Global Military Spending - NEWS ONLY

So the COVID stimulus will be around $3 trillion or ~4X the current defense budget. Cuts would be absolute maximum of $75 billion or 2.5% of stimulus spending to gut the defense budget and as the article says it’s not to cut spending as that money will go to other programs.

So no cuts in total spending, no reduction of the deficit but defense is drastically cut.

Cui Bono?
They are still throwing more good money after bad with regards as to the F-35, sigh.
Unless they actually start building honest to god cruisers, I fear that it will amount to not much more than hot air. Of which Australia has way too much of already. (Flees as lynch mob rapidly assembles.)

I suspect that the Pentagon's budgets will start flattening out," Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley said today. "There's a reasonable prospect that they could actually decline significantly."​

So it increasingly looks like war on multiple fronts, with an increasingly degraded military on a shoestring budget at best (said shoestring excluding of course the HQ and commissar, sorry, 'Political Diversity' types).

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