And I also have a friend who was a surface warfare officer from a Burke to a Freedom and immediatelly started to try to transfer back cause he hated the damcon set up and the thing gearing, which was supposably the refit FIX ones, broke the first time they hit 38 knots. The Navy freaking admits that the LCS is bad on surivivability for its role and is taking steps to upgrade it. This year the navy started rolling out a refit package to upgrade their survivability. They will not do that if they felt they were good.
Also, the same AAWC who was shove to a LCS and put behind 3 different burkes and did fuck all of use beside being a fancy retransmittor for the DDGs who did all the work? Cause the Threats the LCS faced could barely be track by her CEASAR? The one that got a participation award for being in a combat zone? That AAWC?
Like we been over this in the LCS thread boss, I like the things, mostly the Freedoms are a loss, but they are wholly unsuitable for frigate work like we need the Connies for.
They just dont have the Sensors or the weapons to do the job.