does anyone hear about Salmson D-55,a two-seat light aircraft Project,which was powered by one 60 hp Salmson 9 Adr engine ?.
In Les Constructeurs Français 1919-1945 neither the entries for Salmson (which is extensive) nor CFA (which is not brief) contain any mention of a D.55 or any other member of the Cri-cri family with 60 hp engine.The D.57 Phryganet was powered by a 90 hp Salmson 5AQ-01 engine. According to Pierre Gaillard (Les Avions Français de 1944 à 1964), none of the CFA post-war 'Cri-cri' variants was powered by a 60 hp engine. I haven't yet had the chance to look to see what Charles Claveau (Les Constructeurs Français 1919-1945) has to say on the subject. As to the derivation of the name 'Phryganet', I would agree with Apophenia, the D.57 being the smaller brethren of the four seat D.21 Phrygane (Caddis Fly).
In Les Constructeurs Français 1919-1945 neither the entries for Salmson (which is extensive) nor CFA (which is not brief) contain any mention of a D.55 or any other member of the Cri-cri family with 60 hp engine.The D.57 Phryganet was powered by a 90 hp Salmson 5AQ-01 engine. According to Pierre Gaillard (Les Avions Français de 1944 à 1964), none of the CFA post-war 'Cri-cri' variants was powered by a 60 hp engine. I haven't yet had the chance to look to see what Charles Claveau (Les Constructeurs Français 1919-1945) has to say on the subject. As to the derivation of the name 'Phryganet', I would agree with Apophenia, the D.57 being the smaller brethren of the four seat D.21 Phrygane (Caddis Fly).
Pendant la guerre, alors que le D 56 Lycène à aile basse, également destiné à l'Aviation populaire, n'avait pu être construit, la société Salmson fut contrainte de produire, sous contrôle allemand, des éléments pour les avions Junkers. [Paul] Deville conçut encore le D8 T4 et le D55 de 60 ch qui restèrent sur la planche à dessin.
According to the D.55 existed only on the drawing board:
Pendant la guerre, alors que le D 56 Lycène à aile basse, également destiné à l'Aviation populaire, n'avait pu être construit, la société Salmson fut contrainte de produire, sous contrôle allemand, des éléments pour les avions Junkers. [Paul] Deville conçut encore le D8 T4 et le D55 de 60 ch qui restèrent sur la planche à dessin.
[my italics]
According to the D.55 existed only on the drawing board:
Pendant la guerre, alors que le D 56 Lycène à aile basse, également destiné à l'Aviation populaire, n'avait pu être construit, la société Salmson fut contrainte de produire, sous contrôle allemand, des éléments pour les avions Junkers. [Paul] Deville conçut encore le D8 T4 et le D55 de 60 ch qui restèrent sur la planche à dessin.
[my italics]
For D8T4,it was called Phrygane Major,and it was powered by one 150 hp Salmson
7 AQ-03 engine of 1941,all of them were a civil aircraft.
Mr. Paul Deville had studied many military Projects from 1935 to 1937,but no more details are known,and I suggest one of them at least was from D4 S2,a twin boom airplane project ?.
Mr. Paul Deville had studied many military Projects from 1935 to 1937,but no more details are known,and I suggest one of them at least was from D4 S2,a twin boom airplane project ?.
I've seen the D4 S2 described as a biplace de tourisme. Not sure what military utility such a design might have.
I'm not sure but I suspect that the 'S' in the S.2 suffix was for Sport.
... In his book “Light Aviation in Algeria (1909-1939)”, Pierre Jarrigue ...
In his book «L'Aviation Légère en Algérie (1909-1939)», Pierre Jarrigue cites an amateur builder named Conte who allegedly built a machine in Miliana. However, this construction may date back to before the First World War.
From TU 193,
Jacques Delarue sends us a photo of a Pou du Ciel built by François
Belleville. This is a different machine from the HM-280 two-seater
F-PKFN from the sixties that flew from the field of Bourget-du lac.
At the Combeprasse congress, Jules Caux had registered a helicopter. This
machine, equipped with skates, had a rotor of 5.50 m in diameter, a length
of 3.50 m and surface area of 20 m° and an empty weight of 32 kg. Finally
only the glider will be presented.
For the Combegrasse conference, Jules Caux initially registered a helicopter. This machine, equipped with skids, had a 5.50 m diameter rotor, disc area of 20 m2, overall length of 3.50 m, with an empty weight of 32 kg. In the end, only a glider would be presented.
... Jean Delmas has a copy of a postcard whose caption reads: Marmande: “L’Etoile Filante” designed and produced by Mr Courregelongue...
The name is DERIVAUX. If Google tries to translate somebody's name, please resist it!From TU 187,
From TU 187,
Réalisation with Robert Landes of the plane Oiseau Bleu presenté to the combination sous la Denomimation Landes-Deroin and which portait the number 38 at Congrès de 1922. This machine You will be heard in the article “Landes”. |
I suspect that hesham uses the Google translator without getting rid of the carriage returns. In simpler words, when the original text has separations at the end of each line, you need to realign the entire text as one line to make the translation coherent.Umm, that is completely garbled ... being neither English nor French!
From TU 262,
Mr. Julien Francois Mamet with Jules Vedrines designed a ultra-light airplane in 1919.
... J. Deshayes, engineer at Ratier, designed a glider for the Combegrasse Congress in 1922 where 11 was registered with the number 13...