Mil Mi-24/35 Thread

Im not sure if this will be of any use but i picked this picture up of the HAWK variant above on a website some time ago. All i remember about the Hawk system is it was extremely complicated to to fire and was dropped very soon after entering service in favour of its conventional 9A624. I really hope they didnt use the HAWK variant for ecological survey :D
Good luck!


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That pic is up at Wikipedia right now. Too bad the camo markings are wrong. :p
"Mi-24D FOD (Foreign Object Damage) protection systems testbed: A Mi-24D coded 74 Red was used to test an early model of the vortex-type intake filters which became standard on late Hinds. Unlike the production model resembling partly deflated footballs, these looked like large buckets. By 1998 the helicopter was derelict at the flight test facility in Panki."

Mil Mi-24 'Hind' Attack Helicopter, Yefim Gordon & Dmitriy Komissarov


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Apologies for triple-post.

The photo of that Hind of the Sri Lanka Air Force I posted earlier might be the Mi-24RA "Hind-G1" Mod, according to a debate here at my forum:
The real Ecological Survey Version: ;)


EDIT: Okay, since no one said anything, I'll spoil it... April Fools! :p



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Advanced Technologies and Engineering (ATE) of South Africa upgrade of Mil Mi-24 "Hind".

ATE brochure:

Photographs of ATE Mi-24 SuperHind Mk.III.



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Photographs of ATE Mi-24 SuperHind Mk.III.



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Photographs of ATE Mi-24 SuperHind Mk.IV



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Interesting that in the last group of photos there is a new intake dust filter fitted, but not any sort of exhaust baffles in any of the photos.
In the brochure, linked by Triton, those dust filters are listed as optional equipment.
Some more photos from the ATE website :


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As a company ATE is in serious trouble, it has been in Business Rescue Proceedings (South African equivalent of Chapter 11) since the back-end of 2011. Eurocopter were going to invest and effectively take ownership but the shareholders rejected the deal and the company is now going round international aerospace firms with a begging bowl.

There was a proposed Super Hind Mk V that involved building and entirely new composite forward fuselage/pilot WSO section, I believe the attached image is of the mock-up.

The Russian's were really not happy about the ATE Hinds and for a long time they were refusing to cooperate with the programme and there were threats of legal action- I dont how that ended though.

For variants see:


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two photos of " Sova Boen " ( battle Owl ) from the Krile Airgroup 2000 archive it is Super Hind Mk.III ex. BGAF Mi-24D 123
first flight was on 16 January 2005 if i recall correctly
there is one more ex Bulgarian sold to ATE in 2003/5 it must be ZU-BOI but i'm not sure about that

the last photo in post #5 of Jembia is the same Helicopter


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Dear friends i have interesting question
Can anyone tell me how many are the Mi-24 in USA today ?
ok after small research
all the 7 listed Mi-24 in FAA are ex-Bulgarian

VERTOL SYSTEMS CO INC 103VS ex-BAF 103 taken from service in 1999

VERTOL SYSTEMS CO INC 106VS ex-BAF 106 taken from service in 1999

VERTOL SYSTEMS CO INC 114VS ex-BAF 114 taken from service in 1999

VERTOL SYSTEMS CO INC 202VS ex-BAF 102 taken from service in 1999

VERTOL SYSTEMS CO INC 204VS ex-BAF 104 taken from service in 1999

The Cold War Air Museum 118NX ex-BAF 118 taken from service in 200X

The Cold War Air Museum 120NX ex-BAF 120 taken from service in 200X

the one on the static display is ex-BAF 122

110 is in USA too but i cant find information about it
also 115, 116, 121 are sold to USA ( for 25 ~30k USD each)
two part movie about the Hind with some very interesting photos ;D
Mi-24, Legendary Russian Attack Helicopter, Turns 40 This Year
(Source: Russian Helicopters JSC; issued March 20, 2013)

MOSCOW --- This year marks the 40th anniversary of production of the Mi-24, the first purpose-built Russian combat helicopter, at Rostov Helicopter Plant, today called Rosvertol, a Russian Helicopters company. The design of the Mi-24, a strike and transport helicopter was, was so successful that versions are still in use today: some 1,500 Mi-24s serve with the armed forces of 60 countries worldwide.

In 1978, helicopter test pilot and Hero of the Soviet Union Gurgen Karapetyan set a world helicopter flight speed record of 368.4kmh in an Mi-24. For Russian-made helicopters this record stands to this day.

