Do P.350 Heavy night-fighter

It's still no more Info or drawing ?.

This is the only known mention of the Do 350 in any surviving wartime document - from the war diary of the Chef TLR (effectively the RLM's development section at this time). Given the timing, which coincides neatly with the 2-TL-Jaeger, aka Nacht- und Schlechtwetterjaeger competition, I would guess that this is the official RLM designation for the Do P 256. More details of this competition, entirely based on contemporary documents, are given in my book Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe Volume 1: Jet Fighters 1939-1945.

Do 350.jpg
Thank you my dear Dan,

and as I expected before,it's Do.350 and not Do P.350,and who was the tenders ?.
I took the trouble of snapping some pics from the source above


  • Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 003.jpg
    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 003.jpg
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  • Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 004.jpg
    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 004.jpg
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  • Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 005.jpg
    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 005.jpg
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    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 006.jpg
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  • Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 013.jpg
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    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 015.jpg
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  • Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 016.jpg
    Dornier planes Berlin Museum Archive 016.jpg
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And more descriptive ones


  • 1924 Dornier Renneindeckers für den Schneiderpokal mit 500 PS Fiat.jpg
    1924 Dornier Renneindeckers für den Schneiderpokal mit 500 PS Fiat.jpg
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  • 1927 Dornier Entwurf eines Rennflugzeuges aus dem Jahre 1927, der eine Studie zum Schneiderpok...jpg
    1927 Dornier Entwurf eines Rennflugzeuges aus dem Jahre 1927, der eine Studie zum Schneiderpok...jpg
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  • 1931 Dornier Entwurf eines Rennflugbootes mit 2 x 2000 PS Motoren, im Boot gelagert, abklappba...jpg
    1931 Dornier Entwurf eines Rennflugbootes mit 2 x 2000 PS Motoren, im Boot gelagert, abklappba...jpg
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  • Do 20, Entwurf einer verbesserten Do X.jpg
    Do 20, Entwurf einer verbesserten Do X.jpg
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  • dornier Entwurf Greif Verkehrsflugzeug, 1920.jpg
    dornier Entwurf Greif Verkehrsflugzeug, 1920.jpg
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  • Dornier Entwürfe von weiteren Riesenflugboote um 1919.jpg
    Dornier Entwürfe von weiteren Riesenflugboote um 1919.jpg
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  • Einzelmuster Do 23 D-AGIR.jpg
    Einzelmuster Do 23 D-AGIR.jpg
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  • Entwürfe von weiteren Riesenflugboote um 1919.jpg
    Entwürfe von weiteren Riesenflugboote um 1919.jpg
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  • Letzte Do 23-Ausführung mit BMW 6 ohne Getriebe.jpg
    Letzte Do 23-Ausführung mit BMW 6 ohne Getriebe.jpg
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  • Projekt einer weiterentwickelten Do 212.jpg
    Projekt einer weiterentwickelten Do 212.jpg
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Is there any information available regarding the project number P.235, given that Dan Sharp considers it likely that the entry "Dornier Do 235" listed in the Air Material Command's Glossary of German Aeronautical Codes, Models, Project Numbers, Abbreviations, Etc. Final Edition is a typo for P.235 because Dornier's project numbers used both 'Do' and a three digit number?
Is there any information available regarding the project number P.235, given that Dan Sharp considers it likely that the entry "Dornier Do 235" listed in the Air Material Command's Glossary of German Aeronautical Codes, Models, Project Numbers, Abbreviations, Etc. Final Edition is a typo for P.235 because Dornier's project numbers used both 'Do' and a three digit number?

There is not more Info,unfortunately.

P.169 was a glide bomb carrier,it was developed from Do.217 and
powered by two DB603R engines ?.
Dornier helicopter project Do P 408, which was to be powered by a MAN 6022 hot gas generator.

DoP408 (pic 1).jpg

DoP408 (pic 2).jpg

designed in 1966
pilot + three passengers
Vmax: 211 km/h

Source: scanned during a visit at Dornier archives Immenstaad in July 2005 together with @vstol and @Jemiba
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In the book "Eurofighter" (Vetter/Vetter - Motorbuchverlag) I found the designation Dornier DoP.204 in the text, unfortunately without a drawing. I am a little confused, since Dornier projects with the 2xx designation were already in use before or during World War II. Since this is a project from the 1980s, it should have a designation DoP.4xx or DoP.5xx.Perhaps one of you knows more about it....


  • Eurofighter-027.jpg
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In the book "Eurofighter" (Vetter/Vetter - Motorbuchverlag) I found the designation Dornier DoP.204 in the text, unfortunately without a drawing. I am a little confused, since Dornier projects with the 2xx designation were already in use before or during World War II. Since this is a project from the 1980s, it should have a designation DoP.4xx or DoP.5xx.Perhaps one of you knows more about it....

That's right,abd series 400s was from late 1960s,so may it was P.506 ?.

P.378 was a civilian V/STOL plane.Design based on the Do 31.
Start and stop of the project 1966.

Dornier P 378-1 - short-haul VSTOL passenger aircraft proposal (2 x General Electric GE1-6 for cruise & 14 x lift engines of unknown type)

Do P378-1 kl.jpg

Source: Advertising brochure Dornier Do P378 - Vorschläge für ein ziviles VSTOL-Passagierflugzeug
(Thanks to @Jemiba and @vstol for accompanying on the 2005 Dornier Archive tour to Immenstaad/Lake Constance)
Dornier P 378-6 - VSTOL passenger aircraft proposal (2 x Rolls-Royce RB.207-03 for cruise & 14 x lift engines Rolls-Royce RB.202)

Do P378-6 kl.jpg
Source: see above (# 59)

And to pre-empt questions as to why I don't show the P378-5 before the -6: There is no -5 in the (complete) brochure! So please don't speculate, if the P378-5 did exist. We have no proof of their existence, so for us there is only -1, -2, -3, -4 and -6.

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