Government sanctioned Area 51 documentary

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Peter Yost, an Emmy nominated producer is working with the government on an Area 51 documentary for National Geographic. He says they have given him thousands of classified documents and footage from the base. Any guesses what platforms will be revealed? He says he is under a non-disclosure agreement on a second documentary that is about something "revealed" in the first documentary. The second one will be announced after the first one airs.
The program will include first-ever on-camera interviews from former Area 51 employees, exclusive video footage from inside the facility (which, you’ll recall, doesn’t even officially exist), as well as previously unseen documents and photos.

“Some of the things that went on there were hidden and are quite remarkable,” says Peter Yost at the TCA press tour. “It’s completely factual. The government declassified to us thousands of documents and footage. It’s solid, it’s real, it’s verifiable. We do have some surprises.”

The Emmy-nominated Yost (Inside North Korea) is being a little cagey here because Area 51 Declassified is being released in tandem with another project on the subject and he’s under a non-disclosure agreement to not reveal details before their release date. What’s the other project? That’s also secret (yes, you’re reading this right: The U.S. military is releasing Area 51 documents, while a TV producer is keeping silent).
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Perhaps I should believe in Santa Claus all over again?!?

Can't wait to see THAT!
I'll bet all we'll see is stuff on the U-2, Blackbird, maybe Have Blue and Tacit Blue. In other words, stuff we already know about.
I think the Bird of Prey was tested there - what about the elusive YF-124? One thing I know for sure is that there was never, ever a UFO that was reverse-engineered. -SP
Maybe we will get a tour of that new uber hanger they had built a few years back? would love a close up look at it.

Any one wondering if that second documentaries all about a new airframe? I would faint with joy should it happen to be!
XB-70 Guy said:
I think the Bird of Prey was tested there - what about the elusive YF-124? One thing I know for sure is that there was never, ever a UFO that was reverse-engineered. -SP

That's YF-24, not 124.

sferrin said:
I'll bet all we'll see is stuff on the U-2, Blackbird, maybe Have Blue and Tacit Blue. In other words, stuff we already know about.

I guess it's always safe to expect the worst in order not to be disappointed... but if I refer to what sublight posted above,
something "revealed" in the first documentary
is pretty clear to me. Something that has NOT been seen or heard of before by the general public. If it were the Bird of Prey or Tacit Blue, they wouldn't have to resort to the non-disclosure clause since people can find a lot about these programs already, even get pretty close to the prototypes in museums!

Also if I refer to
Some of the things that went on there were hidden and are quite remarkable
We do have some surprises
then it most likely concerns some unheard of technology, and most probably something that hasn't been carried on or applied to any currently flying type.
My hope is for the General Dynamics Model 100. The good thing of the "hope" is, that it doesnt need to be meaningful or realistic.
I am more skeptical that it is anyhing aerospace related that is new airframe information.

If it was the announcement of a new aircraft, I think they would do that through
the major US TV networks and through AW&ST via the next weekly issue. That is where such
a thing belongs. So maybe AW&ST is prepping something. Maybe not.

But given Yost's past documentary work, some of which follows: tribal traditions in Africa
(National Geographic Television); the impact of public relations on the media (NBC News);
the lives of Mississippi River ship pilots (CBS News); anacondas and environmental
conservation issues in South America (National Geographic Television); ...

So I'll guess that it's probably the first "approved" documentary on Area 51 which will
show the history, with new footage (probably), interviews, and what have you, plus one
more swipe at the UFO phenomenon.

After all the book "Radar Man" just came out. That was due to some new recent permission
granted to talk about this stuff, wasn't it? So maybe this is along that line.
Bob Lazar, you've got to be joking right? Even in the ufological field he is pretty much a laughing stock and on one really gives him any credence anymore. Although here is to hoping we finally see some new projects.
sferrin said:
I'll bet all we'll see is stuff on the U-2, Blackbird, maybe Have Blue and Tacit Blue. In other words, stuff we already know about.

Seconded. Actually this reminds me of the recent NASA "extraterrestial life" announcement.
I just got word from a source close to the production that indeed there will be no new platforms revealed, just new information on known platforms and projects will be shown.... They are piling on the drama because they know its the only way the general populace will watch. They should just advertise the DVD's on SPF and call it a day....
Both shows will have threads on SPF longer than the J-20 thread, for good reason.
Hi all, a bit more info here,
Says it's due to air in spring, with the second documentary about how we would react to a UFO contact.
The "second" project by Yost is not a documentary, its a book. Peter Merlin says:
The "second project" on Area 51 is a book. I expect it will mainly cover the AQUATONE/OXCART era but will most likely contain many new stories from the people who actually worked at Area 51.
Stargazer2006 said:
sferrin said:
I'll bet all we'll see is stuff on the U-2, Blackbird, maybe Have Blue and Tacit Blue. In other words, stuff we already know about.

