Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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I discussed this at length above; the vaccine was never designed to be highly effective after a first dose, that was a bonus after it was discovered in AZ and mRNA vaccines. And still you get 15% protection against infection and 40% protection against death after a first dose! Death rates among the elderly prioritized for vaccination are steady; the young are bearing the brunt of the Chilean outbreak.

The second dose gives 67% protection against infection, and 80% protection against death. Better than nothing, and gives comparable performance to seasonal flu vaccines designed along similar lines.

Yes, yes, we know old-fashioned vaccines are inferior to the new hotness that is mRNA vaccination, but they work as advertised! Not everyone is America, with an incredible scientific-industrial complex and tolerance for risk! Friggin' sensationalist headline...


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"new heights internationally" The Media should be brought to task for their endless search for fear over facts. In the last month, people have been traveling and exactly the same thing that happened in December and various holidays is happening again. Cases do not rise by themselves. The virus is only doing what any virus would. But in order to wring out every drop of fear, the media must yell to the housetops. "Rise in parts of U.S.?" Today, I saw two Texas license plates in my state. The Canadian government gave police the power to stop motorists because of a rise in cases there. The police refused. Perhaps there is something to the idea that people, not governments, are at fault.

Vaccinations in the US are entering the final phase, while the media begins their fear campaign over the "climate crisis." At 212 million doses given, they see that their campaign will be wrapping up soon. News sources that cover Wall Street are more fact-filled and generally not prone to creating an atmosphere of fear. Customers are returning to stores. And that trend is accelerating as vaccinations average 3 million a day.
More people will die of COVID-19 this year than last that’s a statistical fact. The pandemic has moved for now from the developed to the developing world and is wreaking absolute havoc and is likely to confine to do so with the international rollout of vaccines effectively crippled by the actions of certain countries in the developed world. Your post is typical of the parochial attitude of too many in the developed world that effectively behaves as if the pandemic is over, and says that the lives of those in the developing world are less valuable than those in the developed world. As long as the pandemic is out of control somewhere it’s not over. It’s also a self defeating strategy as the more it’s left to fester elsewhere the higher the chances of variants arising that can escape the present vaccines and then you’re back to square one again.
"... and says that the lives of those in the developing world are less valuable than those in the developed world."

I did not say or write that.
"... and says that the lives of those in the developing world are less valuable than those in the developed world."

I did not say or write that.
I know you didn’t but it’s what the parochial attitude expressed by whoever amounts to.
I don’t see what the Indian government thinks it’s gaining by massaging the figures.
I don’t see what the Indian government thinks it’s gaining by massaging the figures.
I would wonder first how he got those numbers relating to cremated Covid-19 victims. Are cause of death identified for cremation in India? I have never heard any mortuary services or related business publishing the cause of death of the deceased.
I don’t see what the Indian government thinks it’s gaining by massaging the figures.
I would wonder first how he got those numbers relating to cremated Covid-19 victims. Are cause of death identified for cremation in India? I have never heard any mortuary services or related business publishing the cause of death of the deceased.
There are a couple of articles on the web discussing it; they have cremations under special biohazard procedures for "suspected COVID-19 deaths" - i.e. dead which did not get a COVID test but which look suspicious.

Cremations under suspected-COVID biohazard procedures outnumber cremations due to known COVID by a factor of 5 or so, from what I've heard.

The Indian government isn't so much massaging the figures as it is using "known" figures; India is poorly organized, and data is very unreliable in the best of times. These are very bad times.
Thank you. It makes more sense (of the horror they face).
Here is a CNN piece on the subject:

I imagine the desire to downplay the death counts is somewhat revealed in this article. Also a friend who lived for sometime over there confirms the same thing to me that the government allowed, and is still allowing mass participation events to go ahead.

On a more positive side,
USA, Canada, Central America - Vaccination campaign:

With 1/4th of its entire population fully vaccinated, the USA are looking ahead for reaching out to their neighbors:
President Biden said Wednesday that he expects the United States will share surplus coronavirus vaccine doses with Canada and countries in Central America.

"We're in the process of doing that. We've done a little bit of that already. We are looking at what is going to be done with some of the vaccines that we are not using," Biden told reporters after a speech on vaccinations at the White House. "We've got to make sure they are safe to be sent, and we hope to be able to be of some help and value to countries around the world."

