Look at the depth keel to deck level, it's about four times the height of the people standing in front. That makes hull depth less than 8m. (A quick google suggests the height of male North Korean defectors averages about 1.68m)
All you did is demonstrate being uninformed and jumping to own desired conclusion.
Are those people in front of ship defectors in question? No, also irrelevant measure.
What you need is actual height of people and not pick lowest number there is for you.
Another is they are not right next to ship and images are taken at rather odd angles.
Bottom is further away from people than top that is closer, but at higher elevation.
Also evident what holds ship in place from leaning over is taller than people in image.
Among those people next to this frigate is Kim Jong-un that has height of 1.75 meter.
Those steel blocks at ship bow are certainly taller than that, perhaps 2 meters height.
Your measurements are way off even if it were four height of people which it is not.
Its height of more than 4 and roughly height over 8 people they we're 1.68 meter.
Though average of those people next to ship is 1.75 meter and not 1.68 meter !
From ship bow to deck is height of 14 meters and not less than 8 as you assert.
Your measurement error is statistically unacceptable to point being incompetent.
The Mk 41 VLS is either 5.3m (Self Defence), 6.8m (Tactical) or 7.7m (Strike) in depth. The Type 55's universal VLS is 9m deep. Even a Mk 41 Self-Defence equivalent is going to eat more hull space than you have available at the bow, you might just squeeze one in amidships, but anything larger, forget it. (Remember, the deeper you get, the narrower the hull gets). This is not a DDG on the Burke or Type 55 model, there's nearly as much Type 55 hull below the waterline as this has hull depth in total.
Yet in reality all of these can fit inside guided missile frigate being built at Nampo.