Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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This one crosses back into our main area of interest: Delta has just announced it will require all* new hires to have been vaccinated, but won't required it for existing personnel. It also points out that unvaccinated staff may not be able to work on international flights due to vaccine requirements at the other end. I can see that vaccination requirement becoming very common.

* I presume there'll be an exemption for those who can't be vaccinated on medical grounds.

Link is to the appropriate entry in the Guardian's live blog:

I'd say 'couldn't make it up', but it's a conspiracy theory so someone clearly did.
And of course it got promptly fed into Fuckerberg's Asshole Amplifier. Yall thought my opinion of reddit was bad? Facebook was always worse and THIS IS EXACTLY WHY!
Vaccine refusers are increasingly seen as a problem especially with a highly transmissible variant. I know personally three people who won’t get vaccinated, two because they are frightened it will make them ill or kill them. One because of his religious beliefs. He believes god is personally protecting him from harm on earth, he’s told me that to my face in the past.

Government ministers and officials have shared their fears that a “small but significant” minority of people are declining to get the coronavirus vaccine when offered.

One unnamed minister told the Politicowebsite that vaccine refusers were the “principal threat” to the planned lifting of further lockdown curbs on 21 June.

“If even quite a small number of people don’t take the vaccine, a variant with high transmissibility can easily cause a lot of deaths,” the minister said. “The risk is that a small number of idiots ruin it for everyone else.”

I believe in a God who sends people with boats and helicopters after me if I'm stuck in a flood, then laughs with me after the rescue. God sent people with the knowledge and drive to invent this vaccine in record time. Any refusal of the miracle it represents is an insult against God and all mankind, and a declaration of war against all good people. We need to treat it as such.

These propagandized people are a problem, and they can either shove their opinions up their own asses or we'll do it for them with an oxygen tube when they get covid. Not if, when. It's high time we treat good people with the respect they're due again, and likewise for bad people. Too many good people abused, too many assholes coddled.

No more!

UK government is now concerned about the Indian variant (B1.617.2), which SAGE says may be as much as 50% more infectious than the Kent variant (B1.1.7) which is itself 50% more infectious than baseline Covid. They'd already mentioned plans to saturation vaccinate areas where there are outbreaks, but they're now bringing second jabs forward to 8 weeks for the over 50s and clinically vulnerable (I'd better go check if my GP has been texting me) and the 21st June end to legal lockdown measures may be in doubt.
Well, it was a bit optimistic to expect anything on Friday as Boris didn't announce the change to eight weeks until after 5pm, but my GP just texted to see when I want my second dose, with first available appt on Friday. (9 weeks today since my first dose, so I wasn't due until early next month)
I would suggest withholding judgment. The internet, or the local pub, can be bad places to get accurate information. A well-intentioned but misinformed acquaintance could just spread the wrong information. Too bad the internet does not have an automatic fact checker.
Vaccine refusers are increasingly seen as a problem especially with a highly transmissible variant. I know personally three people who won’t get vaccinated, two because they are frightened it will make them ill or kill them. One because of his religious beliefs. He believes god is personally protecting him from harm on earth, he’s told me that to my face in the past.

Government ministers and officials have shared their fears that a “small but significant” minority of people are declining to get the coronavirus vaccine when offered.

One unnamed minister told the Politicowebsite that vaccine refusers were the “principal threat” to the planned lifting of further lockdown curbs on 21 June.

“If even quite a small number of people don’t take the vaccine, a variant with high transmissibility can easily cause a lot of deaths,” the minister said. “The risk is that a small number of idiots ruin it for everyone else.”

I actually read this as some minister getting in his "it's not our fault" early for not ending lockdown next month. Meantime the Guardian (no friend of the goverment) has
Vaccine refusers are increasingly seen as a problem especially with a highly transmissible variant. I know personally three people who won’t get vaccinated, two because they are frightened it will make them ill or kill them. One because of his religious beliefs. He believes god is personally protecting him from harm on earth, he’s told me that to my face in the past.

Government ministers and officials have shared their fears that a “small but significant” minority of people are declining to get the coronavirus vaccine when offered.

One unnamed minister told the Politicowebsite that vaccine refusers were the “principal threat” to the planned lifting of further lockdown curbs on 21 June.

“If even quite a small number of people don’t take the vaccine, a variant with high transmissibility can easily cause a lot of deaths,” the minister said. “The risk is that a small number of idiots ruin it for everyone else.”

I actually read this as some minister getting in his "it's not our fault" early for not ending lockdown next month. Meantime the Guardian (no friend of the goverment) has
I have seen a quote of 6% of respondents in a recent large scale government survey of people who said they wouldn’t take the vaccine. Or rather 94% said they would take it and 6% no.
I have seen a quote of 6% of respondents in a recent large scale government survey of people who said they wouldn’t take the vaccine. Or rather 94% said they would take it and 6% no.
There's an interesting quote from the local MP in the Guardian claiming that the issues behind the Bolton outbreak aren't vaccine hesitancy, but a local problem in the rollout:

"Yasmin Qureshi, the Labour MP for Bolton South East, said the issue in the town was “incredibly complex” and it was “wrong” to suggest people from minority ethnic backgrounds were to blame for the increased cases of the B.1.617.2 variant first detected in India.

