LGM-35A Sentinel - Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program

Wouldn't that be a Mk21B then?
In the case of the MMIII, Mk12s were equipped with W62s (170kt) and Mk12As got the W78s (335kt). So it's customary for the first to have no letter - the RV equivalent of a warhead -0.
Just something small I noticed in the details but W87-1 is described as a W78 replacement (note d), not a W87-0 replacement, so this may well imply something W78-sized physically but with W87-1-like yield, which is good because it suggests MIRVs. Also 5o ICBMs in storage - are they MMIIIs or Peacekeepeers?

The Peacekeepers are in storage, I don't think any MMIIIs are. Don't expect the Peacekeepers to be reactivated, but I do think the motors are being used for space launch boosters.

-1 and -0 use the same RV body so same size. But yes MIRVed

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