The article says "The final decision will therefore encompass an equal and balanced share of costs and benefits.". Sounds like workshare based on orders and therefore contribution to me....think the 'equal' bit is doing some heavy lifting...
I really think they should take a page from the F-35 program, and have the different countries build the entire production run of one set of parts. Example: UK makes the aft fuselage, Japan forward fuselage, Italy the wings or whatever.
My impression was they were moving away from that, and having aero structures manufactured by robots when required including gaining the ability to manufacture replacements at the aircrafts maintenance centres, essentially largescale 3D printing while each nation would have its own aircraft assembly line.

Electronics however will surely offer that opportunity of discrete production runs of parts.
My impression was they were moving away from that, and having aero structures manufactured by robots when required including gaining the ability to manufacture replacements at the aircrafts maintenance centres, essentially largescale 3D printing while each nation would have its own aircraft assembly line.

Electronics however will surely offer that opportunity of discrete production runs of parts.
While I can see the desire for each country to have a complete assembly line, I'm not sure that's the right way to do the initial construction efforts.
The article says "The final decision will therefore encompass an equal and balanced share of costs and benefits.". Sounds like workshare based on orders and therefore contribution to me....think the 'equal' bit is doing some heavy lifting...
True, so its rather up for interpretation as of now. We'll most likely get to know in a year's time how the project actually shapes up.
Sry but i didnt Put that link in instead one about the News about tempest and Germany . I try to correct
GCAP ministers met in Italy yesterday and apparently agreed to make the final development agreement signoff before the end of the year then next day we have this Times story (cant read not a subscriber). Not sure what to make of that, but I suspect Germany may have missed the boat and the other three partners wont be willing to open up to another large industrial contributor when they are so close to signing, especially as there has been no preparatory work.
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I have pictures of it if i should post them. But to be short Scholz finds UK and Tempest sits better with Germany, the approval of the 48 Eurofighter has mutch better chances in happening and he wants better relationship between germany and uk.
Side note from the post which i find is true:
“When France says European defence policy, it means French industrial interests,”
GCAP ministers met in Italy yesterday and apparently agreed to make the final development agreement signoff before the end of the year then next day we have this Times story (cant read not a subscriber). Not sure what to make of that, but I suspect Germany may have missed the boat and the other three partners wont be willing to open up to another large industrial contributor when they are so close to signing, especially as there has been no preparatory work.
Maybe talks behind the curtain. Killing of the only european competition makes ous, china, (france) and the usa the only Guys working on 6 Gen Fighter with success. India, S.K., Turkey and russia are only doing credible 5 Gen fighter work until now.
Because Germany is never guilty of heavy-handed promotion of German industrial interests, to the point of sabotaging promising projects.
Never said that but even germany knows where boundarys.
But i (from my Point of View) isn't as guilty as france.
I have pictures of it if i should post them. But to be short Scholz finds UK and Tempest sits better with Germany, the approval of the 48 Eurofighter has mutch better chances in happening and he wants better relationship between germany and uk.
Lol if this is true then that's hilarious "Please let us on your program to make executive decisions after we screwed you over multiple times on the last program we let you make executive decisions on. If you let us we will stop screwing you over." If Germany wanted a better relationship with the UK maybe don't veto the Eurofighter sale in the first place??? It didn't work for the Saudi's who wanted veto power and it won't work here either except it's even worse since you now have both Japan and the UK who wouldn't want Germany anywhere near the controls instead of just Japan.
Lol if this is true then that's hilarious "Please let us on your program to make executive decisions after we screwed you over multiple times on the last program we let you make executive decisions on. If you let us we will stop screwing you over."
Well thats the question. If they join and maybe Others (spain and/or belgium) then maybe they get there "own" version with there "own" export rights and can't mess in the Others Business. Maybe only if more then 75% agree for no export then it wont happen who knows.
If Germany wanted a better relationship with the UK maybe don't veto the Eurofighter sale in the first place??? It didn't work for the Saudi's who wanted veto power and it won't work here either except it's even worse since you now have both Japan and the UK who wouldn't want Germany anywhere near the controls instead of just Japan.
The upside is a Economy on japans Level will join. If others join too GCAP/ Tempest will rule 6 Gen market as the usa probaly won't Export NGAD/FA FXX in the beginning.
This sums up why GCAP doesnt need germany. But i think we allways only look at the bad or only the good. Germany brings a "second Japan" Economy to the system, they can help with development, hurting the FCAS competition, GCAP can be used as key for other developments Like an new MBT, if Germany joins maybe other solutions for the drones can also be developt. There many things that would be good and Bad about this but i think its worth the cost and nothing one can't solve with some requirment guidelines contracts. One needs to find the fin Line between both ends to win even more.
This sums up why GCAP doesnt need germany. But i think we allways only look at the bad or only the good. Germany brings a "second Japan" Economy to the system, they can help with development, hurting the FCAS competition, GCAP can be used as key for other developments Like an new MBT, if Germany joins maybe other solutions for the drones can also be developt. There many things that would be good and Bad about this but i think its worth the cost and nothing one can't solve with some requirment guidelines contracts. One needs to find the fin Line between both ends to win even more.
Removing the block on the Saudi Typhoon sale would be the minimum condition for gaining entry.
Maybe thats whats happening. The reason why they don't let it Happen until now.
You mean Germany may be using the Saudi deal as leverage to negotiate a GCAP deal?!

