : 2-seat liaison aircraft, MS. 500 with turboprop engine, one Turbomeca Astazou XIV, project, 1960
  • MS. 506L : 2-seat "travail" aircraft, modifications of MS. 500, one 235 hp Lycoming O-540-B2B5 engine, 2 built, 1976
  • MS. 520 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, biplane fighter, one 500 hp Hispano-Suiza 12 Mc engine, project, 1938
  • MS. 530 : 2-seat parasol wing trainer aircraft, development of MS. 330, one 280 hp Salmson 9 Abd engine, 1 built, 1938
  • MS. 540 (1) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, one Hispano-Suiza 12 Z engine, project, 1940
  • MS. 540 (2) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, Swiss D-3802, one 1250 hp Saurer YS 2 engine, 3 built, 1944
  • MS. 550 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, Swiss D-3802A, one 1250 hp Saurer YS 2 engine, 11 built, 1945
  • MS. 560 (1) : 1-seat acrobatic aircraft, one 75 hp Train 6Do-1 engine, 1 built, 1945
  • MS. 560 (2) : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, Swiss D-3803, one 1430 hp Saurer YS 3 engine, 1 built, 1947
  • MS. 561 : 1-seat acrobatic aircraft, re-engined MS. 560 (1), one 100 hp Mathis G4Z engine, 1 conversion, 1946
  • MS. 562 : 1-seat acrobatic aircraft, re-engined MS. 560 (1)?, one 100 hp Walter Minor III engine, 1 conversion?, 1946
  • MS. 563 : 1-seat record aircraft, re-engined MS. 561, one 105 hp Walter Minor 44-III engine, 1 conversion, 1949
  • MS. 570 : 2-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 560, one 140 hp Renault 4 Pei engine, 1 built, 1945
  • MS. 571 : 3-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 570, one 140 hp Renault 4 Pei engine, 6 built, 1947
  • MS. 572 : 4-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 571, one 140 hp Potez 4 D engine, 1 built, 1948
  • MS. 573 : development of MS. 571, project?, 1947
  • MS. 580 : 12-seat transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1944
  • MS. 591 : experimental aircraft, jet powered development of MS. 571 x ? Aspin engine, project, 1951
  • MS. 600 : 2-seat tourism aircraft, sports/touring aircraft, one 75 hp Mathis G4F engine, 1 built, 1947
  • MS. 601 : 2-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 600, one 90 hp Régnier engine, 1 built, 1947
  • MS. 602 : 2-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 600, one 75 hp Minié 4 DA engine, prototype, 1948
  • MS. 602A : 2-seat? development of MS. 602
  • MS. 603 : 2-seat tourism aircraft, MS. 602 modified with tricycle landing gear, one 105 hp Hirth HM 504 A-2 engine, 1 conversion, 1956
  • MS. 631 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, "Mörkö-Morane" adaptation of MS. 406 for Finland, 41 built, 1943
  • MS. 640 : 1-seat pursuit aircraft, one Hispano 12 Z engine, project, 1939
  • MS. 650 : 2-seat light aircraft co-produced with private owners, project?, 1947
  • MS. 660 : 1-seat tourism aircraft, light aircraft, one 50 hp Train 4E-01 engine, 1 built, 1946
  • MS. 661 : 1-seat tourism aircraft, development of MS. 660, one 60 hp Aster engine, 1 built, 1946
  • MS. 662 : 1-seat tourism aircraft, modification of MS. 661, mentioned by P. Gaillard, one engine, 1 built
  • MS. 680 : transport aircraft, two engines, project?, 1946
  • MS. 700 : 4-seat liaison aircraft, two 160 hp Potez 4 D 33 engines or two 220 hp Potez 4 D 35 engines, 2 built, 1948
  • MS. 700R : 6-seat? aircraft, two engines, project, 1949
  • MS. 701 : 4-seat liaison aircraft, development of MS. 700, two 180 hp Mathis 8G-02 engines, project, 1949
  • MS. 702 : two engines, project?, 1949
  • MS. 703 PÉTREL : 6-seat liaison aircraft, development of MS. 700, two 240 hp Salmson 8AS-00 engines, 1 built, 1951
  • MS. 704 : 6-seat liaison aircraft, development of MS. 700, two 220 hp Potez 4 D 31 engines, project, 1951
  • MS. 705 : development of MS. 701, two engines, project?
  • MS. 706 : development of MS. 701 with 2 engines, two engines, project?, 1950
