CSBA "Third Offset" paper

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bobbymike said:
sferrin said:

"Fox News reported that China has deployed more than 500 missiles on South China Sea islands, including CSA-6B and HQ-9 missiles, as well as the anti-ballistic missile interceptor HQ-26."

Looks like GLCM from the 80's

Why are we a party to the INF Treaty when our main adversaries are not?

We probably won't be once the current administration gets the boot in a couple weeks. Can't happen soon enough.

Imagine a Tomahawk scaled up big enough for two to a vehicle that size. (Or, more likely, a LRASM-B scaled that big.) Lots of range and a big warhead. Who needs lots of bombers when your cruise missiles can cover the entire South/East China sea and beyond?
Interesting Research into Electronic Warfare from the Navy


The Russian response to the Pentagon’s Third Offset Strategy has been to prioritize the development of tactical and strategic nuclear weapons argues a new report from the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) at the Singapore-based S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Russian nuclear modernization has been extensive, with multiple programs designed to counter the nascent U.S. missile shield that is being erected in Europe. “Russia has been deploying the new RS-24 Yars (SS-27 Mod 2) ICBMs, and the new Borei class SSBNs armed with RSM-56 Bulava (SS-N-32) missile systems,” the authors write. “Simultaneously, however, Russia has been developing at least two additional ICBM families: a heavy liquid fuel Sarmat ICBM (RS-28) and a mobile solid fuel Rubezh (RS-26) system, specifically designed to defeat future U.S. missile defence shields in Europe. The development of a rail-based ICBM system utilising one of the existing ICBM types (most likely RS-24) has also started. Furthermore, Russia is working on the hypersonic reentry vehicles for its ICBMs. Another extensive programme is the development of a significantly upgraded version of Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bomber, which will be produced in Kazan. Moscow takes any possible threat to the effectiveness of Russian nuclear forces very seriously, and immediately embarks on planning countermeasures.”

Additionally, Russia has modernized its tactical nuclear forces—which include short-range ballistic missiles, gravity bombs, cruise missiles and even nuclear-tipped surface-to-air missiles. “In short, Russia’s programmes focusing on rearmament of the nuclear forces are progressing into advanced stages,” the authors wrote. “Russia already has a significant advantage over the U.S. in terms of the quality and variety of its delivery systems, and can reasonably ensure the strategic effectiveness of its nuclear forces in the near future.”

Interesting that many of these programs are in their second decade of development but a week into the new US administration's first term and NOW the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moves the Doomsday Clock.

bobbymike said:
Interesting that many of these programs are in their second decade of development but a week into the new US administration's first term and NOW the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moves the Doomsday Clock.

Politics. The only reason they don't put it to midnight is they'd have to explain the lack of mushroom clouds.
USAF Wants to Add Five Fighter Squadrons

—Brian Everstine2/1/2017

​​The Air Force wants to add five more fighter squadrons over the next five to 10 years, going from 55 to 60 total fighter squadrons. The service is planning to build up its Active Duty end strength to 321,000 by the end of this year, up from 317,000 last year, and by the end of 2018, it hopes to bring that number up to 324,000, Air Force spokesman Col. Patrick Ryder said Tuesday. The plan to add five more squadrons will take place on the “out years” of future budget planning, meaning in the late 2020s to 2030s, Ryder said. It is also too early to say what type of aircraft the squadrons would fly, though the service is building up its F-16 squadrons and planning to add 1,763 F-35s. The current number of fighter squadrons is enough to fly current operational needs, such as the air war targeting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, though more would be needed to face high-end threats, said Ryder. For comparison, the Air Force had 188 fighter squadrons in the early days of Operation Desert Storm.
DARPA - Broad Agency Announcement OFFensive Swarm Enabled Tactics (OFFSET)


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“You have this huge mismatch between the number of platforms we have and the weapons to deliver them and persist in a lot of these fights,” said James Thomas, a principal at the defense forecasting firm the Telemus Group. “I would start with the munitions inventory and figuring out how thicken our density of a whole range of munitions that we simply lack today.”
bobbymike said:

“You have this huge mismatch between the number of platforms we have and the weapons to deliver them and persist in a lot of these fights,” said James Thomas, a principal at the defense forecasting firm the Telemus Group. “I would start with the munitions inventory and figuring out how thicken our density of a whole range of munitions that we simply lack today.”

When the place you're attacking is minimally defended JDAMS and Tomahawks are fine. When the other guy has air defenses. . .not so much.

Pentagon seeks advanced technology demos for FY-19 budget

The Defense Science Board has been tasked to develop a list of advanced technology demonstrations that will be submitted as part of the fiscal year 2019 budget request and is expected to provide initial findings in mid-July, according to a recent memo from the Pentagon's acting acquisition chief.

The Future of All Arms Warfare in the 21st Century
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