Holding your hostage at gunpoint then saying “now let’s negotiate and maybe I’ll take the gun away” is the sign of a real friendly partner.
Yes maybe or its the opposite. Uk came to Germany and asked what they want and this maybe it. Who knows because i don't and i can't Look behind the curtain which hides the Truth. Can you?
I can See many possiblity on how what happens but we have to wait and see
I wonder what will happen to Germany if they get turned away by the UK government over the issue over the Typhoon?
You mean Germany may be using the Saudi deal as leverage to negotiate a GCAP deal?!

Holding your hostage at gunpoint then saying “now let’s negotiate and maybe I’ll take the gun away” is the sign of a real friendly partner.
Meine Gott, is there yet another French ambassador on the move?!

I am moving, hence I am!

Just that everyone is aligned with realities, Japan would certainly welcome Germany as they will bring, capacity, manufacturing backlog and ease the political pressure on selling high tech weapons to every blood thirsty autocrats. Japan has certainly other objectives than having their strongest allies dispersing their help over sterile engagements here and there as a consequence of upping the ante with war power.
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Meine Gott, is there yet another French ambassador on the move?!

I am moving, hence I am!

Just that everyone is aligned with realities, Japan would certainly welcome Germany as they will bring, capacity, manufacturing backlog and ease the political pressure on selling high tech weapons to every blood thirsty autocrats. Japan has certainly other objectives than having their strongest allies dispersing their help over sterile engagements here and there as a consequence of upping the ante with war power.
What does Germany bring to the table as a design partner for the GCAP?

I could see Germany being allowed to buy GCAP, but what do they have for things that German companies do better than anyone else?
What does Germany bring to the table as a design partner for the GCAP?
Not mutch really i think. But do they have to If the perfect balance is there?
I could see Germany being allowed to buy GCAP, but what do they have for things that German companies do better than anyone else?
Good question. But they don't have to be better to Help.

And for the question whats about German companies workshare?
Do a German Version. Germany want German Radar then let it do it. If not then not. If i remember it right wasn't GCAP production for everyone themself? So everyone can produce all they need allone ?
It wouldn't make a difference on this issue.
Not after threatening some 6k high paying jobs in the UK it won't.

Not mutch really i think. But do they have to If the perfect balance is there?

Good question. But they don't have to be better to Help.
For the GCAP they do.

