Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Round up of the latest scientific papers. The papers are linked to within the article. Both the South African and Brazilian variants have increased resistance to vaccines and antibody treatments respectively.

Careful to avoid assumptions. Every year, there is a new flu shot. Every year.

The vaccines, and that is the official term, are doing what they are supposed to do. Scientists are keenly aware of the variants and are working to counter them right now. That means booster shots whenever they are available. Like war, the enemy can be fought and the scientific tools are there to rapidly identify any variants. And how did the Brazil variant get to the UK or US? By itself? No. It was carried by someone who was infected. Period.

That is why I mentioned the wealthy who want their trips. One hopes they are being careful but how many infected people does it take to infect a group of people that choose to stay in one place for days?

And I am quite tired of dramatic headlines. As long as people insist on not following the precautions, then cases will increase. That's a given.
The US government has contracted for 600 million doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, so it is unlikely that the Oxford vaccine will be used. Johnson & Johnson has committed to an additional 100 million doses.

I am seeing strange things both here and abroad. What? Did someone just wake up yesterday after over a year of all this? "I know. We need to get organized and create new rules?"

The ongoing confusion in the media cannot be explained in a rational way. "losing control" over what? People's behavior?
Two related stories.

Whoops. Good thing they didn't say we needed a "5 year, double-blind study to prove efficacy" like they said was needed for hydroxychloroquine. And that (at least in the US) they can't be sued for incompetency.
I think the media in the US should be condemned for rampant "It's the End of the World" type headlines.

Hydroxychloroquine? Why bring that up? It was in use prior to this current whatever it is.
I think the media in the US should be condemned for rampant "It's the End of the World" type headlines.

Hydroxychloroquine? Why bring that up? It was in use prior to this current whatever it is.
Sounds like you haven't been paying attention. In the beginning there was evidence it helped with Covid. The media lost their minds (because Trump mentioned it) and the talking heads piously prattled about there not being years of studied to PROVE it worked with WuFlu. Funny how the same standards weren't applied to the current slew of EXPENSIVE vaccines. They're so confident in them they've made big pharma immune from any legal ramifications of rushing stuff out the door without the hallowed testing. But I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, and that it's all completely above board.
Come on - you're a smart, numerate person.

1) What the Hydroxychloroquine uproar was about is lack of (sufficient) evidence for its efficacy. But efficacy of the vaccines HAS been proven now, several times over. In studies, and real world application. So you're comparing apples to oranges.

2) As for the clot risk, have you looked at the actual numbers? Compared to various common drugs, you can legitimately argue (as the EU regulator still does) that the benefit of these vaccines continues to outweigh the risk!

As my previous posts in this thread will tell you, I'm not one to downplay vaccine side effects, either. You have to keep it in proper perspective though.
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'Mix and match' UK Covid vaccine trial expanded

Study shows that 1.35 million people in the U.K. have failed to take up the offer of being vaccinated so 19 in 20 have take up the offer. Those who have not taken up the offer it appears to be more likely suffering from lack of access to the vaccination program than being people refusing to have it.

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Good article on why Johnson's messaging has changed to one of greater caution as the scientists expand their influence at number ten, and in effort to try and modify the seemingly foolish behaviour of far too many of the British public. Vaccines are awesome and will save many lives, they are not infallible.

Come on - you're a smart, numerate person.

1) What the Hydroxychloroquine uproar was about is lack of (sufficient) evidence for its efficacy. But efficacy of the vaccines HAS been proven now, several times over. In studies, and real world application. So you're comparing apples to oranges.
Most of the squawking I recall was because HQC was "too risky" and had "too many side effects". "We don't know the long-term effects" etc. And yes, there were studies showing it worked too.

Re. the blood-clotting, most "cures" you see advertised list so many possible side-effects it almost makes one think, "uh, I think I'll just still with the disease, thanks". ;)

Just to be clear, I have nothing against things that work. It pisses me off to no end seeing the media and politicians playing politics with something as important as this, and manipulating things for their own gain.
The people who have been vaccinated have done their part. Those who refuse vaccination remain at greater risk. They are two separate groups. I wish nothing bad for anyone but I, and apparently governments, cannot control individual behavior.
I wish nothing bad for anyone but I, and apparently governments, cannot control individual behavior.
Just as it should be.

This is a wartime situation. Billions of lives are at stake. Imagine a room filled with 100 people and one infected person is added. What was done with a herd of cattle when infection was discovered? Not to sound cruel but cause and effect applies.
Governments often try to influence individual behaviour. Sometimes it works - discouraging drunk driving, encouraging driving on the left side of the road in the UK (helped by the odd lorry driver who refuses to swerve for the driver insistent on asserting his freedom to choose which side of the road to stick to). Sometimes it doesn't work.
For those who distrust governments and large corporations, what is the alternative? For those who do not get the vaccine, does their vulnerability decrease?

People are free to become ill but I don't recommend it.
Finally some good news for the much maligned AZ vaccine and for the many elderly people given it. Relevant paper linked to in the article.

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