  • MS. 706 : jet aircraft, alternate version with 4 jet engines, project?,
  • MS. 708 : 6-seat liaison aircraft, development of MS. 703, two 300 hp Potez 6 D 30 engines, project, 1951
  • MS. 710 (1) : 1-seat fighter jet aircraft, contender of Dassault Ouragan, one 2270 kgp Rolls-Royce Nene engine, project, 1947
  • MS. 710 (2) : transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1958
  • MS. 711 : 1-seat fighter jet aircraft, development of MS. 710 with swept wing, one 2270 kgp Rolls-Royce Nene engine, project, 1947
  • MS. 720 : transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1948
  • MS. 730 : 3-seat trainer aircraft, single engined, one 185 hp Mathis G820 engine, 1 built, 1949
  • MS. 731 : 3-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 730, one 240 hp Argus 8 AS engine, 1 built, 1950
  • MS. 732 : 3-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 730, one 240 hp Argus 8 AS engine, 1 built, 1951
  • MS. 733 ALCYON : 3-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 730, one 240 hp Potez 6 Do engine, 202 built, 1951
  • MS. 733A : 2-seat combat support aircraft, one 240 hp Potez 6 Do engine, 70 built, 1955
  • MS. 734 : development of MS. 733, one engine, project?, 1951
  • MS. 735 : 3-seat trainer aircraft, development of MS. 730, one 310 hp Potez 6 D 30 engine, 1 built, 1953
  • MS. 740 (1) : surveillance aircraft, four engines, project?, 1948
  • MS. 740 (2) : surveillance aircraft, two engines, project?
  • MS. 751 : trainer jet aircraft, two engines, project?, 1950
  • MS. 752 : 2-seat trainer jet aircraft, derived fromMS. 730, two 386 kgp Turbomeca Marboré engines, project, 1950
  • MS. 752 : 1-seat combat jet aircraft, two 386 kgp Turbomeca Marboré engines, project, 1951
  • MS. 753 : 1-seat? trainer jet aircraft, two engines, project, 1950
  • MS. 755 FLEURET : 2-seat trainer jet aircraft, contender of Fouga Magister, two 400 kgp Turbomeca Marboré II engines, 2 built, 1953
  • MS. 756 FLEURET II : 2-seat trainer jet aircraft, development of MS. 755, two 1290 kgp General Electric CJ160 engines, project
  • MS. 760 : 2-seat high wing liaison/observation aircraft, project, 1950
  • MS. 760A PARIS I : 4-seat liaison/communications jet aircraft, development of MS. 755, two 400 kgp Turbomeca Marboré IIC engines, 155 built*, 1954
  • MS. 760A PARIS IR : 4-seat liaison jet aircraft, retrofit with Marboré VI engines, two 480 hp? Turbomeca Marboré VI engines, *
  • MS. 760B PARIS II/B: 4-seat liaison jet aircraft, two 480 kgp Turbomeca Marboré VI engines, *, 1960
  • MS. 760C PARIS III : 6-seat liaison/executive jet aircraft, development of MS. 760, two 550 kgp Turbomeca Marboré VI engines, *, 1964
  • MS. 760D PARIS : business jet aircraft, development of MS. 760, two engines, project, 1964
  • MS. 760E PARIS : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760, two engines, project
  • MS. 761 : 2-seat combat jet aircraft, armed development of MS. 760, two engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 765 : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760C, two engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 765A : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760C, three engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 765B : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760C, two engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 765C : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760C, two engines, project, 1962
  • MS. 765D : liaison jet aircraft, development of MS. 760C, two engines, project, 1962
  • MS. 770 (1) : 2-seat high wing observation aircraft, project, 1950 (!)
  • MS. 770 (2) : 2-seat tandem seat derivative of MS. 733, project, 1953 (!)
  • MS. 775 : 2-seat combat support aircraft, pre-project to MS.1500, one 450 hp Turbomeca Marcadau engine, project, 1954
  • MS. 785 VERSAILLES (1): 10-seat executive jet aircraft, two 1100 kgp Turbomeca Gabizo engines, project, 1955