The whole project has been laid out under "best performer designs the feature". Rolls is probably designing the engines. BAe most of the airframe. Japan and Italy the electronics.

What part can Germany design?

And for the question whats about German companies workshare?
Do a German Version. Germany want German Radar then let it do it. If not then not. If i remember it right wasn't GCAP production for everyone themself? So everyone can produce all they need allone ?
That's the thing. Germany has always negotiated based on workshare, not on "here's what we do best". The planning for GCAP is that everyone builds their own already, so that's workshare based on purchase orders. Arguably, the German GCAP would be 100% German workshare.
I dont think its quite as cut and dry as X country does Y. Engines are likely to be primarily RR design but Avio has done research on vectored thrust for the EJ200 and Japan did a lot of research into materials science on their previous engine prototype. Similarly Leonardo are likely to be main influence on radar but Japan has made strides in shrinking radar elements. They are looking at it more as what are the best ingredients from amongst us that can be combined in the recipe.

Germany has probably left it too late to be a tier 1 development partner and similarly Saudi Arabia doesnt really have much tech they can offer, however what may be open to them is equity partners where they contribute financially rather than industrially to development and then receive a proportional slice of component contracts similar to the F-35 setup as well as being able to perform final assembly on their own aircraft (Germany) or aircraft modules (Saudi Arabia).
if Germany joins maybe other solutions for the drones can also be developt.
Probably wont happen either, at least not with Japan. They are teaming up with the US and Australia for their Loyal Wingman. This will likely just turn into the Loyal Wingman for GCAP and NGAD as a whole as I think the UK terminated their program. Maybe the UK could want a European solution that they have a say in and team up with Germany there, but idk.

Just that everyone is aligned with realities, Japan would certainly welcome Germany
Normally yes, but Japan's biggest opposition to SA in GCAP was their fear about a new partner abusing veto power when it comes to export sales and Germany's current negotiation strategy is to abuse veto power when it comes to export sales...

And for the question whats about German companies workshare?
Do a German Version. Germany want German Radar then let it do it. If not then not. If i remember it right wasn't GCAP production for everyone themself? So everyone can produce all they need allone ?

This exact thinking is what caused the EF and Rafale to split. It never works that way and Germany will try to get everyone else to pay for their version when it inevitably runs into cost overruns since they want to do everything themselves.

The whole project has been laid out under "best performer designs the feature". Rolls is probably designing the engines. BAe most of the airframe. Japan and Italy the electronics.
So far what has been revealed to the public so far: Japan is handling the engine, manufacturing methods such as metallurgy and bonding, FCS such as the radar, datalink and FC computer, and now are seemingly going solo on the missile after JNAAM fell through.



The UK is handling more of the airframe design and intake shapes, the ejection seat and I think some of the other external sensors such as IRST and MAWS.

Just speculating on expertise, Japan will likely also handle the LO stuff such as RAM and ceramics for heat concealment. That also isn't to say the work is entirely exclusive as there are British engineers working in Japan and Japanese engineers working in the UK.
Normally yes, but Japan's biggest opposition to SA in GCAP was their fear about a new partner abusing veto power when it comes to export sales and Germany's current negotiation strategy is to abuse veto power when it comes to export sales...
Exactly. I don't see Germany being allowed to join GCAP after that Typhoon export block stunt. Even if the contracts are supposedly written that any one partner CANNOT block exports.

So far what has been revealed to the public so far: Japan is handling the engine, manufacturing methods such as metallurgy and bonding, FCS such as the radar, datalink and FC computer, and now are seemingly going solo on the missile after JNAAM fell through.



The UK is handling more of the airframe design and intake shapes, the ejection seat and I think some of the other external sensors such as IRST and MAWS.