Biden noted that he recently spoke to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, adding that he expects to be able to send doses to Canada and countries in Central America that have fallen behind in the pace of vaccinations.

Germany, Federal Lockdown:

Regarding neighboring France, the slow start of the vaccination campaign seems to have been aggravated by a weird acceptance and incentives for physicians to cash gold for proceeding themselves with the act of vaccination. Now legal rate is caped to a 14 times lower maximum for the injection act (!).
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I can think of at least two people personally who publishing this info might allay their fears.

Good for the market traders, perhaps they should have launched some of their out of date produce at these protesters.

I think legal problems are the least of it. The components that go into vaccines are unknown to the general public. Along with production difficulties, and "trade secrets" involving production which were an important part of the contracts, any legal battle cannot get in the way of getting vaccines to the average person. So it's a moot point as the global vaccine campaign continues.
That would be the logical conclusion. However, logic is in ever shorter supply these days.
COVID can be passed from humans to cats and even in this case killed a young kitten. There are also concerns that it can use both cats and dogs as a ‘viral reservoir’ as cases decrease in humans. But more study is needed.

I tire of the "End of the World" Weekends produced by the media. Speculation is not needed, especially "the worst is yet to come" MAYBE.
Though it appears to not be of immediate concern it’s a variant that seems more resistant to vaccine immunity, I guess unvaccinated people would be of concern.

A hyper mutated strain has been detected originating from Tanzania. Because the epidemic there is little documented what exactly COVID is doing there is little known. Also little in the way of safety measure has been taken in the country meaning it will be relatively easy for it to get out of the country.

Though it appears to not be of immediate concern it’s a variant that seems more resistant to vaccine immunity, I guess unvaccinated people would be of concern.

A hyper mutated strain has been detected originating from Tanzania. Because the epidemic there is little documented what exactly COVID is doing there is little known. Also little in the way of safety measure has been taken in the country meaning it will be relatively easy for it to get out of the country.

"relatively easy for it to get out of the country." How will it do that? Walk? In a recent series of articles, authorities in the UK were looking for individuals infected by variants. They were successful. The South African variant was 'probably' brought to the UK by a person. As long as it remains unclear that this virus is transmitted person to person, like the flu, people will dream up something else. That is not a good approach to solving this problem.
Newspaper claims that the AZ vaccine is to be banned for the under forties.

How Vietnam kept its COVID deaths to just 35 & 2,700 cases, and it’s not just because they are a one party state as others countries such as South Korea have had a similar success and they are democracies.

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others countries such as South Korea have had a similar success and they are democracies.

South Korea is coming off a fourth wave of infections, with hundreds of cases a day. Its performance is not comparable to Chinese, Taiwanese, or Vietnamese performance, and more in line with Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan.

East Asia has generally done very well compared to the West; the main reason is because East Asia lived through (and was traumatized by) SARS-1 in 2003 (now that was a screwup and a nightmare), and thereafter built extremely robust public health and disease control infrastructure.

Post-SARS, the HKSAR, for instance, set up a government-university team to deal with emerging outbreaks, built a giant infectious disease hospital building specifically for major outbreaks, and mandated that every hospital in the territory have wards that could in emergencies be converted to infectious disease wards at a moment's notice, with filters, isolation rooms, and everything. Also, from then on, everyone in the Sinosphere made a habit of wearing face masks when ill or before important exams, when you do not want to get sick.

The masks went on ~January 14 in HK, China, and Singapore - from my East Asian perch, my government mandated temperature checks in all public buildings on Jan 6, 2020, and I started wearing masks on Jan 14 or so.

East Asia had deep reserves of mobilization capacity for such an outbreak, and was on a hair-trigger alert from the start. COVID was big, big news when it broke on New Years' Eve 2019 - the Second Coming of SARS was the panic-driven headline bandied about, and there was rampant speculation as to whether it was transmissible even before the data had rolled in - I know because I told my father to stock up on face masks in the first week of January, before the virus was sequenced, even. It's the West that wasn't paying attention, and it has the gall to toss around claims of a coverup when such a thing was simply not possible, considering the massive media blitz at the time. HKU (a very liberal, very anti-CCP university) sent a team to Wuhan from Jan 2 to Jan 6, and they reported good access and a very bad situation in Wuhan on national television. Of all the things, that convinced me of Chinese good faith. They were trying very hard to maximize transparency the moment they caught wind of the outbreak.
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