The Mi-24 was used as the model for development of the Mi-35M, which entered production at Rosvertol in 2005. As well as having substantially superior flight capabilities and manoeuvrability to its predecessor, the Mi-35M can fly combat missions round the clock and in a range of geographies and climates such as high-temperature and high-altitude environments. The Mi-35M is in demand around the world, particularly in Russia and other CIS countries. A new market is South America, where countries have also begun incorporating this unique military machine into their fleets.

The Mi-35M is equipped with advanced high-precision weapons, and it can be used day and night to destroy armoured targets or to provide air support for ground operations. It can be configured as a strike, ground assault, medevac or transport helicopter, making it not only effective but also highly valuable, as it can replace a number of different rotorcraft.

A key advantage of the Mi-35M is its round-the-clock combat capability. It comes with advanced navigation equipment and multifunctional colour displays, surveillance and targeting systems that include thermal imaging and television channel, a laser range finder and a location finder. This not only reduces demands facing the crew, but also allows the helicopter's guided and unguided weapons to be used at any time. The helicopter is also able to take off and land in unprepared and poorly-equipped areas.
The multi-role Mi-35M, developed based on the illustrious Mi-24, is unique in its class. Russian Helicopters is rightfully proud of its accomplishment in developing this aircraft, which has become a touchstone for helicopter manufacturing worldwide.

Rosvertol, OJSC is a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters that produces widely used Mil-brand helicopters and also carries out repair and upgrade work and supplies technical equipment and services. Rosvertol currently mass-produces the Mi-28 Night Hunter (Mi-28NE in its export version); the new Mi-35M combat support helicopter; and the multi-role transport Mi-26T, the world's heaviest-lift helicopter.

Russian Helicopters, JSC is a subsidiary of UIC Oboronprom, which in turn is a part of the Rostec State Corporation. It is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia. Russian Helicopters is headquartered in Moscow. Russian Helicopters was established in 2007. In 2011 its IFRS revenues increased 27.8% to RUB 103.9 billion. Deliveries reached 262 helicopters.

I seem to recall reading that the fenestron version turned out to be fake. In fact i even seem to recall seeing a version of the well known picture with a normal tail. Do i remember wrongly? :-\
flanker said:
Do i remember wrongly? :-\

Afraid so, because this was the true testbed.

Here is a closer look at the Fenestron that was used:

(BTW, can this topic be moved to the Aerospace section please?)


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Yes, ... also discussed here:

... it's from a Russian movie, that can be seen online here:
A better picture of the SuperHind MkV.


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As has been mentioned, it is surprising that there is no standard exhaust diffusion. I would have thought that the IR vulnerability would be addressed as it would be a simple and cheap method of reducing risk.
Balloons bursting Hind violates border*:

"A probe of eight balloons with anti-state symbols was launched from the adjacent territory. Thanks to the actions of the crews of the Mi-24 helicopters […], the flight of balloons was stopped without the use of weapons,” said the ministry, according to the independent Belarusian news website,

*I wonder if this does not belong better to the funny things thread
Not really part of this thread, but did any Western company propose ananalogue design. The Mil24 seemed to be a unique vehicle, which is perhaps why its still around?
Not really part of this thread, but did any Western company propose ananalogue design. The Mil24 seemed to be a unique vehicle, which is perhaps why its still around?

The Sikorsky S-67 Blackhawk (not the S-70 that became the UH-60 Black Hawk) is probably as close as anyone came. It had a potential passenger space for 6-8 and there was a modified version proposed with up to 11 passengers (possibly atg the expense of the armament?)

Yes the Blackhawk did cross my mind. I think they were being offered to the German Army at one stage. A combat duel between a Bundesheer Blackhawk and an NVA Mil24 ?
Here is a demonstrator flying over Cologne. I had this set and always thought the S67 looked cool.


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Not really part of this thread, but did any Western company propose ananalogue design. The Mil24 seemed to be a unique vehicle, which is perhaps why its still around?

Nearest equivalent to the Mi-24 family of helicopters would be the MH-60L DAP - although I don't know how many troops the DAP would be expected to carry in any kind of mission or sortie?

Thanks.. Is the Mil24 much more heavily protected than the UH60?
The armed H-60 is the closest US analog to Mi-24, however the comment that it is not armored as heavily as the Mi-24 is correct. There is still a significant difference in that while Mi-24was designed to "fight" in the main battle area, while the H-60 was designed to "survive" the main battle area to deliver soldiers.

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