Global Military Spending - NEWS ONLY

Considering that the USA's military spending is greater than the next ten countries combined, that is about 40% of the total planet's defense spending, I'd not worry overly much about it.

I tend to think one of the problems is that US defense priorities aren't really well-defined and, have, alas, been corrupted by personal relations between leaders, domestic politics, and corporate concerns.
Something tells me those budget requests are unlikely to even get out the door for the most part.

Yet another blunder there, I fear. Inventories are far too low as it is, not to mention the poor state of the industrial infrastructure.

E-8 (JSTARS)(4)($106.5)

Wait, why are they retiring E-8 JSTARS ?? Are they crazy ? C-130s, A-10s, F-16s and F-15s are plentiful but JSTARS ?? I thought they were as scarce and useful as AWACS, what did I missed ? a successor ?
They've got their F-35s.


Total: $134.3 billion

The FY 2022 Procurement recommendation is $134.3 billion in base funding, an increase of $1.7 billion above the budget request and a decrease of $2.2 billion below the FY 2021 enacted level.

  • Provides $2.2 billion above the total funding request for increased investments in ground vehicles, aircraft, ships, munitions, and other equipment.

  • Funds 12 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircraft ($977 million).
  • Funds the request of 85 F-35 aircraft ($8.5 billion).
  • Funds 12 F-15EX aircraft to recapitalize the F-15C/D fleet ($1.1 billion).
  • Funds the request of 14 KC-46 tankers ($2.3 billion).
  • Funds the request of 14 HH-60W combat rescue helicopters ($792 million).
  • Funds 13 C/KC/MC-130J aircraft, 4 more than the request ($1.4 billion).
  • Funds 12 MQ-9 Reaper air vehicles for the Marine Corps and Air Force, six more than the request ($351 million).
  • Funds the second set of five CH-47F Block II Chinook aircraft and long-lead funding for the third set of five CH-47F Block II Chinook aircraft to ensure that the Army stays on schedule with the program of record ($170 million).
  • Provides $211.5 million above the request to fund a total of 33 UH/HH-60M Blackhawk helicopters ($842 million).
  • Funds the requested 30 remanufactured AH-64 Apache helicopters ($494 million).
  • Funds the request of five E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft ($733 million).
  • Funds 11 CH-53K helicopters, two more than the request ($1.5 billion).
  • Provides $166 million for SOCOM’s Armed Overwatch Program.

  • Provides $23.5. billion to procure eight Navy ships, $915 million above the request.
  • Funds are provided for two DDG-51 guided missile destroyers, two SSN-774 attack submarines, one Frigate, one TAO Fleet Oiler, one towing, salvage, and rescue ship, and one T-AGOS(X) auxiliary general ocean surveillance ship.
Vehicles/Force Protection

  • Funds the request to upgrade a total of 187 Stryker combat vehicles ($956 million).
  • Funds the request to upgrade 70 Abrams tanks to the M1A2 SEPv3 tank variant ($960 million).
  • Provides an additional $100 million for Army National Guard HMMWV modernization.
  • Fully funds the Army’s request for production of 23 Mobile Protected Firepower systems ($287 million).

  • Provides $45 million above the request for Defense Production Act Purchases to ensure the timely availability of domestic industrial base capabilities essential for the national defense ($386 million)
  • Provides $1,337 million to procure five National Security Space Launch services.
  • Provides $601 million to procure two GPS IIIF spacecraft.
  • Provides $200 million to fully support Israeli Cooperative procurement programs (Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and Arrow).
  • Includes $950 million for the National Guard and Reserve Equipment Account (NGREA).

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Total: $110.4 billion

The FY 2022 RDT&E recommendation is $110.4 billion in base funding, a decrease of $1.6 billion below the budget request and an increase of $3.2 billion above the FY 2021 enacted level.

  • Invests in basic and applied scientific research, development, test and evaluation of new technologies and equipment, and supports the research community so forces will have the systems and equipment for tomorrow’s challenges.

  • Fully funds the continued development and modernization of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ($2.1 billion).
  • Fully funds the continued development of the Air Force’s B-21 bomber ($2.9 billion).
  • Fully funds the Air Force’s Next Generation Air Dominance program ($1.5 billion).
  • Provides $388 million above the fiscal year 2021 level to support the Army’s Future Long Range Assault Aircraft and the Future Attack and Reconnaissance Aircraft ($1.1 billion).
  • Fully funds the continued development and testing of the CH-53K helicopter ($257 million).
Vehicles and Ground Forces

  • Fully funds the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon ($300 million).
  • Fully funds the Army’s Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) modernization effort ($213 million).
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)

  • Provides $3.48 billion for DARPA research programs.

  • Eliminate funding for the Navy’s sea-launched cruise missile - nuclear program.
  • Provides an additional $30 million for PFAS remediation and disposal technology.
  • Provides an additional $20 million for AFFF replacement, disposal and cleanup technology.
  • Provides $300 million for the Israeli cooperative research and development programs, including David’s Sling and Arrow-3.
  • Provides $264 million for the Global Positioning System IIIF program.
  • Provides $413 million for the Global Positioning System III Operational Control Segment.
  • Provides $434 million for Global Positioning System user equipment.
  • Provides $184 million for National Security Space Launch to develop new U.S. space launch vehicles.
  • Provides $2.45 billion for Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared.
  • Provides $2.5 billion for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent and $581 million for the Long Range Standoff Weapon.
  • Provides $1.3 billion for the Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike program.

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