  • MS. 785 NICE (2) : 10-seat low swept wing executive jet aircraft (or "Comté de Nice"), four 1100 kgp Turbomeca Gabizo engines, project, 1957
  • MS. 786 (1) : executive jet aircraft, 4+2-engines, pre-project to MS. 880, project, 1957
  • MS. 786 (2) : executive jet aircraft, four engines, project, 1958?
  • MS. 787 : 8-seat liaison aircraft, two engines, project, 1959
  • MS. 790 : trainer jet aircraft, 1953
  • MS. 800-01 : 1-seat ground attack/tactical support jet aircraft, contender of Taon and Etendard, one 3300 kgp Atar 101 E-2 engine, project, 1954
  • MS. 800-02 : 1-seat ground attack/tactical support jet aircraft, contender of Taon and Etendard, two 1370 kgp SNECMA R-105 engines, project, 1954
  • MS. 810 : 3-seat colonial/COIN aircraft, two 580 hp SNECMA 12S engines, project, 1954
  • MS. 820 : 2-seat high wing observation aircraft, project, 1956
  • MS. 830 : transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1958
  • MS. 831 : transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1960
  • MS. 832 : transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 850 : project
  • MS. 860 : executive/liaison jet aircraft, two engines, project, 1958
  • MS. 861 SUPER PARIS : 8-seat executive/liaison jet aircraft, two 1350 kgp JT12 engines, project, 1960
  • MS. 862 : executive/liaison jet aircraft, three engines, project, 1960
  • MS. 880 (1) : 10-seat executive jet aircraft, four 1100 kgp Turbomeca Gabizo engines, project, 1958?
  • MS. 880A RALLYE : 2-seat sports/touring aircraft, one 90 hp Continental C90-14F engine, 2 built, 1959
  • MS. 880B RALLYE CLUB : 4-seat sports/touring aircraft, one 100 hp Continental O-200A engine, 60 built, 1961
  • MS. 880C : sports/touring aircraft, one engine, project?, 1961
  • MS. 881 RALLYE CLUB : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one engine, project?
  • MS. 882 RALLYE CLUB : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one engine, prototype
  • MS. 884 RALLYE CLUB : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one engine
  • MS. 885 SUPER RALLYE : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one 145 hp Continental O-300C engine, 214 built, 1961
  • MS. 885B SUPER RALLYE : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one engine
  • MS. 886 SUPER RALLYE : sports/touring aircraft, like MS. 885B with different engine, one 150 hp Lycoming O-320-E2A engine, 6 built, 1964
  • MS. 887 : sports/touring aircraft, four-seat version of MS. 880B with 70-pound TOGW increase, one 125 hp Lycoming O-235-F2A engine
  • MS. 890 RALLYE COMMODORE : 4-seat sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 880, one engine, series production
  • MS. 891 : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 890, one engine, project
  • MS. 892 RALLYE COMMODORE 150 : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 890, one engine, series production
  • MS. 893 RALLYE COMMODORE : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 890, one engine, series production
  • MS. 894 RALLYE COMMODORE 220 : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 890, one engine, series production
  • MS. 895 : sports/touring aircraft, development of MS. 890, one engine, project
  • MS. 900 : cargo/light transport aircraft, two Turbomeca Astazou engines, project, 1960
  • MS. 901 : cargo aircraft, version of MS. 900, two Turbomeca Astazou engines, project, 1960
  • MS. 902 : cooperation/COIN aircraft, military development of MS. 900, two 440 hp Turbomeca Astazou engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 910 : transport aircraft, project, 1960
  • MS. 915 : cooperation aircraft, version of MS. 902 with different engines, two 700 hp Turbomeca Bastan engines, project, 1961
  • MS. 930 : acrobatic aircraft, project, 1960
  • MS. 980 : push-pull aircraft, project, 1965
  • MS. 990 : light transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1963
