Russian Tu-22M3s have been sent to operate out of Syria, to patrol the Mediterranean, armed with anti-ship missiles. Their range will allow them to operate over vast distances, well into the Central Med around Malta and Sicily, thus threatening NATO's southern flank

Their range virtually allows them to cover the Central Med, almost the entirety of the Arabian Peninsula and the Balkans.

It is somewhat chilling, being from the Med myself.
A Backfire would make a large, fat target for any Rafale or Typhoon. If the russians wants to play this game...
Who built Erdogan? France and Europe by closing the door for Turkey integration into EU.

Probably pretty much doomed to failure.
Until election can take place... Then it will be hard for any mercenary force to go against the will expressed by the Lybian people. Don't forget that they have managed to overthrow their dictator, one that was even heavily backed by a well equipped army, after a hell of a fight. 2000, 3000 or whatever low thousands paid gunslingers won't last long, let's be realistic.
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Who built Erdogan? France and Europe by closing the door for Turkey integration into EU.
Yup. You can only dangle a carrot in front of someone for so long without giving it to them before they get fed up and say *&% you. Electing Erdogan was Turkey saying $%^ you.
Who built Erdogan? France and Europe by closing the door for Turkey integration into EU.
Yup. You can only dangle a carrot in front of someone for so long without giving it to them before they get fed up and say *&% you. Electing Erdogan was Turkey saying $%^ you.
Well - screw them then, if they are such idiots, better not to have them in Europe.

I have little patience or pity for people who vote for populists, whatever their country.

When you think about it is seems to be an universal idiocy trait among humans and eras.

At least that prevents me from being racist: no point in that other great criminal idiocy, really - as all humans are equals on that matter - unfortunately, in this case. Brazilians, americans, italians, french, indians, hungarians, turkish, russians... no exception.

That includes French people voting for Le Pen.

It is just beyond me.

"Country isn't right anymore. Something is wrong.
"We shall do something."
"Let's vote for the populist arsehole spewing loads of idiocies through his filthy mouth"

Ok I'll stop here.
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Maybe some of them feel the complex systems are corrupt and deaf to regular people and so they give the middle finger thru the vote. The neocons/neolibs in power at the moment are cartoonishly clueless and and out of touch. Doesnt help that mainstream media has stopped even pretending to hold to some kind of objectivity.

I understand I am generalizing much here but come on the criticism of "populists" in today's madness seems strange to me. Soon I think I'll hear that they are antisocial extremists who are a "danger to Democracy". (Btw I love how systems/tools such as democratic process or scientific method are turned to Democracy or Science as if they are ideologies or belief systems)
Turkey will train Qatari fighter pilots and allow the temporary deployment of up to 36 Qatari military aircraft and up to 250 personnel to Turkey according to a document obtained by Nordic Monitor[..].
The agreement also states that in the event of a request from Turkey, Qatari aircraft will be able to carry Turkish ammunition, personnel and humanitarian aid inside and outside Turkey, demonstrating that the agreement is not limited to training. The agreement will remain in force for five years and will be extended automatically for successive periods of one year unless either party notifies its intention to withdraw.

Interestingly, the only airframe that Quatar flies numbering 36... Is either the Rafale or their F-15QA.
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In a briefing call with reporters, a senior State Department official also made a reference to the use of child soldiers in Libya, saying Washington was hoping to work with Ankara on the issue to address it.

"With respect to Turkey in particular ... this is the first time a NATO member has been listed in the child soldier prevention act list," the State Department official said. "As a respected regional leader and member of NATO, Turkey has the opportunity to address this issue -- the recruitment and use of child soldiers in Syria and Libya," she said.

Meant to post these earlier:

Carthage, Spain, France, Turkey, Germany, Russia and Libya had their historic moment in which they did to Europe all the damage they could... Not at all.
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Egyptian AF:

1. French AF is training Egyptian M2K pilots in air refueling
2. Next buy of 30 Rafale by Egypt is to be budgeted and guaranteed by France
3. 2x A330MRTT could be acquired the same way (for a grand total with the above Rafale of €5.4B!)
4. French AF A330MRTT seen flying in formation with Egyptian Rafale



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