Flitzer's Hütter Hü 211 artwork

Thanks Jens.
Great explanation. Even I understand now.
So no more guns. :)

Jemiba said:
Looks great Peter, but I'm repeating myself ... ;)

Flitzer said:
It strikes me that for a zerstorer, it is lightly armed with one gun firing forward and one (movable) tail gun.
I wonder if it would have had more than this?

To me it seems more to have been planned as a fast bomber, similar to the later variants of the
Heinkel He 119, to which it bears some more similarities.
Anyway, the term "Zerstörer" was used for quite a lot of different concepts, beginning with the bomber escort
to the heavy fighter and later to the fast light bomber. The internal arrangement drawing shows a large bomb
bay, so I would guess, that this was the main raison d'être for this design and I wouldn't add too many guns. ;)
BTW, the Do 335, a similar concept to my opinion, hadn't many guns either.

I agree
Easy to adjust to this Justo.
Thank you.

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