Flying Cars And Roadable Aircraft


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Since @Justo Miranda started this thread and also did a serie on Avro Canada flying saucers...
Paul Moller of Skycar fame has a connection with the VZ-9: he was working for the DRB back then (1957 - 1961).
From Flying magazine 1948-3,

here is a hypothetical flying car.


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A strange patent from N. C. Price;



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From Flying magazine 1948-11.


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From Flying magazine 1949-1,

the Avicar BF-8,built by Kenneth Bailey.


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The Starr Bumble-bee was never designed as a roadable flying car. Only to be the smallest airplane.
See its description at the PIMA museum:
2018-11-16 iP8 3352 Tucson Pima Starr Bumblebee.jpg
Greetings. For many years I am looking at newspaper archives and now on the web more about this failed Australian flying car project, the Pegasus Aerocar with wings that moved to use as a car or plane, had a big fan behind the cockpit and faired wheels. , I would like it if someone here has more of the part, the little I do not have to locate a copy of a 1994/95 International Air lel magazine, unfortunately only the page number appears, here is the shared image next to the note published there . motorcycle
New data and images


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Jemiba said:
Other ideas without practical sense:
The Aviauto, designed by de la Fourniere. The car is a removable gondola
of a twin engined light aircraft. Even in the magazine, where I've found
this drawing, the question was raised, if using a conventional light transport
like the Miles Aerovan wouldn't be a more practical solution ... ::)

(from Der Flieger 1951)
here is the Fourniere Aviauto flying car model.

From Aviation Francaise 1945.
From TU 206,


At the beginning of 1945, a man named De la Fournière proposed
a combined Aircraft-Automobile called Aviauto.In its design, the
automotive part is equipped with a 1200 cm ° motor 35 hp while
the airplane part has with 2 engines of 150 hp. The characteristics
of this machine are as follows:

Aircraft part: Weight 1775 kg. Vmax
260 km / h. 230 km / h cruise. Landing at 70 km / h. SP 22.50 m °.
Max radius of action 1250 km. Ceiling 6000 m. Approx
13.20 m. Long: 7.14 m High: 1.67 m.

Automobile: 4 seats. 4 doors.
Weight 420 kg. Speed 115 km / h. The plane-car connection
is made by 3 fittings. The handle for maneuvering the flight
controls and engines enters through the car's sunroof and folds
down in the wing. Likewise the instruments of theft are mounted
on a hinged board which also penetrates through the sunroof
and falling back into the wing.

The cell rests on the ground by feet mounted at the bottom of
the motor spindles. They are equipped with casters.

A mock-up and wind tunnel tests had been carried out, but the editor
does not know if any realization was undertaken.


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"want a flying car !"

This one here could be of interest for you. Foldable four bladed
rotor, a shrouded tail rotor and quite a pleasing design, I think.
Designated as "Ka-2" in "Weltluftfahrt" 12/1950, I couldn't find
the designer, someone, who can ?
BTW, if you aren't the only one to have such a vehicle, the traffic
would only be transfered into the air ... :-\
From Flying 1950-10.


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Well I hope this has better success than the Bort Triton.

The Russian Foundation for Advanced Research has announced the Cyclone project, which develops an aeromobile with cyclical engines. Cyclocar will reach 6.2 meters in length and 6 meters wide and will be able to lift up to 600 kilograms of cargo or six passengers into the air. The powerplant can be fully electric or hybrid. The estimated range of the flight will be 500 kilometers, the maximum speed is 250 km/h. It is expected that the first flight of the flying car will take place in 2022. As part of the project of the Foundation for Advanced Research, the Cyclocar aeromobile with original cyclical engines is being created. It is developed by the Institute of Heat Physics of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. To date, the machine has been pre-designed and ground tests of a 1.5-metre-diameter cyclical engine have been carried out. This type of drive is distinguished by the ability to quickly change the traction vector, compact size and low noise level.

Источник контента:
In my view, the AirCar is a very credible and functional design.
Let me throw this out there. I think a van is best. Imagine a radial engine stack in the center of a van, surrounded by a lazy Susan (maybe tracked) which moves parcels near the driver’s seat. The shaft connects to a double counter-rotating Kamov deal. This would deploy over the roof of nearby cars as long as no big trucks are nearby. You take off out of the traffic jam and fly over the wreck causing it and put down on the other side. It won’t look like a spinner or a Miller spaceship, but if the frame itself is the battery, perhaps this could work?
startup Xpeng: 500M$ raised!


More pictures here

As a contribution we can give it a name : chop chop.
anything with propellers or winged body is a visual abomination that should just be called an aircraft or helicopter hybrid. Prefer VTOL or cyclocars.
Now somehow make those arms and rotors retract back out of sight and we can talk.

Without retraction, the rotors are a very fine bystander, cyclists and motorcyclist decapitation tool. With them extended it takes up far more than one lane so would trash (or is that thrash) other traffic, buses full of nuns or school children and traffic lights etc. Even with retraction, a wrong button press, electrical failure or drunk driver and there’s the potential for a mass casualty event.

Still I guess this thing doubles up as a marvellous hedge trimmer.

Do the investors really think these things through?
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Now somehow make those arms and rotors retract back out of sight and we can talk.

Without retraction, the rotors are a very effective bystander, cyclists and motorcyclist decapitation tool. With them extended it takes up far more than one lane so would trash (or is that thrash) other traffic, buses full of children and traffic lights etc. Even with retraction, a wrong button press, electrical failure or drunk driver and there’s the potential for a mass casualty event.

Still I guess this thing doubles up as a hedge trimmer.

Do the investors really think these things through?
Just what you need in the zombie apocalypse.
Now somehow make those arms and rotors retract back out of sight and we can talk.

Looking at that investor bait art, it's possible that the propeller arms fold back. Apart from that, I'm not one for horror movies but this thread is as close as I come to purposefully being horrified.


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startup Xpeng: 500M$ raised!


More pictures here

As a contribution we can give it a name : chop chop.

Video of the presentation event:


Exploration of configurations on the rear screen at the start of the vid:

2:43:08 flying car section

Aim for 4 star crash rating,
5m x 2m footprint as a car
7m x 12m footprint flying configuration

computer assisted control with driver and environmental vetting. Night flying may be banned due to powerlines.

Distributed ballistic parachute under development
Target weight of 900kg with advanced materials (carbon fiber, titanium, magnesium alloy) and power system

Target date 2024 (how is that for Elon time~)
Target price <1,000,000 RMB (160k usd)
a plot by commies to drive the youth of the west mad.
Do not attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity. In the case of social media, this seems especially so - or at least the pursuit of growth at all costs. Who prefers a rational consumer over an addict? In my opinion, William S. Burroughs was a marketing genius.
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