Kamov Projects

Also here is a Model for Ka.33.


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The Kamov Ka.65;

Lotnictwo 2013-12


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Kamov project 941, designed for Chine in 1995 and futher known as Z-10.


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Perhaps Kamov re-uses the Ka-65 designation for immature projects?

An image - from a 7 June 2011 post (#767) by TR1 on The Aviation Forum - shows the Kamov Ka-65 as a coaxial main rotor + pusher prop concept for Russia's high-speed helicopter program. It appears to be identical to the current Kamov Ka-92 project.

Either way, this particular 'Ka-65' had nothing to do with the Ka-60 series.

youROKer said:
1. Ka-50 - interceptor project. 2006.

Are you sure this is the interceptor - and not just a V-80 with alternative cockpit? The interceptor was supposed to have a large radar capable of supporting the RVV-AE/R-77 missile (not to mention an air-to-air FLIR system).
Avimimus said:
Are you sure this is the interceptor - and not just a V-80 with alternative cockpit? The interceptor was supposed to have a large radar capable of supporting the RVV-AE/R-77 missile (not to mention an air-to-air FLIR system).

The article indicates that this is the Ka-50 with an adapted weapon control system from the Su-27 and the ability to use the R-73 missiles. More in "Aviation and Cosmonautics 2015 09" in the article "History of the Black Shark through the eyes of creators". ("Авиация и космонавтика 2015 09", "История Черной Акулы глазами создателей").
youROKer said:
Avimimus said:
Are you sure this is the interceptor - and not just a V-80 with alternative cockpit? The interceptor was supposed to have a large radar capable of supporting the RVV-AE/R-77 missile (not to mention an air-to-air FLIR system).

The article indicates that this is the Ka-50 with an adapted weapon control system from the Su-27 and the ability to use the R-73 missiles. More in "Aviation and Cosmonautics 2015 09" in the article "History of the Black Shark through the eyes of creators". ("Авиация и космонавтика 2015 09", "История Черной Акулы глазами создателей").

Генеральный предположил, что в этих условиях необходимо модернизировать объектовую ПВО, одним из важных элементов которой мог бы стать вертолет-перехватчик. Задачей такой машины было бы оперативное реагирование на возникающую угрозу со стороны «нетрадиционных» средств воздушного нападения и уничтожение целей, применение по которым зенитно-ракетных систем и истребителей неоправданно или технически невозможно.

В этом качестве фирма «Камов» предлагала использовать истребитель Ка-50. Такой перехватчик предполагалось оснастить исключительно серийно производящимися системами. В качестве средства обнаружения воздушных целей должна была быть установлена БРЛС «Копье», разработанная и внедренная в серию ОАО «Фазотрон-НИИР», и оптико-электронная прицельная система ОАО «Геофизика-АРТ», аналогичная устанавливаемой на различных модификациях истребителей Су-27. В качестве средства поражения предлагалось использовать управляемые ракеты Р-77 класса «воздух–воздух», пусковые установки ПЗРК «Игла», а также перспективный многоцелевой комплекс управляемого оружия «Гермес» Тульского ПКБ. Вертолет-перехватчик с помощью 30-мм пушки 2А42 мог бы эффективно бороться с «нетрадиционными» средствами воздушного нападения, к которым С.В. Михеев отнес в первую очередь БПЛА, легкомоторные самолеты, парапланы и мотодельтапланы.

В письме особо обращалось внимание на то, что новый комплекс «Акулы» построен по схеме открытой архитектуры, что позволяло достаточно легко интегрировать вертолет-перехватчик в единое информационное поле противовоздушной обороны страны. Это обеспечивало оперативный взлет и вывод в район встречи с целью вертолета-перехватчика, а, следовательно, сокращало время реакции ПВО на возникшую воздушную угрозу. Немаловажным обстоятельством была возможность сопряжения БРЭО Ка-50 с потоком информации от самолетов дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения А-50 и проходивших в то время испытания вертолетов радиолокационного дозора Ка-35.

youROKer said:
I apologize, of course, R-77. I made a typo.


Yes, that's it.

Ah - for a while there I thought we might have been reading different articles!

The picture confused me as it seemed to still have the Shkval nose (rather than the Kopyo radar) and also lacked the OAO FLIR system.
From a Russian book about Ka-50.


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Picture 1 shows a model of Ka.25F
Picture 2 the V.50, 3 & 4 the V.100,
and 5,6 and 7 the V.80.
Maveric said:
Picture 1 shows a model of Ka.25F
Picture 2 the V.50, 3 & 4 the V.100,
and 5,6 and 7 the V.80.

mil said:
deep modernization of the V-80 helicopter in the high-speed helicopter attack plane of new generation.The high-speed helicopter attack plane according to ABC scheme
with an operated jet nozzle (the project of 1989)

I think this is the same project.


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From Le Fana 301.


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WOW amazing. Thank you for posting Hesham.
An early version of the Ka-34 with air-to-air missiles.
From: Генеральный конструктор С.В. Михеев.


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youROKer said:
An early version of the Ka-34 with air-to-air missiles.
From: Генеральный конструктор С.В. Михеев.

Amazing find YouROKer.
The Kamov Ka-56 “Osa” (WASP) a helicopter designed “Kamov” bureau in 1975 for 671 RTM (Vctor-III) multirole nuclear sub. The sub could shoot the hel through 533 mm torpedo tube. M~220 kg, payload~110 kg, V~110 km/h, H~1700 m & combat radius~120 km.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSS_40/status/1076957809265311744
Link: https://jalopnik.com/5602424/the-soviet-torpedo-sized-one-man-helicopter
Since there is no way for the pilot to land back on the sub (if the sub has to shot him while submersed it is doubtful that one hour later the situation would have changed - think Navy)... This helo was probably the perfect design for dissident attempting to pass to the west... or for the KGB to insert agents.
It's not real till Flateric says it's real.
I don't have AWIN. Did some help to PiBu with Minoga drawings though.
offer from Kamov 2019
I remember seeing it as an MAI graduate project back in 2017. It's like Sikorsky nominating an AIAA graduates competition entry for Colliers or Laurels. So don't take it too serious.
I recently witnessed a debate about the air-to-air capabilities of the Ka-50. There is a general consensus that the Ka-50 was never operationally deployed with air-to-air missiles, but that it had an inert R-73 mounted on it in at least some photos, and that it was marketed with Igla missiles as an option.

The interesting question that came up was where the rumour of a third pair of hard-points for Igla missiles came from? Is there any basis to this?
Also of interest, I was recently informed that - in addition to the Hermes-A and Shturm-VU.... the wider spacing of the hardpoints on the Ka-52 and the introduction of the APU-6 rack instead of the UPP-800 apparently means that the Ka-52 can now carry Vikhr on both the inner and outer hardpoints!

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