I am sure there will be a single-engine fighter with an engine izd.30. Probably in two variants, horizontal take-off and landing and short take-off and vertical landing for aircraft carrier and universal landing craft
Yeah, i know they were produced up to around that time, but my argument were more about them being outdated and not fitting within the doctrine or needs of the Russian Airforce. Either way i dont think that arguments from almost 30 years now based on now ~50 year old tech hold much water anyway. Are single engine aircraft more unsafe overall? Probably, F-16's safety numbers early on were truly atrocious. But i think RuAF is better off focusing and driving requirments to get single engine frames as safe as possible rather than shy away from them altogether.Su-17M3 and M4s were not old, they were produced up until 1990 I think. MiG-23MLD had plenty of service life left as well.
Military drawdown was obviously the biggest part of it, but I think anti-single engine thinking was there as well. I mean on a shoestring budget some single engine types probably would have been cheaper to operate than an entirely big twin-engine force.
EDIT: Not sure if this source is legit or not but it quotes Deynekin, Commander of VVS:
"Как указывал Главком ВВС П. С. Дейнекин, «переход к использованию самолётов, оснащённых двумя — четырьмя двигателями, существенно повысит безопасность полётов»."
Pretty explicit decision to discard single engine types, allegedly due to safety.
Dang before it was Mikoyan. https://topwar.ru/167799-minoborony-zakazalo-razrabotku-oruzhija-protiv-giperzvukovyh-raket.htmlThe same news, but in English and with the word "hypersonic" added to it for some reason. Most likely BS
I'd thought it's PLIB since the LFI program is an older one from the 2000s innit?Here a bit more realistic...
But now built by Silhouette?? I thought it is a MiG project? ... and any idea how it will be presented at MAKS?
It seems that there are indeed two projects, Deino.
One, Sukhoi's "PLIB"or" LFI", is intended for foreign customer.
Second is MiG's "LMFS" with two engines by Klimov.
I personally think that MiG will push its design as a future deck fighter.
No, just a "cheap" 5+ gen fighter mostly for foreign market.Russia's sixth generation ligth? WOW!
Not so cheap, but surely cheaper than Su-57. There is the intention of high degree of unification with Felon.
Ad pic: Unfortunately, there is no new image than this notorious cut from the photo of Borisov's table. Let's wait, just 54 days...
It's moved :3 to a new homeWhy was the video deleted? Was it not official or even faked?
The "principally new" aircraft mentioned in the article is this.So at MAKS 2021?
Первый в мире электросамолет покажут на МАКС-2021
Госкорпорация «Ростех» представит на выставке МАКС-2021 первый в мире самолет с электродвигателем. Об этом <a href="https://ria.ru/20210324/samolet-1602646792.html" target="_blank">РИА «Новости»</a> сообщил вице-премьер РФ Юрий Борисов.360tv.ru
I hope MAKS 2021 gives good surprisesI am sure there will be a single-engine fighter with an engine izd.30. Probably in two variants, horizontal take-off and landing and short take-off and vertical landing for aircraft carrier and universal landing craft
nice wow looks like some models I saw in paralays![]()
Russia’s New Fighter Jet Design Breaks Cover (Updated)
The eagerly awaited new fighter seems to be named Checkmate and is due to be unveiled at the MAKS air show next week.www.thedrive.com
some new images here.
In TsAGI GT-400 water tunnelThis is quite old generic in-house TsAGI WT model. It _probably_ has its roots in MiG '602' fighter studies from late 90s.