Sorry for the dumb question what is the sensor circle? Trying to find it in my books can’t find anything. Thanks
These are the front hemisphere precision antennas of SPO-15LM RWR. This Super Hind used an un named South African RWR it seems.
You also see them on the cheecks of Mi-24V variants, but for Mi-24P the place is used by the gun, and on Mi-35M used by the sensor turret.
You will find the rear hemisphere wide azimuth antennas attached to the vertical stabilizer below the tail rotor.
The SPO-10 antennas were either placed in the wings/pylons for early models or nose/conformal ASO-2 dispenser for later models with SPO-10.
The front seat has the advanced SPO-15 panel that many fighter platforms don’t get. And of note the Mi-24 does not mount the vertical antennas for SPO-15, so the “above/below” lights are non functional,
It seems they have only moved on to L-150 Pastel SPO-32 for the most modern Mi-35M modernization and Mi-35P Phoenix (2020+), though I cannot find the antennas on that specific model. On newest Mi-35M you will see the white thimble antennas on wingtip pods
There are very rare on Russian/ex USSR Mi-24P as it was mainly an export option, where you see it more often then not on the Mi-35/Mi-35P that was exported after 1986. I have a guess that the Russian Mi-24P we see with it were meant for export, ended up not being sold and used for domestic use.
If you have any other questions, I would love to answer!