  • MS. 1000 : 1-seat delta wing interceptor jet aircraft, heart shaped wing, many engines studied, one 4200 kgp Atar 101 G1 engine, project, 1953
  • STATODYNE 01, 1-seat VTOL fighter jet aircraft, one Atar 101 G32 and one Turbomeca Gourdon engine, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE 02, 1-seat VTOL fighter jet aircraft, two Atar E3 engine, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE A, 1-seat VTOL experimental jet aircraft, wind tunnel model only, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE B, 1-seat VTOL experimental jet aircraft, demonstrator of MS. 1001, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE F, 1-seat VTOL fighter jet aircraft with rocket engines, two 3000 kgp SEPR engines, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE E1, 1-seat VTOL smaller experimental jet aircraft, one engine, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE E2, jet aircraft, two 400 kgp Turbomeca Marboré engines, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE E3, jet aircraft, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE E4, 1-seat VTOL experimental jet aircraft, project, 1955
  • STATODYNE E5, 1-seat VTOL trainer jet aircraft, two 2200 kgp Rolls-Royce Orpheus engines, project, 1955
  • MS. 1001 STATODYNE : 1-seat VTOL tailsitter fighter jet aircraft, two 2940 kgp Rolls-Royce Orpheus engines, project, 1955
  • MS. 1010 : trainer aircraft, derivative of MS. 1000, project, 1953
  • MS. 1020 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, derivative of MS. 1000, project, 1955
  • MS. 1080 : light transport aircraft, two engines, project, 1964
  • MS. 1100 : experimental aircraft, see MS.2000, project, 1961
  • MS. 1500 ÉPERVIER : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft, one 450 hp Turbomeca Marcadau engine, 1 built, 1958
  • MS. 1500 ÉPERVIER : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft, one 750 hp Turbomeca Bastan IIB engine, 2 built, 1958
  • MS. 1500B : transport aircraft, derivative of MS.1500, project
  • MS. 1510 ÉPERVIER II : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft, development with retractable landing gear, one 950 hp Turbomeca Bastan IV engine, project, 1960
  • MS. 1520 : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft,MS. 1500/1510 development, two ? engine, project
  • MS. 1530 : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft,MS. 1500/1510 development, two 790 hp Turbomeca Astazou XIV engine, project, 1955
  • MS. 1550 SUPER 1500 : 2-seat CAS/COIN aircraft, enlarged MS. 1500, one Rolls-Royce Dart 6 engine, project, 1957
  • MS. 1600 : 2-seat COIN/light transport aircraft, development of MS. 900/901, two 1000 hp Arm.-Siddeley Mamba engines, project, 1955
  • MS. 2000 : VSTOL aircraft, project, 1961
  • MS. 2010 : VSTOL aircraft, project, 1962
  • MS. 2015 : VSTOL jet aircraft, one engine, project, 1963
  • MS. 2020 : VSTOL aircraft, project
  • STATODYNE 05, experimental flying jeep, project, 1959
  • Jeep-1, experimental flying jeep, project, 1959
  • Jeep-2, experimental flying jeep, project, 1959
  • Jeep-3, experimental flying jeep, project, 1959
  • 2-seat STOL aircraft, Bristol BS 53 engine, project, 1959
  • 4-seat STOL aircraft, Bristol BS 53 engine, 1959
Project/design numbers listed separately, mainly drawn during the time of occupation:
  • 010 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, 1941
  • 020 : 2-seat trainer aircraft, 1941
  • 040 : 1-seat fighter aircraft, 1943
  • 041 : fighter bomber aircraft, 1945
  • 050 : attack aircraft, two engines, 1943
  • 050 : attack aircraft, three engines, 1943
  • 060 : pursuit aircraft leading to MS.560, ?, 1943
  • 060 : tourism aircraft, ?
  • 070 : tourism aircraft leading to MS.570, ?
  • 080 : transport aircraft, two engines, 1942
  • 081 : transport aircraft, four engines, 1946
  • 082 : transport aircraft, two engines
  • 083-1: transport aircraft, two engines, 1946
  • 083-2: transport aircraft, two engines, 1946
  • 084 : liaison aircraft, two engines

