chimeric oncogene
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They did not.I don't often comment on things like this so read into my post what you will...
The facts [as they appear to me] are that the Chinese government knew they had a problem (and I make no speculation as to the source) long before they went public. That is immoral and unforgivable.
Chinese actions during the lunar new year were clearly panic driven. The correct time to lock down Wuhan was either after the Chinese New Year holidays (the politically safe choice; so people could have finished all their holidays before the lockdown and been happier with the whole mess), or better yet, before it, before everyone went around on holiday spreading the virus.
Only people in a panic, with inadequate information, lock down a major transport hub during the biggest holiday of the year, with attendant gargantuan economic and political hits (people were all in the middle of vacations and visiting relatives!). It is not coincidence that HKU published a really panicky paper around the same time projecting a hundred thousand infected nationwide.
If the US, for instance, had a novel disease outbreak around December, when people were unpacking advent calendars and suchlike, do you think an unprecedented lockdown on Dec 23 would be politically acceptable? No. In a logical world, if you had the necessary data to justify a lockdown, you'd choose to lock down Chicago either on Dec 20-21, before people board those flights to have their Christmas dinners with relatives, or on Dec 28-Jan 2, after the holiday season ends and everyone's gone home. The Chinese decision was pure panic, pure damage control, and I never ever in my life thought any government would do anything like it. Not even the CCP.
What quality data do you think you would need to back up a decision to CANCEL CHRISTMAS?
The Chinese knew very little, and went public after barely a week or so of back-and-forth at the local level to round up the necessary figures at the end of December. If you think their reaction in early January slow, they were only guilty of waiting for the hard, compiled data to confirm interpersonal spread before declaring an emergency, instead of going off half-cocked on the mere suspicion of interpersonal spread... and it took until Jan 19 to find and compile cases that had not been to the market.
How confident would you be that a new outbreak was not purely zoonotic, when nearly all cases were workers and customers of a wildlife market? Was it a sneezing pangolin?
And even if it wasn't zoonotic, what were the Chinese to do? They already had infra-red cameras set up at all airports to pick up feverish people. Chinese cities like Hong Kong were already mandating temperature checks to enter government buildings just in case.
We did not know about COVID-19's long incubation period in early January 2020.
Lockdowns were not standard procedure to deal with outbreaks before China panicked and locked down Wuhan.
Hindsight is 20/20 as usual.
The "normal" measures - temperature screenings, healthcare workers on alert, etc - were already in place across East Asia the week the news broke across every news channel in the region. I watched the news for a week, and bet on "purely zoonotic". Forum threads had titles like "Nopedemic" and people were laughing at those who were fearmongering about human-human transmissibility because "we needed to wait for the data before being alarmist".
Test kits were produced starting from Jan 21 or so. China panicked and locked down Wuhan on Jan 23, two days after it started testing people and went oh shit oh shit oh shit.
Seattle had strategic warning from China, they knew they had a few imported cases, they even had friggin test kits (which didn't work) - and it took six weeks for Seattle to notice it had a COVID outbreak back in late February after it missed a carrier in mid-January.
Given that various bits of research point to COVID jumping the zoonotic barrier in mid-November, Wuhan picking up an outbreak in late December is entirely reasonable competence on the part of the Chinese - it's identical to Seattle's performance, but without any strategic warning whatsoever.

Coronavirus May Have Spread in U.S. for Weeks, Gene Sequencing Suggests (Published 2020)
Two cases detected weeks apart in Washington State had genetic links, suggesting that many more people in the area may be infected.
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