I guess it's always safe to expect the worst in order not to be disappointed... but if I refer to what sublight posted above,
something "revealed" in the first documentary
is pretty clear to me. Something that has NOT been seen or heard of before by the general public. If it were the Bird of Prey or Tacit Blue, they wouldn't have to resort to the non-disclosure clause since people can find a lot about these programs already, even get pretty close to the prototypes in museums!

Also if I refer to
Some of the things that went on there were hidden and are quite remarkable
We do have some surprises
then it most likely concerns some unheard of technology, and most probably something that hasn't been carried on or applied to any currently flying type.

Good luck with the optimism: NDA's are often used in the documentary field to prevent people from announcing really obvious things that less than 1% of the public might know bout 98% of the people who post here would. The goal is to protect the show and ensure viewers (and average viewers at that).

That said - good luck for something new! I'm hoping for some old stuff which has been hidden longer then necessary...
sublight said:
I just got word from a source close to the production that indeed there will be no new platforms revealed, just new information on known platforms and projects will be shown.... They are piling on the drama because they know its the only way the general populace will watch. They should just advertise the DVD's on SPF and call it a day....

Ah blast. :mad:
Keep in mind that the facility core compentencies are:
- Foreign material exploitation (i.e. RED HATS and similar programs)
- EW
- RCS testing (notably DYCOMS)
With flight test following behind all of those. The Groom Lake facility has some truly unique capabilities which are unknown to the general public - so it's not necessarily an exciting "platform" that will be exposed.
You are right. One possibility I'm thinking of is an account of the "Red Hats" or something similar. There could be a mention and brief appearance in the first show, and the second show could then be devoted to that topic. Just a thought.
Thanks, I had overlooked that post completely. As for the confusion over two shows, this may be a confusion over the fact that there will be two shows in Spring dealing with UFO-related questions. Here is what I found on the Assignment X website:

The National Geographic Channel (NatGeo, for short), will be debuting two specials this Spring – ALIEN INVASION and AREA 51 DECLASSIFIED that deals with the oft covered subject of what if aliens were among us.

ALIEN INVASION talks about how earth should prepare if there were an alien attack, while AREA 51 DECLASSIFIED deals with information finally being released from the government about this top secret facility rumored to be in the Nevada desert.


As for DECLASSIFIED, producer Peter Yost says he’s excited that so much information is now being revealed to him for this special regarding Area 51

“I can say, we do have some surprises,” says Yost. “Some of the stuff that went on there is quite remarkable. There is an entire genre of Area 51 films and most of them are somewhat speculative, even fantastical, but what sets this film entirely apart, is it’s completely factual – strange, but factual. The government has declassified to us countless documents, images and footage inside the base. We have interviews with people and with security guards. It’s solid, real and verifiable.”
I wish the Roadrunners in hindsight, would have contractually requested that their interviews for the documentary be bound to a clause that forbids the syndicating network from cross marketing the material with anything "alien" related. I really feel like it cheapens the accomplishments of those involved.
My guess is it will be some Redhat info. Maybe video footage of a Russian aircraft flying at Area51 we haven't seen before.
Previously Peter Merlin has hinted at DLR that someone has a RED HATS book in the works, which presumably could only be effectively done with a greater level of assistance and openess. I would guess perhaps Steve Davies, author of the excellent CONSTANT PEG Book 'Red Eagles'. It would seem a natural follow-on.
Hmm, no new aircraft will be revealed...but I can still hope that we will get more information on the A-11/YF-12/SR-71. Perhaps new performance figures will be released? Like how far it has exceeded the often-cited 80,000 ft/Mach 3.2 figures (if at all) in practice?
Ian33 said:
"Maybe we will get a tour of that new uber hanger they had built a few years back? would love a close up look at it."

I expect this is about as close as you'll currently get to it:

Looks a bit flimsy though to be honest. I guess they don't build 'em like they used to :)
The above link gets you this:

Browsing this site or directory without an index file is prohibited.
firepilot said:
try it again with http:// in front of the link

WRONG syntax. Correct link should be this:
Blast! It DID work for me last night. I actually downloaded the pic, so if no solution is found I will make it available on this thread.
The server doesn't like hotlinking, if you cut and paste the URL into your browser's location bar, then type a space after the URL, then hit enter, that should allow you to see the image.
A few clips are up.
I will reserve judgment until I see the full show but initial impression from the clips appear to indicate a very interesting history but no shocking "revelations" of advanced technology, I hope I'm wrong but maybe my wishful thinking.

Just as the credits roll,......what's that oh my God Aurora!! ;)
quellish said:
A few clips are up.

These don't work for me... Something to do with being in Europe? Or do my fellow Europeans see it all right?
Works for me!

(I do so love obscure 80's cop show quotes)
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