Just speculating on expertise, Japan will likely also handle the LO stuff such as RAM and ceramics for heat concealment. That also isn't to say the work is entirely exclusive as there are British engineers working in Japan and Japanese engineers working in the UK.
Oh? That's quite a bit more than I had expected, thank you for the info!
Its mirrored testing, Leonardo are converting a 757 to serve as a UK flying laboratory for radar and communications as well. Will also fly the computers which will be bulky before they are condensed for fitting on a fighter. Wouldnt be surprised if Italy doesnt have some form of flying laboratory as well as UK and Japan are both converting airliners, building manned demonstrators and mirrored test stands for the engines.
Exactly. I don't see Germany being allowed to join GCAP after that Typhoon export block stunt. Even if the contracts are supposedly written that any one partner CANNOT block exports.
Thats the question. Was ist ever in the final contract so one can't block or was it something that didnt get in (for what ever reason). All sides tell a different Story but until now it Looks like its not in the final contract and so not binding.
Probably wont happen either, at least not with Japan. They are teaming up with the US and Australia for their Loyal Wingman. This will likely just turn into the Loyal Wingman for GCAP and NGAD as a whole as I think the UK terminated their program. Maybe the UK could want a European solution that they have a say in and team up with Germany there, but idk.
Yeah or germany going forward with FCAS UAVs and others can join of they want. After All the solution for all is just to make a damn contract for things one dont want to jappen.
Normally yes, but Japan's biggest opposition to SA in GCAP was their fear about a new partner abusing veto power when it comes to export sales and Germany's current negotiation strategy is to abuse veto power when it comes to export sales...
Either germany has no veto powers or you make them have veto powers other there own version. One could also make use of the a rule that If lets say 3 others say export is allowed then it is.
This exact thinking is what caused the EF and Rafale to split. It never works that way and Germany will try to get everyone else to pay for their version when it inevitably runs into cost overruns since they want to do everything themselves.
But you can just make everyone pay themself and only themself or Others who want the same "modification" from the Standard model designed now.
So far what has been revealed to the public so far: Japan is handling the engine, manufacturing methods such as metallurgy and bonding, FCS such as the radar, datalink and FC computer, and now are seemingly going solo on the missile after JNAAM fell through.



The UK is handling more of the airframe design and intake shapes, the ejection seat and I think some of the other external sensors such as IRST and MAWS.

Just speculating on expertise, Japan will likely also handle the LO stuff such as RAM and ceramics for heat concealment. That also isn't to say the work is entirely exclusive as there are British engineers working in Japan and Japanese engineers working in the UK.
Nice work mate.
This exact thinking is what caused the EF and Rafale to split. It never works that way and Germany will try to get everyone else to pay for their version when it inevitably runs into cost overruns since they want to do everything themselves.
My understanding was that a large part of the cause of the EF/Rafale split was because France absolutely required carrier compatibility and nobody else was willing to either pay for that or accept the limitations that carrier compatibility would cause (smaller airframe, heavier empty weight, overbuilt landing gear).
SK: that's my understanding. On Tornado non-common ("peculiar") work was for the account of the User: so: installation of radio, armament. UK ADV and FRG ECR were wholly so funded and, naturally, almost all such peculiar work was done in the house of the Buyer.

Export veto. There is no point in discussing enforcement/over-ride of a veto: if a Sovereign does not wish work to be done in his house for sale to an unacceptable Customer...he will find ways to delay delivery. This operational sovereignty issue lurks in F-35 source code., and is a cost, maybe balancing savings arising from work, so cost-sharing and higher production runs, so learning/scale benefit. So go solo...and spend yourself to death.

GCAP has 2 features not in Tornado or Typhoon/Rafale:
- European (UK is in Europe) Aero firms are without patrimony: BAES (probably) earns more from US than from UK; MBDA, Leonardo;
- workshare can be arranged across more than one Air Vehicle: this is a System of Systems.
We are all doing this for our own Defence: export will be very welcome...but secondary. If FRG (?so Spain,? Sweden) come in, it follows both that off-Air Vehicle work must be found (A400M says three parents are enough, six impossible) and that the remaining export prospects are few.
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