Maveric said:Looks like the Lorraine-Hanriot L.H.16....
@ reply #35
Maintenant, je l'ai trouvé une image. Il montre le Hanriot 320 c/n 1000 en Serbie 1926e.
L'image est à la page 95 ci-dessus (le plan dans le milieu)
Serbian Aviation History | Leaden Sky Books
LEADEN SKY BOOKS - Serbian aviation history
Dear Hesham, the Hanriot H.232 actually entered production & service as a bomber trainer; it's not a "project".From Avions 5,
the Hanriot H.232.
we want to check if Hanriot HD.54 was existing or not ?.
List of aircraft (H-He) | Wikiwand
This is a list of aircraft in alphabetical order beginning with 'H'
Do you have references about this project? I would like to confirm an hypothesis about this plane.the Lorraine-Hanriot LH-80 was a parasol wing three seat recce monoplane
of 1932,in A.3 category,and powered by one 600 hp Lorraine Courlis 12 Fa
en W engine,prototype appeared in the same year,abandoned in 1934.
Do you have references about this project? I would like to confirm an hypothesis about this plane.
Project abandonned in 1934: this is logical, it is the date of the bankruptcy of SGA company (Société Générale Aéronautique), built around Lorraine.
Ah, but that's strange, because the HD.141 was clearly a civilian trainer variant, while the H.140 depicted is clearly military, so it can't have been the same variant.1- As I know it was a variant of HD.14,later redesigned to be HD.141
You didn't answer my question. I know about the H.25T! What I wanted was a photo of the HD.25 in its original military combat configuration. Also you made a mistake, since the H.25T no longer used the "HD" prefix.2- The drawing which you sent is for "multiplace de combat" configuration,and I send here the HD.25T picture,it was powered by single engine (not twins).
OK.3- HD.32 was tested by both of them
It looks like a three-seater alright. I thought it was initially meant for surveillance and modified to general purpose later, not the other way around...4- H.38 was a three sea,and later intended for surveillance
I'm tempted to say here: "Pics or didn't happen"! Unfortunately, I have never seen any pics of version H.461 to H.464...5- For H.46,I think all of its variants were a separated variants
It is possible indeed, just like they certainly skipped LH.140 because of the H.141 from the old series.6- LH-21S was developed from Styx,and I suggest they called it as this,to avoid confusing with HD.20,no record for LH-20
One thing is for sure: I never saw a photo of the sanitary version with "H.181" written on the tail...7- I think your statement is right, "the one airframe was just serve as a demonstrator for the whole series"
No, you're wrong. This item from Aviation Magazine clearly states that the first LH.30 was modified in 1936 with a rectangular wing to serve in the development of the H.220. So yes, you're right, no "LH" anymore, but a new designation (such as "H.200" or "H.210") would definitely have been possible for such a major change.8- About LH.30-01 and your speculation if it was H.210 (Not LH.210),no that's not right,because all this done in 1931,and there was also LH.30-02,but H.220 was appeared from 1934/35
Again, you misread my question! I never put in doubt the 35 examples for the French military. I was asking if the 20 undelivered aircraft for Finland had or hadn't been impressed as 20 additional examples, as some sources suggest. Also, I did NOT invent the designation H.232/3! I found two different instances of it, including this one on the site Avions Légendaires:9- The 35 aircraft of H.230s were mostly used by French military,and there is no H.232/3
Ha ha ha! Sorry but it's totally ridiculous to even imagine that the small rugged H.46 of 1928 with its single 95 hp engine could ever be turned into a 1936 transoceanic transport project! You really should think twice before writing things like that! The unbuilt H.240 had two 450 hp engines, and was developed in 1936 so there is absolutely no question that the H.246 (also studied in 1936) would have been a derivative of it, and NOT the "Styx"!10- H.246 was clearly showed the development of H.46 as a Transoceanic project version,but H.600,yes you are right about guess that.