Forthcoming book: Projects of the Skunk Works: 75th Anniversary

FighterJock said:
What is odd is that Amazon has the publishing date as December the 1st 2016, I thought the publishing date was supposed to be in 2017.
I suppose it's for Christmas gift buying reasons and Dec. 1 2016 is pretty close to the year 2017. Unfortunately, I have no control over what the publisher does. -SP
It's listed on but will not permit you to order it.
Flyaway said:
It's listed on but will not permit you to order it.
That's very odd - I'll contact publisher tomorrow morning. -SP
Flyaway said:
It's listed on but will not permit you to order it.
Publisher says they are aware of the problem - that they're on the case - should be resolved soon. -SP
Out of curiosity, does the chapter on the 1950's cover any of the LRI TDN studies that bracket the TDN CL-400? If I correctly remember (no guarantee, there) the small drawings in Jay Miller's book, both were T-tail designs with wing-mounted engines and no chines; almost like intermediate steps between a drastically scaled-up Starfighter and the A-12 family.
Steve Pace said:
Flyaway said:
It's listed on but will not permit you to order it.
Publisher says they are aware of the problem - that they're on the case - should be resolved soon. -SP

Thank you for that update. Now appears fixed.
elmayerle said:
Out of curiosity, does the chapter on the 1950's cover any of the LRI TDN studies that bracket the TDN CL-400? If I correctly remember (no guarantee, there) the small drawings in Jay Miller's book, both were T-tail designs with wing-mounted engines and no chines; almost like intermediate steps between a drastically scaled-up Starfighter and the A-12 family.
Here's the final Contents:
Chapter 1: The 1940s: Forming the Wings to Come
Lightning: The XP-38 and YP-38
TDN L-133 and TDN L-1000
Constellation: The C-69
Shooting Star: The F-80 and XP-80A
Chain Lightning: The XP-58
Saturn: The Model 75
Constitution: The XR6V
Racey: The P-80R
T-Bird: The T-33
Starfire: The F-94
Penetration Fighter: The XF-90
Chapter 2: The 1950s: Forthcoming Technologies
Flying Stovepipe: The X-7A and the XQ-5 Kingfisher
SeaStar: The T2V
Starfighter: The F-104
Vertical Riser: The XFV-1
Hercules: The YC-130
Suntan: TDN CL-400
USAF Neptune: The RB-69A
Aquatone: The U-2
U-2R: Rebirth of the U-2
TR-1A: The Ultimate U-2
SAMOS: Satellite Missile Observation System
Corona Reconnaissance Satellite System
Chapter 3: The 1960s: Advancing the State of the Art
Oxcart: The A-12
Kedlock: The YF-12A
Tagboard: The D-21 and M-21
Senior Bowl: The D-21B and B-52H
Senior Crown: The SR-71
SST: Supersonic Transport
F-X: Fighter-Experimental
Chapter 4: The 1970s: Era of Wizardry
CL-1200/X-27 Lancer
F-X Program
Advanced Day Fighter/Lightweight Fighter Program
Project Harvey
Have Blue XST
X-24C: Hypersonic Research Airplane
Senior Prom: Stealth Cruise Missile
Senior Trend: The F-117A
Chapter 5: The 1980s: Bewildering Ventures
Senior Peg: The Advanced Technology Bomber
ATA: Advanced Tactical Aircraft
ASTOVL: Advanced Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing
Sea Shadow: Stealth upon the Waves
SSF: The STOVL Strike Fighter
Chapter 6: The 1990s: Manned versus Unmanned
ATF: Advanced Tactical Fighter
NATF: Naval Advanced Tactical Fighter
MRF: Multi-Role Fighter
A-X and A/F-X: The Advanced Attack and Advanced/Fighter-Attack Programs
CALF: Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter
JAST: Joint Advanced Strike Technology
VentureStar: The X-33
DarkStar: The RQ-3
LightStar UAV: The P-420
UCAV: Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
JASSM: Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile
GhostHawk: STOVL Strike Fighter (SFF)
Chapter 7: The 2000s: Out with the Old, in with the New
QSST: Quiet Supersonic Transport
JSF: Joint Strike Fighter
RATTLRS: Revolutionary Approach to Time Critical Long Range Strike
Polecat: The P-175 Unmanned Aerial System Demonstrator
Hybrid Air Vehicle: The P-791
ACCA: The X-55A Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft
ISIS: Integrated Sensor is Structure
RQ-170 Sentinel
Desert Hawk
NASA/Lockheed Martin N-Plus Aircraft Program
Chapter 8: The 2010s: Quantum Leaps
FALCON: Hypersonic Test Vehicle
SACD: Speed Agile Concept Demonstrator
UCLASS: Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike
MUTT: The X-56A Multi-Utility Technology Testbed
NGAD: Next Generation Air Dominance
VARIOUS: VTOL Advanced Reconnaissance Insertion Organic Unmanned System
TR-X: Tactical Reconnaissance-Experimental
HSSW: High-Speed Strike Weapon
SR-72: Hypersonic Demonstrator Aircraft
HWB: Hybrid Wing Body
LBFD: Low Boom Flight Demonstrator
ARES: Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System
LRSB: Long Range Strike Bomber
LRASM: The AGM-158C Long Range Anti-Ship Missile
Appendix A: Timeline
Appendix B: Chief Skunks—Presidents, Vice Presidents and General Managers of the Skunk Works
No Minion UCAV? (Was to be carried in pairs by F-22s.) No Saber Warrior UCAV or Cormorant UAV?
sferrin said:
No Minion UCAV? (Was to be carried in pairs by F-22s.) No Saber Warrior UCAV or Cormorant UAV?
Nope - sorry I couldn't get clearance on those and many other programs. "It is what it is." -SP
Steve Pace said:
sferrin said:
No Minion UCAV? (Was to be carried in pairs by F-22s.) No Saber Warrior UCAV or Cormorant UAV?
Nope - sorry I couldn't get clearance on those and many other programs. "It is what it is." -SP

