Flitzer's Hütter Hü 211 artwork

Good thinking Jens.
I'm leaning to this sort of solution as there is precious little room above due to the drive shafts etc.
Unless it might be a telescopic affair, (just thinking out loud)?

What made me start thinking telescopic, was this 'stanction' type thing highlighted on the diagram.
But the side view also suggests it might be a 'tail-sitter' looking at the line from the forward wheel to the tail?
And that would manifest new problems of undercarriage concerns. i.e. it would need two forward main wheels if it is a tail-sitter of course.
The mind boggles.

(If anything it looks like it would be a dead certainty for a tandem main carriage and out-riggers.)

P :eek:


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I think the He178 route looks perfect.

(Silly me...Jens was correct...of course it would have two legs and wheels up front.) :eek: :)

Concerning the tail wheel...is it a standard type or is it semi-retractable into a hump fairing?
Many thanks.

Fully retractable it is then. :D

Progress report.
I've started thinking about colour schemes...would it have been a BV155 equivalent?

Many thanks


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:) :)


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Some very sexy schemes there Justo....

I've now got a very itchy palette. ;)

Latest progress...


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Heck, no! "Sexy" and "Merkel" are just as mismatched as "pleasant" and "Thatcher" could be!!!
Oh dear. ;)
Thats the first time I've seen Frau Merkel without one of her trademark suits.
A scheme that some may consider sexy. Please see attached.

I've been thinking again...?
What about the exhausts, where would they outlet?
Would they exit just behind the trailing edge wing roots?

Many thanks


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Flitzer said:
Oh dear. ;)
Thats the first time I've seen Frau Merkel without one of her trademark suits.
A scheme that some may consider sexy. Please see attached.

I've been thinking again...?
What about the exhausts, where would they outlet?
Would they exit just behind the trailing edge wing roots?

Many thanks

Frankly ....I prefer more streamlined stuff....fighters , X-Planes....


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I like the streamlining on that.... ;D
exhausts,my opinion :)


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Hi folks,
just a little look back to the beginning of this topic.
Here a picture of a part of the Hü 211 mockup.

Heinkel HE 219 UHU (Monografie lotnicze 99), 102 Pages in Polish, AJ-Press 2008, ISBN-10: 8372371989, ISBN-13: 978 8372371980

Awesome book, even more if I only could read Polish. ;)

Now back to ongoing posts.
Verdammt gute Arbeit, Flitzer!!! ;) :)


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Flitzer said:
What made me start thinking telescopic, was this 'stanction' type thing highlighted on the diagram.
But the side view also suggests it might be a 'tail-sitter' looking at the line from the forward wheel to the tail?
And that would manifest new problems of undercarriage concerns. i.e. it would need two forward main wheels if it is a tail-sitter of course.
The mind boggles.

(If anything it looks like it would be a dead certainty for a tandem main carriage and out-riggers.)

P :eek:
That thing is a periscope similar to that mounted on the Ju 388; for aiming the tail gun and spotting enemies below the a/c.
Note how on the '388 it extends both below and above:
royabulgaf said:
That is the worst photoshopping I have ever seen.

You'll get into serious trouble with those, who actually do photoshopping !
That's no photoshopping, it's a quick sketch, something we did in ancient times with "pen and paper"
(still not downloadable today !), because "a picture is worth a thousand words". Look at design
drawings (before the final ones) and you'll often find handwritten notes and corrections made by
the designer.
Maybe it's one of the very few sensible uses for an iPad. Sitting in the subway, or on the pot, or drinking
your morning coffee and visualising, what you're thinking about, before the idea is lost. :)
But I digress ...
I agree with Justo about the exhausts, maybe the two upper rows would have been combined ?
And all fitted with flame dampers ?


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Unless he was talking of the bemerksam Merkel painting further up?!?!? ;D
Stargazer2006 said:
Unless he was talking of the bemerksam Merkel painting further up?!?!? ;D

And that's, more then ever, no photoshopping ! That's a physical injury to the eye
of the beholder and shouldn't be shown without a warning ! We may have juvenile
members here, who could be impaired for their lifetime !
But you maybe right .... ;)

Back to the Hütter: Don't know, if placing the main fuel tank that close to the engines would have been
a good idea ?
About the tail gun, I'm not sure that it would have needed a periscope, as the angle of depression
for this weapon seems to have been quite small. The Me 210/410 had no persicope neither. Or maybe
the whole tail cone would have been rotatable ?

I'm more careful about the "inner beauty" now . Justo, was this meant in relation to the positions
of engines and tanks ? Or about the values of our chancellor ? The latter point was disclosed by
an X-ray camera in the house of representatives recently ... ;)


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Ha ha Jens, that's exactly what I had in mind when he talked about "inner beauty" concerning this picture!!!
I'll see what I can do :) .

re: exhausts; what about 'drainpipe' type? Similar to night exhausts?

Many thanks
Right ho. :)
I'll put the drain pipes back in to the shed.
Many thanks
Hi all...
I've attempted the exhausts and tried to do the movable gun tail cone.
I'm not sure about the tail gun though. :eek:

Many thanks.


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Thanks Stephane

A little more done...thus so far.

The periscope to sort of course....if its going on.
It wouldn't be a big deal, I have one I can easily adapt from the Fw Schnellbomber.

Loop ariel?

It strikes me that for a zerstorer, it is lightly armed with one gun firing forward and one (movable) tail gun.
I wonder if it would have had more than this?
Is there room for a couple more mounted in the 'cheeks' firing forward?

After this is finished...what next I wonder.

Many thanks
P :)


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Right oh Justo.
Thank you.
I can grab those from the Bf162 and adapt. ;)
Looks great Peter, but I'm repeating myself ... ;)

Flitzer said:
It strikes me that for a zerstorer, it is lightly armed with one gun firing forward and one (movable) tail gun.
I wonder if it would have had more than this?

To me it seems more to have been planned as a fast bomber, similar to the later variants of the
Heinkel He 119, to which it bears some more similarities.
Anyway, the term "Zerstörer" was used for quite a lot of different concepts, beginning with the bomber escort
to the heavy fighter and later to the fast light bomber. The internal arrangement drawing shows a large bomb
bay, so I would guess, that this was the main raison d'être for this design and I wouldn't add too many guns. ;)
BTW, the Do 335, a similar concept to my opinion, hadn't many guns either.

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