Ladies, Gentlemen...Apache Attack Helicopters...the day has arrived.
I said I would let you know when I obtained more plans. So, as promised, I'm proud to present the next set of
20 plans recently made available to me.
Here is the link:
Here is the list:
RM/25 7747: Zerstorer Frankreich (ZF)2/ Between Deck 1:50
RM/25 7748: ZF2/ Furnishings - Aft Tween Deck 1:50
RM/25 7749: ZF2/ Stowage 1:50
RM/25 7785: ZF6, ZF7: Arrangement of Boilers, Turbines, And Auxiliary Equipment 1:50
RM/25 8570: Spahkreuzer/ Upper Decks and Bridges, 1941 1:100
RM/25 8571: Spahkreuzer/ Lower Deck and Inner Floor, 1941 1:100
RM/25 8573: Spahkreuzer 38/ Carrier-Main Boiler-Boiler Rm 2, 1941 1:25
RM/25 8574: Spahkreuzer38/ Carrier-Auxiliary Boiler, 1941 1:25
RM/25 8575: Spahkreuzer 38/ Carrier-Turbine System Starboard, 1941 1:25
RM/25 8577: Spahkreuzer/ Speed Measurement System Frame 92.2 to 93.2 Port, 1941 1:10
RM/25 8578: Spahkreuzer/ Equipment-Rear Deckhouse-Back Deck-Frame 33 to 52.95, 1941 1:25
RM/25 8579: Spahkreuzer/ Equipment-Deck House-Superstructure Deck, 1941 1:25
RM/25 8612: Spahkreuzer/ Boiler, Turbine, and Auxiliary Equipment - Power Plant 2 1:50
RM/25 8694: Spahkreuzer/ Middle Shaft Motors, 1940 1:50
RM/25 8696: Spahkreuzer/ Boiler, Turbine, and Auxiliary Equipment - Power Plant 1 1:50
RM/25 8698: ZF2/ Boiler, Turbine, and Auxiliary Machine Arrangement, 1941 1:50
RM/25 16146: Spahkreuzer 40/ Turbine, Boiler, Engine, and Auxiliary Machine Arrangement, 1941 1:100
RM/25 16155: Spahkreuzer 40/ Allocation Plan, 1942 1:200
RM/25 16389: Type 1936C/ Longitudinal Section and Top View 1:100
RM/25 16141: Spahkreuzer 38/ Splinter Protection Arrangement, 1941 1:250
You will, of course, find the other plans I've obtained in there. Be warned, these are EXTREMELY LARGE .TIFF FILES. If your internet isn't godlike, I advise prepping for a long download time. These are anywhere between 150 MB and upwards of 900 MB
per image. The folders also in the Primary Documents-->Germany folder contain numerous, if less detailed and cohesive, hand-taken pictures of various other plans.
If you have any questions, do not feel any reluctance to ask.