Darn. Well you tried. Can't ask more than that. Should still be a great read. It's already on my list at Amazon. :)
sferrin said:
Steve Pace said:
sferrin said:
No Minion UCAV? (Was to be carried in pairs by F-22s.) No Saber Warrior UCAV or Cormorant UAV?
Nope - sorry I couldn't get clearance on those and many other programs. "It is what it is." -SP

Darn. Well you tried. Can't ask more than that. Should still be a great read. It's already on my list at Amazon. :)
Thank you very much! -SP
It sounds like a great read. Mine's already pre-ordered with Amazon.
December can't come soon enough. Looking forward to getting the book. B)
After the sad loss of Mr Steve Pace, anyone knows if this book is going to reach the stores? It's still listed for pre-order in Amazon.

a wonderful author and helper was in May gone away.

Thank you Steve for all your publication works.

From his sister Patricia V. Whitman, who announced this on Amazon.

A preview of the this forthcoming book is also available at Google books.

Here a screenshot of the content. :)
Thanks for the link fightingirish, this makes me want the book even more. It is a just a shame that Steve is not here to see it.
FighterJock said:
Thanks for the link fightingirish, this makes me want the book even more. It is a just a shame that Steve is not here to see it.

Thanks for the link Sirs.
Indeed the F-35 top view in the index page is a mine one.

My copy came this week. I have not had a chance to read much of it, but did flip from cover to cover. The pictures and the 3-views are fantastic. I was very impressed with the visual quality of the book. Thank you Giuseppe for contributing. RIP Mr. Pace. You did well.
jjnodice said:
My copy came this week. I have not had a chance to read much of it, but did flip from cover to cover. The pictures and the 3-views are fantastic. I was very impressed with the visual quality of the book. Thank you Giuseppe for contributing. RIP Mr. Pace. You did well.

Thanks Jim.
I was honoured to work side-by-side with Steve in the latest two of his books.

May God bless his soul...he was great guy.
My copy arrived during my trip away this weekend, and on a quick first pass it looks fabulous. A great final curtain for the late Mr. Pace. R.I.P., Steve.

(One minor error I found was a single reference to "C69" instead of "C-69". Not a big deal, of course.)
Got mine a few days ago. Pretty nice for the most part. Wish they'd have had something on the Minion UCAV though.
fightingirish said:
[...] But I will still order this new book and also "The Projects of Skunk Works". May my little contribution support his family!
Godspeed, -SP
I got my copy over the weekend. Looking forward to read it extensively over the Christmas holidays. :)

Thumbs up also to Giuseppe and Jozef for their fabulous artwork contribution. B)
fightingirish said:
fightingirish said:
[...] But I will still order this new book and also "The Projects of Skunk Works". May my little contribution support his family!
Godspeed, -SP
I got my copy over the weekend. Looking forward to read it extensively over the Christmas holidays. :)

Thumbs up also to Giuseppe and Jozef for their fabulous artwork contribution. B)

Many thanks
Ciao Giuseppe
I got one of these a few days ago inside of a gigantoid Amazon box filled with amusing books. Gotta say it's less than impressive. The artwork is excellent, the layout and everything is nice, I just expected a bit more on some of the more obscure projects. Worthwhile if you're into Lockheed history. But as a comparison, I found Chong's Northrop book to be far more interesting.
SOC said:
I got one of these a few days ago inside of a gigantoid Amazon box filled with amusing books. Gotta say it's less than impressive. The artwork is excellent, the layout and everything is nice, I just expected a bit more on some of the more obscure projects. Worthwhile if you're into Lockheed history. But as a comparison, I found Chong's Northrop book to be far more interesting.

Concur with Sean's comment - for all the hype it was a bit lacking on the finer details - i would say the Northrop book by Chong is really well done and more comprehensive with lots of interesting techy bits and drawings - if there's a choice to be made it as in my case - it was an easy decision
I think it's because Tony Chong is ex-Northrop, an insider, with a special interest in projects. Steve Pace was a good aviation author but had no special connections or access to Lockheed.
Got my own copy on Tuesday, still reading through the book. Some quite interesting things that Steve managed to get hold off such as the Senior Prom missile pictures, that was a big missile. B)
AW&ST ebook
bobbymike said:
AW&ST ebook

It's a set of reprints from AW&ST, nothing to do with Steve Pace's book as far as I can see, but definitely worth having for free!
newsdeskdan said:
bobbymike said:
AW&ST ebook

It's a set of reprints from AW&ST, nothing to do with Steve Pace's book as far as I can see, but definitely worth having for free!
Yes I didn't want to start a whole new thread.
These excerpts from the magazine through the years ought to make a nice companion to Steve's book, and the price is right!

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