Compiled by Stéphane Beaumort
(thanks to Jens and hesham for their contributions to the thread)
That really is fine piece of work - always need to know more about French manufacturers.

Well done all!
Fantastic !
Had a look again into Cunys book, you're right, my fault. the Sud-Est contender was
the SE.5020, a later derivative of the SE.5000. Still looking confirmation of the 550
and 631, let's see.
Glad you guys appreciate it.

I have now put in red type all the designations that are either undocumented, unconfirmed or dubious.

The list will evolve as I come across new evidence/references to confirm or invalidate them.

Thanks again to anyone who can help!
hesham said:
MS.351 1936 single seat acrobatic aircraft project

Here is a small info about MS.351,from Avions "91" magazine.


  • MS.351.JPG
    61.6 KB · Views: 289
Skyblazer said:
  • MS. 706 : development of MS. 701 with 2 engines, two engines, project?, 1950
  • MS. 706 : jet aircraft, alternate version with 4 jet engines, project?,

I have some doubts about this MS.706 jet aircraft. Did Morane really plan a jet variant of the MS.700, or could it be a typo for MS.760 ?
The MS. 706 is mentioned as a two or four engined jet derivative in Henri Lacaze "Morane-
Saulnier-Ses avions ses projets", too. The piston engines would have been replaced by
underslung nacelles for the jet egines with split nozzles for the twin engined variant. In the
room between, the main gear would have been stowed.
Thank you for that information. This was a weird project, quite unrealistic in my opinion (at least commercially) like many others of the period.
So, what's final conclusion about the Swiss D-3801 - it was MS. 506, not 412?
Had a look into „MORANE-SAULNIER. Ses avions, ses projets“, by Henri Lacaze. About the MS.410/411/412/
and 506 (as a MS.406 derivative) he wrote:

"MS 405 n ° 12 served as a testbed for the Hispano 12Y45 with a Szydlowski-Planiol compressor , developing 930 hp
at an altitude of 5500 m, and with a fixed ventral radiator. Sometimes the designation MS.411 can be found, but in
reality this was applied to a study of for a radiator, that would have been situated under the engine with a semicircular
shutter on the exhaust to control the flow of air. Another development with a 12Y51 engine was designated MS.412,
but no aircraft of this type were built in France, although according to other sources, manufacturing of three aircraft
was actually undertaken and MS.406 n ° 100 was modified with a fixed radiator and the jet exhaust pipes of the MS.410.
On the other hand in Switzerland 207 examples were built under the designation D-3800 with the Spanish engine
fabricated under the name YS 1 (with some changes) under licence by Saurer, delivering 1050 hp. Produced between
1941 and 1947, they were used beside the D-3800 for training and target towing until 1959. The designation MS 506 is
sometimes used, to say that it was a kind of "Super 406”, but this designation has no foundation in Puteaux (Morane
Saulnier main factory), nor obviously in Switzerland."

... if I made not too big mistakes in this translation. :-\ Perhaps one of our native english speakers could check
the original text in the attached doc-file ?



  • MS-411-412.doc
    22 KB · Views: 47
Skyblazer, the list you've compiled is amazing.

You quoted f/f MS.152 in 1930, but this aircraft was described just in l'Ailes #394 03.01.1929 page 3 and flew in 1928.
According to Donald it was built in "small number". I'd wish to know what number this "small" is.


  • MS152_Ailes.pdf
    374.4 KB · Views: 29
burunduk said:
Skyblazer, the list you've compiled is amazing.

Thank you so much, burunduk! I'm really glad that some people find it of good use.

burunduk said:
You quoted f/f MS.152 in 1930, but this aircraft was described just in l'Ailes #394 03.01.1929 page 3 and flew in 1928.
According to Donald it was built in "small number". I'd wish to know what number this "small" is.

Thanks for the correction, dates are often approximate, so when a definite source can be provided, it's even better!
According to Henri Lacazes "Morane-Saulnier - Ses Avions - Ses Projets", the "small"
number is just "1" ! It was registered as F-AJQE and modified later into the MS.153.
Skyblazer said:
  • MS. 710 (1) : 1-seat fighter jet aircraft, contender of Dassault Ouragan, two 2270 kgp Rolls-Royce Nene engines, project, 1947
  • MS. 711 : 1-seat fighter jet aircraft, development of MS. 710 with swept wing, two 2270 kgp Rolls-Royce Nene engines, project, 1947

As for these project, both fighters were to be single-engined obviously.

Here you've got a drawing of MS-711 (source:



  • MS-711.JPG
    111 KB · Views: 156
Petrus said:
As for these project, both fighters were to be single-engined obviously.

Thanks a lot Piotr, I'm editing the list right away.
Hi All,

we can add to the list;

Rebilkoff was three seat sport aircraft built for Rebilkoff before 1914

Paris Jet IV was four seat tourist aircraft project of 1982,powered by two 600 Garrett TFE 76
engines,intended by JacobJets company

C.1 was single seat fighter project of 1945,powered by one 1700 hp engine

Rallye twin engined version project

Convertible was light airliner project in convertiplane form
Last edited:
This Model was missing;

MS.883 was called Rallye 115,it was MS.880B with dorsal fin and 115 hp
Lycoming O.235-C2A engine.

MS.2011 was also USTOL design developed from MS.2010.
Here's my updated Morane-Saulnier list in PDF form. Feel free to peruse it and please notify when you see any mistakes or omissions.


  • MORANE designations 2018-07.pdf
    227.6 KB · Views: 36
And here is a drawing of MS-800 in its single-engine (Atar) variant. There was also a two-engine variant with Snecma R-105s.


  • MS-800.png
    34.4 KB · Views: 102

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