Current mystery aircraft / urban legends

The early 1990s felt like a pretty good era when a lot of information became freely available…and before drones turned the skies into an R/C version of Megaforce picture.

The 1990s felt like the decade SpaceX and today’s X-planes should have existed in.

Now we have airborne wonders, but everything just feels wrong.
Was this year a good year for black aircraft? You be the judge. Here is everything that happened.

-Lockheed teased a high-speed aircraft on Twitter
-YF-45D came to light. Originally popped up on Raymond Marshall's LinkedIn Page
-Rumors of a new drone developed by Lockheed started in the start of November
-The YF-220 and X-273 we're removed from Col. Dan Javorsek's biography
-AF Secretary Frank Kendall acknowledged an precursor program to NGAD that produced prototypes

Happy new year everyone.
Based on my own experience, that's certainly *not* everything that happened, but at most only everything that *officially* happened.
And another 1992 (31 years ago) AW article ; about another project linked to Aurora; Blackstar? Often "seen" (and again articles) in the mid 2000's.

Capture d’écran 2024-03-18 à 19.37.05.png"MAPZEN"


One of the guys at DLR picked up an interesting sight at TTR. It might ‘just’ be the F117’s operating out of there but the last time they were caught in a satellite photo they appeared darker and with slightly different shape - but that might very well be atmospheric circumstances. Compare them yourself - the second picture is confirmed to be F117’s.

It’s impossible to say with any certainty because of the low resolution, but with all the news surrounding the NGAD these past few weeks I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a photo shoot for the NGAD with 2 prototype airframes build for each of the three contenders. To me it looks like there are couples of of three different aircraft with slight shape and colour variations.

Based on the news it looks like the NGAD requirements have changed and the program as it is likely has been scrapped. That would probably mean that none of these aircraft made the cut so perhaps a farewell party before they’re being scrapped and buried or prepared for long term storage for eventual declassification.

Take this with a with a grain of salt as I’m being very speculative - as I said, the resolution is too low to say anything for certain.


  • IMG_4017.jpeg
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I'll give the benefit of the doubt given the resolution of the images, although I think the things that happened in Palmdale a month ago were done to divert attention from the real test site.
Hello all, I wanted to share some footage of some unknown aircraft that were video-tapped in the late 1980s through the early 1990s time frame. I found the video footage through DLR, please ignore the fact that it is within a UFO series TV show episode. I couldn't find the standalone version of the footage. More info about the recordings is in this comment:

(Edit: DLR link isn't working, search up "looking for footage of antelope valley unknown aircraft" through their forum archive to view the details.)

As for the video:

Time stamps:

Enjoy. I want to listen to your opinions on this decent footage.
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Hello all, I wanted to share some footage of some unknown aircraft that were video-tapped in the late 1980s through the early 1990s time frame. I want to listen to your opinions on this decent footage.
Unfortunately, the video is not available in my country.
I may have your back on this one. This video has slightly better footage quality.
Yeah! Thanks a lot. I remember seeing that footage in those years. There was a LOT going on in the realm of unidentified/secret aircraft in the 1990s and the early days of the internet.
Yeah! Thanks a lot. I remember seeing that footage in those years. There was a LOT going on in the realm of unidentified/secret aircraft in the 1990s and the early days of the internet.
Im still trying to find footage of unknown aircraft out there on the internet, other than those that have been documented here.

Anyways people, I updated the list of fake/urban legend aircraft, for collective and discussion purposes. I am 99% sure, that 99% percent of the aircraft in this list are not real.
-F-19 Stealth Fighter
-Aurora Spy Plane
-TR-3A Black Manta
-Copper Coast/X-24C continuation
-Senior Citizen, Special Ops Stealth SVTOL Transport
-RQ-3 Darkstar Derivative (Tier 3 Prototypes)
-F-121 Sentinel
-A-17 Stealth Swing-Wing, F-111 Ardvaark replacement
-Blackstar, 2 Stage Space Plane
-Flaming Pumpkin Seed/s
-Stealth Blimp/s
-A-12 Avenger Derivative
-Snow Bird/Brilliant Buzzard/Blackstar
-Artichoke, F-117 Offshoot
-Northrop NGB Prototype
-F-117 Companion
-Mackbolin aircraft
-1999 Tikaboo Peak Fastmover Sighting (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Lockheed Test 2334
-New Skunk Works "Spy Drone" reported by The Warzone and other outlets on 11/3/2023
-Ghosthawk claims by former Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer
-Sub-scale B-2 prototype/s
-High-speed aircraft that used multiple different types of propulsion (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-The Tooth (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Classified Lockheed UAV used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq
-Triangular Aircraft photographed over Texas in 2014
-Eglin AF Base Mystery Aircraft 2024
-CSIRS (Covert Survivable In-weather Reconnaissance/Strike)
Im still trying to find footage of unknown aircraft out there on the internet, other than those that have been documented here.

