Current Nuclear Weapons Development

As we mightily struggle with our “30 new pits a year plan”

Completely tangential, but is the American reference to warhead pits equivalent to Anglo-English "a hole or cavity" or "a large seed or stone of a fruit"?

Have always wondered.
Completely tangential, but is the American reference to warhead pits equivalent to Anglo-English "a hole or cavity" or "a large seed or stone of a fruit"?

Have always wondered.

The latter I think. Most pits are shaped as hollow spheres, which are then placed in a spherical array of explosive lenses, which is inside a tamper of dense material (often DU), and in thermo nukes with fusion fuel surrounding the primary fission explosive. So more seed of fruit, with the fruit being the whole physics package. But also technically speaking, there is a hole inside the center of every implosion pit (I do not think any U.S./UK weapon uses a “gun” design for many decades).
Most pits are shaped as hollow spheres, which are then placed in a spherical array of explosive lenses, which is inside a tamper of dense material (often DU)

Ah, no, not quite. The pit is the core/tamper assembly consisting of an inner core of delta-phase Pu-239 or Oralloy* surrounded by a tamper/reflector (In older weapons especially fission only bombs the tamper consisted of depleted-Uranium and TN warhead primaries Beryllium). The pit in turn nestled inside the HE assembly which in turn is inside a high-strength plastic container.

and in thermo nukes with fusion fuel surrounding the primary fission explosive.

This is the "Sloika" (Layer cake) design used by the Soviets in the 1950s before they perfected the two-stage thermonuclear warhead design (Known in the West as the Teller-Ulam device) this was deployed as the free-fall RDS-6s. All modern TN warhead use a seperate primary and secondary (The main fusion charge) with the secondary usually being spherical (Older multi-megaton designs were cylindrical), the primary and secondary are encased in a radiation-case made up of a high-Z material (Usually Lead in older retired designs but now typically Thorium or depleted-Uranium).

* Weapons-grade Uranium-235 (At least 93.5% U-235 concentration).

Congress is laying the groundwork to restore nuclear weapon capabilities on roughly 30 B-52H Stratofortress bombers that had been converted to drop only conventional munitions as part of the New START arms control treaty with Russia.
Lawmakers are eager to beef up the U.S. nuclear arsenal given Russia’s suspension of the treaty and China’s rapidly expanding strategic warhead production. Opponents of the measure argue that the directives will make it more difficult to negotiate a new treaty while complicating efforts to significantly extend the lifespan of the B-52 bomber fleet first introduced during the Cold War.

Won't be long before the SLBMs and ICBMs start having more warheads loaded, if they haven't already that is.

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Lukashenko is going to go too far one of these days and get the shit kicked out of Belarus (Not to mention he's barely holding on to power).

The nuclear threat of the week, somewhat more amusing coming from a non nuclear power.

Belarus is a non-nuclear power however Putin has sent a number of tactical nuclear-weapons to Belarus which are nominally under their control.
Belarus is a non-nuclear power however Putin has sent a number of tactical nuclear-weapons to Belarus which are nominally under their control.
Makes one wonder what would happen if Belarus sets on off without Vlad's approval?

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