Qureshi claimed there had been issues with the vaccine programme in her constituency, something which she had raised with board members of the Bolton clinical commissioning group (CCG), NHS England and the local authority in February.

She wrote to the CCG and also held two meetings with some of the board members after she became concerned that people in certain wards in her constituency were finding it difficult to access the vaccine."

I suspect it could be language issues, plus the digital divide. The vaccine rollout works most efficiently if you can get online in English to access the automated booking system, if you can't and have to go through reception at your GP relying on a family member translating then the whole process will inevitably slow down. ETA: and there's sufficient form-filling in the actual vacciation process - confirming you're you and that you don't have any of the risk factors such as a history of allergic reactions - that you'll need someone with you to translate if your English isn't good enough, which will slow the whole process down, potentially significantly slowing the throughput in areas with large ethnic minority populations.
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This is incredible just 12 people or organisations.

WASHINGTON, March 24, 2021/PRNewswire/ -- Up to 65 percent of anti-vaccine content circulating on major social media networking sites is tied to just 12 individuals or organizations who use social media to spread propaganda about vaccines, according to a new report.

Here’s the report:

Anyone, meaning anyone, can do the wrong thing on the internet, and spread wrong information. And if officials know who they are, what should they do?
This is incredible just 12 people or organisations.

WASHINGTON, March 24, 2021/PRNewswire/ -- Up to 65 percent of anti-vaccine content circulating on major social media networking sites is tied to just 12 individuals or organizations who use social media to spread propaganda about vaccines, according to a new report.

Here’s the report:

These are the self-declared Enemies of Humanity.
YouGov: Britain continues to top the list of nations where people are willing to/already have been vaccinated
UK: 90%
UAE: 87%
Spain: 84%
Vietnam: 83%
Denmark: 82%
Saudi Arabia: 82%
Singapore: 78%
Malaysia: 77%
Finland: 77%
Sweden: 77%
India: 76%
Norway: 76%
Italy: 76%
Indonesia: 71%
Germany: 71%
USA: 69%
Phillipines: 66%
Thailand: 63%
France: 60%
Taiwan: 40%
Hong Kong: 37%

It would be interesting to see some of the places not covered, Brazil for the Bolsonaro effect, Canada to compare with the US, Russia, China, etc
From the report:

This is the product of a series of failures from social media platforms:
a. Research conducted by CCDH last year has shown that platforms fail to act on
95 percent of the Covid and vaccine misinformation reported to them.
b. CCDH’s recent report, Malgorithm, uncovered evidence that Instagram’s
algorithm actively recommends similar misinformation.
c. Tracking of 425 anti-vaccine accounts by CCDH shows that their total
following across platforms now stood at 59.2 million in December, an increase
of 877,000 more than they had in June.
d. CCDH’s ongoing tracking shows that the 20 anti-vaxxers with the largest
followings account for over two-thirds of this total cross-platform following of
59.2 million.
5. Analysis of anti-vaccine content posted to Facebook over 689,000 times in the last
two months shows that up to 73 percent of that content originates with members of
the Disinformation Dozen of leading online anti-vaxxers.
6. Facebook’s own internal analysis of vaccine hesitant content on its platform is likely

The human bomb. Those 12 and Facebook deserve to be classified as WMD.

What's wrong with the SILYCON valley? Botched software strategy built like an open orifices transplant, Social media built like a propagandist wet dream...
The most probable future evolution of COVID-19 from The Royal Society:

It is likely that COVID-19 is going to stick around. My prediction is that as levels of immunity increase – both from natural infection and vaccination – the virus will eventually become globally endemic. It will continue circulating in populations, causing periodic outbreaks much like the four seasonal coronaviruses that are already endemic in humans. How severe infections will be, or the size of outbreaks, is anyone’s guess, and will largely depend on the effectiveness of interventions, including vaccination.
The likelihood is that we are going to have to learn to live with SARS-CoV-2. We can keep an eye on the variants circulating in different parts of the world and update the vaccines accordingly. It might mean getting a booster vaccine once a year or so as the tussle between our immune systems and the virus continues.
One thing is clear though – we have never before been in a situation where we know so much about a virus, can watch it changing and respond to it rapidly. A huge scientific effort has gone into making this possible and it leaves me optimistic that we will get through this.

From CNN:

US Defense Department to reduce vaccination support team sizes​

From CNN's Michael Conte

The US Department of Defense announced they will be reducing the size of the 30 teams that are providing support to community vaccine centers in the coming days and weeks.
“Several DOD-supported community vaccine centers will be mission complete – in other words, done – and will begin reducing personnel as the sites reassess the size of the vaccination support teams that are going to be needed,” said Pentagon press secretary John Kirby at a briefing to reporters.
DOD personnel has administered 15 million vaccines over 900 sites, according to Kirby.
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