3-view from “Aerodynamic Design Evolution of the SAAB JAS 39 Gripen Aircraft”, AIAA 91-3195


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Out of curiousity, how did Saab manage to keep the airflow into the dorsal intake stable at high angles of attack? Was it in the way the LERXs were shaped?
arc3371 said:
I am hoping that someone here can provide me with info about this intresting looking aircraft.

The Nov/Dec 2000 Air Enthusiast has a full article on Saab unbuilt project, with a Saab sourced 3-view.
I know thats were I first saw it but there is almost no info in the article
They weren't sure they could keep it stable at high AOA, which is one of the reasons it wasn't chosen. That isn't to say, it can't be done, as emayerle has pointed out, Northrop has performed alot of research into dorsal intakes that operate efficiently in such locations. However, it was most likely deemed to risky for SAAB to take on for their Gripen.
Sentinel Chicken said:
Out of curiousity, how did Saab manage to keep the airflow into the dorsal intake stable at high angles of attack? Was it in the way the LERXs were shaped?

Proper shaping of the forward fuselage and LERX will do it. There was a lot of research done on this at Northrop under various government contracts. Up to the early-1980s it was reported in The Journal of Aircraft from AIAA, but nothing in unclassified print since then. I do kow that at least one Northrop ATF design employed this approach.


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Actually, Flateric, that wasn't the design I was thinking of, but it'll do.
Evan, I hope you dont't mind adding pic to your post. Sorry, I was thinking of this design.
Just a quick rough one of the Saab 2107 - 2307?? prehaps someone can clarify ?


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Saab 2111 with Rockwell designed wing. Costs of producing the wing were 50% higher than 2110.


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There was apparently a triplane or triple-delta configuration studied during the development process. If I'm reading the Google translation correctly, the designer responsible for the configuration was out sick for a protracted period, and the canard delta had been adopted by the time he returned to work.



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Last edited:
Beautiful model, thanks Yildirim, it's the B3LA, please look here for more info


how to reach the final configuration.


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Some nice early Gripen stuff.



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Matej said:
Working... more info soon!

Nice drawing of the proposed stealthy aircraft that SAAB is bidding for the S. Korean requirement. I hope it gets developed as an alternative to the F-35.

Work finished. Stealthy Gripen is the work of the small team, leaded by the Saab's stealth specialist Jakob Bjerkemo. He used some nice tricks to reduce the RCS, such as the Z shape tooth on the sides of the plane, especially between the wing's apex and canard, which already received a patent (attached). Despite my previous statements I realized, that the aircraft kept its vertical tail.


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TomS said:
There was apparently a triplane or triple-delta configuration studied during the development process. If I'm reading the Google translation correctly, the designer responsible for the configuration was out sick for a protracted period, and the canard delta had been adopted by the tie he returned to work.

"Örnen" means "Eagle", so JAS might have had the same name as TSR-2. :)

(BTW, "Gripen" means "Griffon", unless you already knew that. ;) )

for a long time,I found those unknown aircraft on Internet,please ID them.


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Thank you Shivering,

the last two aircraft was SAAB-2307 & SAAB-2111
yeb hes right!!! pre design development of SAAB JAS39 Gripen!
Topic renamed. Please hesham (and the others), when a mystery has been solved, think of renaming the topic accordingly. I have renamed many of the numerous "Please ID" or "Unidentified" topics on this forum and I would hate to have to do it again in a few months!

here is the SAAB-2111 and some alternative designs for Gripen.



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Very interesting concepts,thanks alot Hesham.

best regards

From Авиация и космонавтика 4/2009;

here is an early SAAB Proposals which led to Gripen.


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Slightly off-topic, but in the 80's GD proposed the F-16 to the SwAF.

One competitor Swedish industry had to beat in project JAS 39 was F-16. A photo/drawing from back then. #SwAF #FV90
Source: https://twitter.com/GripenNews/status/762390328313802752


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En ny typ av enhetsflygplan med jakt-, attack och spaningsuppgifter ingar i ett nytt llygsystem ("JAS ny"). Formagan att overleva bekampning pa marken ar viktig lor att systemet skall kunna koncentereras mot invasionstoretag i for angriparen kritiska skeden.
Teknikens utveckling gor att mindre och lattare flygplan kan utvecklas, samtidigt som vapensystemets egenskaper kan komma att minska kraven pa vapenbararen - flygplanet. Flygplanet kan anpassas till enkia baser, t ex landsvagar. Beroendet av markutrustning reduceras och branselforbrukningen kan minskas. Basorganisationen kan darfor goras mindre och fa storre rorlighet. - Detta flygsystem ingar i alla strukturer.

