Furry avatars of doom

The string section always protects their own…hi-falutin’ auto-tunin’

The latest diva,
View: https://imgur.com/gallery/4ODOkXl#rxhauCT

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1brxga4/my_cat_just_turned_me_in_to_a_bond_villain/


Mean Dogs

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You are aware though that psychopath killers typically start out by torturing/killing small mammals, aren't you? I'm just glad I live an ocean away from you...
if you live in Germany Bavaria, martinbayer
i have very bad news for you, i live now in Germany too...

...and i make home visit in my Cardboard tank.

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if you live in Germany Bavaria, martinbauer
i have very bad news for you, i live now in Germany too...

...and i make home visit in my Cardboard tank.
First off, It's Martin *Bayer*, not Martin *Bauer* - I have no idea whether that peasant innuendo was an intended slight or just a lazy mistake, but frankly, I really don't care. Second, I grew up and mostly lived and worked in Bavaria for the first half of my life to date, but as a current Pacific Rim dweller that still puts me an ocean and pretty much a continent from my birthplace and you these days :). But sure, come at me with your cardboard tank or whatever, bro :D.
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Not funny at all, Michel - I take it then you're one of those "dog" persons to whom *compassion* is an alien term? You are aware though that psychopath killers typically start out by torturing/killing small mammals, aren't you? I'm just glad I live an ocean away from you...
See, now, I get where you see *extreme* cruelty in that ad: were that reality, that cat would be insta-dead. And killing cats ain't funny (see Note). That said: lighten up, Francis.

Note: killing certain *people?* Now that's comedy.
Some mixed news on rewilding.

For cats in the Cairngorms there is some good news and some arguably less good news. For Scottish wildcats, a species that has been on the brink of extinction, these may turn out to be the best of times. A rising number of them—19 last year, another 20 this year if all goes to plan—are being released into the Cairngorms National Park, Britain’s largest. A number of Scottish wildcats have since been caught on camera stalking, chasing and generally looking cute and furry.
Wildcats and domestic cats are different species but they are capable of interbreeding. Even those wildcats that have been released in the Cairngorms are not wholly wild: their genomes show clear signs of mating with domestic cats.
Conservationists are clear: humanely done, neutering is not harmful to the cat and is essential to stopping interbreeding. What the cats themselves think of this is less clear.

Scottish wildcats may look cute like the domestic moggy, but they are very fierce. The motto of the confederation of clans, Chattan, is 'Touch not the cat but a glove.' 'But' means 'without.'
When you consider that a cat with his claws sheathed was, in earlier times in the UK, considered to have them "gloved", most linguists agree that the saying was more clearly stated as "Don't try to touch a cat with its claws extended."

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