Anyways people, I updated the list of fake/urban legend aircraft, for collective and discussion purposes. I am 99% sure, that 99% percent of the aircraft in this list are not real.
-F-19 Stealth Fighter
-Aurora Spy Plane
-TR-3A Black Manta
-Copper Coast/X-24C continuation
-Senior Citizen, Special Ops Stealth SVTOL Transport
-RQ-3 Darkstar Derivative (Tier 3 Prototypes)
-F-121 Sentinel
-A-17 Stealth Swing-Wing, F-111 Ardvaark replacement
-Blackstar, 2 Stage Space Plane
-Flaming Pumpkin Seed/s
-Stealth Blimp/s
-A-12 Avenger Derivative
-Snow Bird/Brilliant Buzzard/Blackstar
-Artichoke, F-117 Offshoot
-Northrop NGB Prototype
-F-117 Companion
-Mackbolin aircraft
-1999 Tikaboo Peak Fastmover Sighting (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Lockheed Test 2334
-New Skunk Works "Spy Drone" reported by The Warzone and other outlets on 11/3/2023
-Ghosthawk claims by former Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer
-Sub-scale B-2 prototype/s
-High-speed aircraft that used multiple different types of propulsion (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-The Tooth (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Classified Lockheed UAV used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq
-Triangular Aircraft photographed over Texas in 2014
-Eglin AF Base Mystery Aircraft 2024
-CSIRS (Covert Survivable In-weather Reconnaissance/Strike)

what was the Eglin AFB mystery aircraft again, please?

Im still trying to find footage of unknown aircraft out there on the internet, other than those that have been documented here.

Anyways people, I updated the list of fake/urban legend aircraft, for collective and discussion purposes. I am 99% sure, that 99% percent of the aircraft in this list are not real.
There may be a couple more, I'd have to check in my files. Off-hand I'm thinking of:
  • Senior Citizen,
  • the YF-24A,
  • the YF-23-esque larger aircraft seen at Boscombe Down (UK),
  • a would be stealth cargo used to evacuate people in the Middle East,
  • the cow-killing helicopter...
There may be a couple more, I'd have to check in my files. Off-hand I'm thinking of:
  • Senior Citizen,
That was already in the list.

the YF-24A
I didn't include the YF-24 because it's a real aircraft. Sure its unknown, but we know it exists. It doesn't fit in the list, personally.

the YF-23-esque larger aircraft seen at Boscombe Down (UK)
Thats ASTRA.

a would be stealth cargo used to evacuate people in the Middle East
You just described Senior Citizen. Unless you're talking about some other aircraft.

the cow-killing helicopter...
I have no idea what this is, but I'm pretty sure its a joke I did not get.
That was already in the list.

I didn't include the YF-24 because it's a real aircraft. Sure its unknown, but we know it exists. It doesn't fit in the list, personally.

Thats ASTRA.

You just described Senior Citizen. Unless you're talking about some other aircraft.

I have no idea what this is, but I'm pretty sure its a joke I did not get.

Last one cow killing aircraft probably black helicopter sightings near supposed cattle mutilations attributed to aliens ..

That was already in the list.
Sorry, I missed it! But then we DO know it existed as well... (don't forget Burt Rutan saying: "I'm not at liberty to discuss Senior Citizen..."
I didn't include the YF-24 because it's a real aircraft. Sure its unknown, but we know it exists. It doesn't fit in the list, personally.
Do we know for sure? Of course it appeared in the C.V. of a fighter pilot, but was later removed...
Thats ASTRA.
Is it? I didn't know that.
You just described Senior Citizen. Unless you're talking about some other aircraft.
No, that's what I think it was too, but has the connection between the two been clearly established?
I have no idea what this is, but I'm pretty sure its a joke I did not get.
RavenOne got it, look at his reply just above mine. I'll try and dig stuff.
Hello all, I wanted to share some footage of some unknown aircraft that were video-tapped in the late 1980s through the early 1990s time frame. I found the video footage through DLR, please ignore the fact that it is within a UFO series TV show episode. I couldn't find the standalone version of the footage. More info about the recordings is in this comment:

(Edit: DLR link isn't working, search up "looking for footage of antelope valley unknown aircraft" through their forum archive to view the details.)

