How many programs are Red when they're exactly on time and on schedule up through the end of delivery? Haven't several been named on this forum?
Journalistic understanding of the IPA (Infrastructure and Project Authority) RAG statuses and process is near zero I'm afraid.
All UK Government programmes that are over £50m, or of a novel or contentious nature, are reported to the IPA in the GMPP (Government Major Projects Portfolio) with annual returns listed for publication. There are also quarterly returns and an annual 'Transparency Return' (don't expect to get too much from that though..., the GAO it ain't). The Programmes status is listed clearly with a RAG status (Red, Amber and Green). It's a bit more complex than that as there are interim stages like Red-Amber, Amber-Green as well...
The RAG status comes from either an internal assessment i.e. the programme or project grades itself, or from an independent assessment that is commissioned by the programme via the IPA. That assessment is done at defined stages of the programme, ranging from programme start to programme closure. They're called 'Gateways'. You need to clear multiple 'Gateway's in order to proceed with the programme. For long term programmes where there could be large gaps between stages you can also commission, or be asked to commission, interim reviews. Dependent on how these are commissioned they can be internal to the programme only (with a copy submitted to IPA for records) or submitted to the IPA formally. Typically these are done at the request of the Senior Responsible Owner, particularly if they've just taken over from another SRO).
There are also other assurance mechanisms that can run alongside the IPA, the Major Projects Group for example chaired by the CEO of the Civil Service with external to Government experts called in. These tend to be for larger projects.
The big issue though is that journo's (and politicians) just don't understand the reality of the IPA process. Definitions of RAG status are available online and they go with that....but there is a lot of wriggle room and nuance...the reasons why a programme are scored RED are many and varied...and don't necessarily mean that there are unsurmountable issues. But the published definition makes it sound like there are...
For example I worked in a programme from start to finish over a period of >5 years. At the start we were listed as RED....we remained in that status for 5 years, went to RED-AMBER for the final year...before going straight to GREEN on delivery. End result was we delivered early, under budget with savings of 65% over the previous solution (and our business case stated 35%)...and industry had said that it wasn't possible...MPG told us it was the most successful Government programme they had ever why was it RED? Simple....we needed to keep political and organisational focus on it to ensure we had the resources to actually get the work done, if we'd scored at GREEN everyone would have taken their eye off the ball and it would have suffered. By emphasising issues, industry views etc we kept it at that (make no mistake it wasn't plain sailing either). If you know you need the money, attention and resources to keep flowing scoring at GREEN doesn't actually help your case sometimes...
And for MoD projects its even worse as the Transparency Returns, GMPP reports are not available for viewing and the data they release to the public is woefully short of detail, and no-one will talk in comparison to other government programmes, due to the secret nature of a lot of them....unfortunately though, it appears that the data that MoD releases, even to Parliament has become even thinner on the ground over the last few years...transparency, to a degree, is a good thing and MoD is increasingly secretive. The only reason for that is to avoid scrutiny...
So the journo's use the IPA definition...because they don't know any better, and it appears MoD don't care either way...
One thing that would help is if the IPA shared stats with the public about pathways to green by Dept's, and historical data around how many programmes successfully delivered, were cancelled, over budget or time, particularly those that hit RED...