Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

By now Erdy must be deeply regretting Turkey buying the SA-21 Growler system especially in light of it NOT performing as Russian propaganda advertisements said it would (If he's smart he'll have Turkey's SA-21 batteries packed up and donated to Ukraine). Oh, yes, I've no doubt that Erdy and the Turkish airforce now have a bad case of buyer's remorse.
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If anyone in the Goverment had any inkling of fighting Greece, shortly followed by select European states and possibly US they wouldn't have uttered a single negative word to the said states. Best understood by the Greeks who bought that limited number of Rafales only to get Macron's very own nuclear umbrella. Out of this you will get a political polemic you will hate every moment of. Please keep Turks out of F-35 marketing. We are very happy with what childish dreams we have.
If anyone in the Goverment had any inkling of fighting Greece, shortly followed by select European states and possibly US they wouldn't have uttered a single negative word to the said states. Best understood by the Greeks who bought that limited number of Rafales only to get Macron's very own nuclear umbrella. Out of this you will get a political polemic you will hate every moment of. Please keep Turks out of F-35 marketing. We are very happy with what childish dreams we have.

Umm, what?
Even with an increased defence budget (which is by no means certain, or likely to not be calculated in such a way as it doesn't actually result in a real increase) I think its exceptionally unlikely that we will buy more than the 74 that are currently on the shopping list.

The ongoing programmatic delays, failure to integrate weapons beyond what a Tranche 1 Typhoon carries already in a reasonable time frame, the utter disaster that is the fast jet training pipeline, demands on budget for GCAP, Typhoon upgrades etc etc means that F-35 has missed the boat...the second batch of 27 to bring the fleet to 74 by c2032 will be the last. Of course MoD won't admit this for some time, but after that all, and I mean all, of the Combat Air budget will be spent on Typhoon upgrades, unmanned systems, the inevitable F-35B upgrades and, most of all, GCAP. If F-35 had actually arrived on time, and had continued to deliver upgraded capabilities on time and budget the story might have been different....

There is also zero chance of an F-35A buy....a couple of defence commentators keep bringing a split buy up, there is clearly someone in the RAF and/or LM feeding them the story as a 'tame' commentator, but they never actually manage to explain how on earth it happens with the Combat Air budget as it is...the only potential chance for that is if GCAP suddenly fails, which would mean the UK's Combat Air industry dies...and the new government will not allow that to happen. The good news is that these nonsense stories have a shelf life....as soon as GCAP shows some progress in public, with a demonstrator, full business case, serious money committed and spent etc then the F-35A split buy nonsense dies a death and very quickly too...hopefully everyone remembers the berks who keep bringing it up and factors that in to whether they're considered a serious commentator in future...
if we aren't contracted to buy more than 48 then you'll never see anything than upgrades and individual replacements. We cannot afford to run what we have, where the money coming for another 27 aircraft which still don't work.
It is very simple. It is good for Turkey not to have the F-35.

The Greeks have no particular beef with the current Goverment here and took advantage of Macron's losing some contract "down South" and got nuclear guarantees the French gave mostly to prevent some random sheep herder keeping the pipper on a Rafale while the French instructors were around in force. No, no self respecting journalist would ever tweet about that so there are no links to post here.

We have no problems with anyone buying F-35s contrary to marketing claims. If this is somehow confusing because the consensus here is no doubt one that the "remarkable" things happening here are fakes...

Proud ownership of F-35s we wish upon all our enemies.
if we aren't contracted to buy more than 48 then you'll never see anything than upgrades and individual replacements. We cannot afford to run what we have, where the money coming for another 27 aircraft which still don't work.

The 27 are already factored into the budget...along with the 6 A-400M.

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