As for the video:

Time stamps:

Enjoy. I want to listen to your opinions on this decent footage.
Curiously, Sänger II appears, which was not an American project, and which was not even black.
Last one cow killing aircraft probably black helicopter sightings near supposed cattle mutilations attributed to aliens ..


I would not be surprised if this was some graduation exercise for paratroopers where they had to drop in on some cows and murder one, and they dropped into the wrong ranchers land in the middle of the night. Before you go thinking this sounds far fetched, Navy Corpsman as part of their graduation go to a special location to do "live-tissue trauma training" that involves pigs being blown up or shot, and the Corpsman has to treat them and keep them alive. People complain about this, but they don't complain about the 10,000 tons of Bacon we eat every year.....
What about highly maneuverable insect?

I recently saw something almost exactly like this under similar conditions. My conclusion was I was probably seeing an insect.
Sorry, I missed it! But then we DO know it existed as well... (don't forget Burt Rutan saying: "I'm not at liberty to discuss Senior Citizen..."

SENIOR CITIZEN was a real project, that involved a transport aircraft which n some way. Nothing else about it has been confirmed. The idea that it was a special operations transport is speculation. It could just as easily have been an EW system, etc
Im still trying to find footage of unknown aircraft out there on the internet, other than those that have been documented here.

Anyways people, I updated the list of fake/urban legend aircraft, for collective and discussion purposes. I am 99% sure, that 99% percent of the aircraft in this list are not real.
-F-19 Stealth Fighter
-Aurora Spy Plane
-TR-3A Black Manta
-Copper Coast/X-24C continuation
-Senior Citizen, Special Ops Stealth SVTOL Transport
-RQ-3 Darkstar Derivative (Tier 3 Prototypes)
-F-121 Sentinel
-A-17 Stealth Swing-Wing, F-111 Ardvaark replacement
-Blackstar, 2 Stage Space Plane
-Flaming Pumpkin Seed/s
-Stealth Blimp/s
-A-12 Avenger Derivative
-Snow Bird/Brilliant Buzzard/Blackstar
-Artichoke, F-117 Offshoot
-Northrop NGB Prototype
-F-117 Companion
-Mackbolin aircraft
-1999 Tikaboo Peak Fastmover Sighting (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Lockheed Test 2334
-New Skunk Works "Spy Drone" reported by The Warzone and other outlets on 11/3/2023
-Ghosthawk claims by former Navy Seal Chuck Pfarrer
-Sub-scale B-2 prototype/s
-High-speed aircraft that used multiple different types of propulsion (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-The Tooth (Dreamland Resort Forum)
-Classified Lockheed UAV used in the 2003 invasion of Iraq
-Triangular Aircraft photographed over Texas in 2014
-Eglin AF Base Mystery Aircraft 2024
-CSIRS (Covert Survivable In-weather Reconnaissance/Strike)
‘99% percent sure these aircraft don’t exist’ seems a bit on the high side. Most of them are fantasy aircraft, but the YF-43B, RQ-180, the Texas sighting and the Ghost Hawk are very real. We even have pictures or pictures of parts of them.

You need to add the YF-220 and X-273 to the list (who to me are also very real aircraft, even if we don’t know what they are. If an Air Force resumé isn’t a reliable source I don’t know what is).
Ghost Hawk

As described by Pfarrer, nope.

Pfarrer contends that the "ghost hawk" was a "3rd generation" stealth Black Hawk that is more classified / more advanced than what crashed in Pakistan during Neptune Spear, and existed at the time of that operation.
Something I saved in my files from a 2005 forum page. A lot of the questions asked here still seem relevant today:

Message posted by Peter Merlin on September 24, 2005 at 21:32:04 PST:

Since RcTeller is complaining that nothing has been revealed, maybe we should look at some of the "black" project aircraft that we have to look forward to seeing when they are finally unveiled. Many of these have probably already been discussed in this forum. (Some Air Force officials have expressed discomfort that these specific projects are being discussed in blogs and forums on the Internet.)

There have been at least seven (and as many as 11) classified manned aircraft flown at Groom Lake since the mid 1980s that have yet to be unveiled. This doesn't include the modified aircraft, foreign aircraft, or ordinary platforms (C-130, F-16, etc.) carrying experimental avionics.