Via Google Translate:

A new type of unit aircraft with hunting, attack and voltage data in a new light system ("JAS new"). The proverb to survive fighting on the ground is important for the system to be able to concentrate against invasion corporations in the critical stages of the attacker.
The development of technology means that smaller and slower aircraft can be developed, while the weapon system's characteristics may reduce the requirements of the gunbar aircraft. The aircraft can be adapted to single bases, such as landslides. Dependence on land equipment is reduced and industry consumption can be reduced. The basic organization can therefore be reduced and increased in size. - This flight system is in all structures.
Basically what ive ben told throughout my life was that they where tasked with just making the viggen sheaper and better. So they scaled it down and gave it top modern computers.
Dorsal intake would solve the foreign object ingestion problem, always see the Gripen landing on highways and unprepared roads.
How has the record been for the Gripen regarding engine ingestion when landing on such roads? The dorsal design for Gripen must have been unnecessary. Does the Gripen use any screen or other device to protect the engine?
ScrutorAudax said:
En ny typ av enhetsflygplan med jakt-, attack och spaningsuppgifter ingar i ett nytt llygsystem ("JAS ny"). Formagan att overleva bekampning pa marken ar viktig lor att systemet skall kunna koncentereras mot invasionstoretag i for angriparen kritiska skeden.
Teknikens utveckling gor att mindre och lattare flygplan kan utvecklas, samtidigt som vapensystemets egenskaper kan komma att minska kraven pa vapenbararen - flygplanet. Flygplanet kan anpassas till enkia baser, t ex landsvagar. Beroendet av markutrustning reduceras och branselforbrukningen kan minskas. Basorganisationen kan darfor goras mindre och fa storre rorlighet. - Detta flygsystem ingar i alla strukturer.

Via Google Translate:

A new type of unit aircraft with hunting, attack and voltage data in a new light system ("JAS new"). The proverb to survive fighting on the ground is important for the system to be able to concentrate against invasion corporations in the critical stages of the attacker.
The development of technology means that smaller and slower aircraft can be developed, while the weapon system's characteristics may reduce the requirements of the gunbar aircraft. The aircraft can be adapted to single bases, such as landslides. Dependence on land equipment is reduced and industry consumption can be reduced. The basic organization can therefore be reduced and increased in size. - This flight system is in all structures.

of course, the S in JAS is 'spaning', which means reconnaissance, not voltage.
ScrutorAudax said:
En ny typ av enhetsflygplan med jakt-, attack och spaningsuppgifter ingår i ett nytt flygsystem ("JAS ny"). Förmågan att overleva bekämpning på marken är viktig r att systemet skall kunna koncentreras mot invasionsretag i för angriparen kritiska skåden.
Teknikens utveckling gör att mindre och lättare flygplan kan utvecklas, samtidigt som vapensystemets egenskaper kan komma att minska kraven på vapenbäraren - flygplanet. Flygplanet kan anpassas till enkla baser, t ex landsvägar. Beroendet av markutrustning reduceras och bränsleförbrukningen kan minskas. Basorganisationen kan darför göras mindre och fa store rörlighet. - Detta flygsystem ingår i alla strukturer.

Via Google Translate:

A new type of unit aircraft with hunting, attack and voltage data in a new light system ("JAS new"). The proverb to survive fighting on the ground is important for the system to be able to concentrate against invasion corporations in the critical stages of the attacker.
The development of technology means that smaller and slower aircraft can be developed, while the weapon system's characteristics may reduce the requirements of the gunbar aircraft. The aircraft can be adapted to single bases, such as landslides. Dependence on land equipment is reduced and industry consumption can be reduced. The basic organization can therefore be reduced and increased in size. - This flight system is in all structures.
Translating from Swedish or German to other languages isn't made easier if you omit diacritical signs in the original text.
A native speaker of Swedish will probably spot some errors in this translation as well, but this is what I make of it with a dictionary in hand:

A new type of universal aircraft with fighter-, attack- and reconnaissance capabilities is introduced in a new flight system ("JAS new"). The ability to survive combat on the ground is important for the system to be able, in the event of an invasion, to concentrate on the critical theatre for the attacker.
The technology's development allows smaller and lighter aircraft to evolve, while the weapon system's characteristics can reduce the requirements for the weapon carrier - the aircraft. The aircraft can be adapted to simple bases, such as roads. Dependence on land equipment is reduced and fuel consumption can be reduced. Therefore, the base organisation can be made smaller and have greater mobility. - This flight system is integrated in all structures.
I was aiming for a very rough translation to get a better idea and thought I would post it here anyways. I could see that "voltage" was glaringly wrong. Thanks for the improved translation!

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