In 1985, Frank Birk made the first flight of a "classified technology demonstrator." He won the Bobby Bond Memorial Aviator Award for his work on this project.

Since 1982, Dan Vanderhorst has flown at least seven classified aircraft, described as mostly "one of a kind demonstrators." One was TACIT BLUE. Another had internal weapons bays, suggesting stealth characteristics (Vanderhorst "holds the altitude record in this aircraft" according to his unclassified biography).

During the last part of a 20-year Air Force career, Doug Benjamin flew four classified aircraft. One of these was Bird of Prey. What were the other three?

In the early to mid 1990s, Dennis "Bones" Sager commanded the classified flight test squadron at Groom and became the first Air Force pilot to fly the YF-113G, a "classified protoype" that he took from development to first flight. Contrary to reports in Aviation Week & Space technology magazine, this was NOT a Mig-23 (which flew under a different designation).

During the late 1990s, "Broadway Joe" Lanni flew first flights of two classified prototypes, including the YF-24.

These are just the known "black" manned aircraft. How many classified UAV projects have there been? So far, only SENIOR PROM has been revealed (and not officially). When will we see pictures of MINOTAUR, or any of several others that have been tested?
Hello! I’m not sure if this is a correct thread to post this in, but I believe it to be so.
For about a week this image has been circulating through a couple of Far-Eastern Russian chats, and neither me, nor other people in chats are able to determine the type of aircraft. It is definitely not a Su-27 derivative. So might be a mystery aircraft.
Chirs, as far as I understood in my small investigation, the image comes from either a Khabarovsk or Komsomolsk-on-Amur city-chat. I was not able to reverse image search it or find any other mentions of “weird aircraft” above these cities [excluding Su-57, but they are quite common in the area].
‘99% percent sure these aircraft don’t exist’ seems a bit on the high side.
Thats just the way it is.

but the YF-43B, RQ-180, the Texas sighting and the Ghost Hawk are very real. We even have pictures or pictures of parts of them.
The YF-43B is most like a typo of the HH-43B aircraft, an unclassified helicopter. The RQ-180 is part of the 1% that are real, there's a reason I said 99, not 100 percent. The Texas sighting has been debunked as B-2's.

Pfarrer contends that the "ghost hawk" was a "3rd generation" stealth Black Hawk that is more classified / more advanced than what crashed in Pakistan during Neptune Spear, and existed at the time of that operation.
Thank you for explaining the Ghost Hawk. I was referring to this exactly. I was in no way saying the Stealth Blackhawks from Neptune Spear weren't real.

You need to add the YF-220 and X-273 to the list (who to me are also very real aircraft, even if we don’t know what they are. If an Air Force resumé isn’t a reliable source I don’t know what is).
I've said this twice already. Those are real aircraft as mentioned in official material, we know they're real. The list above is dedicated PURELY to aircraft that are just legends/rumors. I included the RQ-180 in that list because its still rumoured, but we know its real, and even then I said while replying to you that it isn't the same as the others.

Something I saved in my files from a 2005 forum page. A lot of the questions asked here still seem relevant today:
Some of the info here is outdated/incorrect. For example: Birk flew his wonder plane in 1983. Vandershorst didn't flew 7 classified aircraft, it was a misunderstanding. For the updated version, check this page.
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View attachment 742557
Hello! I’m not sure if this is a correct thread to post this in, but I believe it to be so.
For about a week this image has been circulating through a couple of Far-Eastern Russian chats, and neither me, nor other people in chats are able to determine the type of aircraft. It is definitely not a Su-27 derivative. So might be a mystery aircraft.
When I first saw it, I thought of the Su-75. But that wouldn’t be possible.
K2, I agree with you, it cannot be a Su-75, it’s far too early for its first flight and it should have way different wing shape than the plane on the photograph. IMG_1396.jpeg
View attachment 742557
Hello! I’m not sure if this is a correct thread to post this in, but I believe it to be so.
For about a week this image has been circulating through a couple of Far-Eastern Russian chats, and neither me, nor other people in chats are able to determine the type of aircraft. It is definitely not a Su-27 derivative. So might be a mystery aircraft.
Could be a uav prototype?
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View attachment 742557
Hello! I’m not sure if this is a correct thread to post this in, but I believe it to be so.
For about a week this image has been circulating through a couple of Far-Eastern Russian chats, and neither me, nor other people in chats are able to determine the type of aircraft. It is definitely not a Su-27 derivative. So might be a mystery aircraft.
It's not spot on but i do wonder if it's this? as in someone messing around and it being a hoax.


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