Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Here in UK, we seem to have a weird mix of enthusiastic up-takers of vaccines and utter anti-vaxxists.

Upside, ~½ of population have had at least one dose. But, what is the 'seasonal flu' shunning proportion ? IIRC, ~¼...

Also, there is a growing number of people with 'Long Covid', whose 'chinese banquet menu' of 'systemic post-viral exhaustion' symptoms take many months to recover. In fact, there are worrying hints that some 'Long Covid' may develop into diabetes...

IIRC, no-one who's had a vaccination has later caught Covid and then developed 'Long Covid', but this may be statistical due 'insufficient data'...

Also, there's scant data on 'new variant' factors.

Happens I've had 'Long Symptoms' twice: 'Suspected Rheumatic Fever' as an adolescent left me weak as a new kitten for many, many months. Tests were inconclusive. As there was a vaccination-preventable kiddy epidemic doing the rounds, local facilities were a tad distracted.....

And, in the 70s, I caught a virus that kerb-stomped me. Our family had been out to beach for a stroll. After getting home, I suddenly said, "I don't feel well, I'm going to lay down...", fell across bed and fainted. I had huge fevers and sweats for a week, remember nothing coherent. And, yes, was again left as weak as new kitten for many months.

This time, follow-up tests established my immune system had totally nuked an un-identified virus, almost bankrupting my body. Clinic was very, very glad when my 'counts' slowly climbed back into 'green zone'. Though they monitored me for quite a while, I did not develop diabetes...

( Given my HLA kin, I suspect the clinic's researcher was almost disappointed...)
Brazil in an even worse state now with COVID and one man is to blame.

Infectious disease experts warn that it will only get worse, given president Jair Bolsonaro’s attacks on efforts to restrict movement and a slow rollout of vaccines.

Over one million people in the U.K. have long COVID including over 100,000 health workers in the NHS.

It looks like the US is to do without the AZ vaccine even if it wins approval, that they have sufficient contracts with other companies.

Over one million people in the U.K. have long COVID including over 100,000 health workers in the NHS.
It could happens in all probability that one country will see a large strike among their health workers that could see drastic measures being taken by their surrounding neighbors.
It looks like the US is to do without the AZ vaccine even if it wins approval, that they have sufficient contracts with other companies.

Hope they'll allow their sizeable stockpile to be exported quickly in this case.
The logical priority would see them share those with their southern neighbors.
The US has stopped production of the AZ vaccine that caused the loss of 15 million shots of the J&J vaccine & it will now only produce the J&J vaccine.

The US has stopped production of the AZ vaccine that caused the loss of 15 million shots of the J&J vaccine & it will now only produce the J&J vaccine.
That could end up backfiring rather badly.
On the contrary, in the US a vaccine oversupply is being predicted. At 154 million doses given, that appears likely.
Generally good news but it also shows why the P1 variant will have to be kept an eye on.

However, when tested against a mutated version of the virus called P.1 that was first discovered in Brazil and has since been reported in 36 countries, the levels of neutralisation reduced 14-fold, Parry said, but still showed the shot “retains broad efficacy” against this variant.


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As quoted in the article there is now a 40% gap in intention to get vaccinated between the two political sides as shown in the latest survey by Gallup. To the best of my knowledge this kind of split isn’t apparent in the U.K.

Yes the whole point of vaccine passports is to restrict you if you’re not vaccinated. But it’s not that simply as a lot of is to protect those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons or if by chance the vaccine fails from those who would wilfully not get vaccinated.

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I normally avoid political comments but I can say with certainty that doing or not doing something based on political affiliation, as opposed to reliance on scientific information, is not rational. Outside of politics, any 'conspiracy' related information is not to be trusted. Yet, I mention this to show how bad and wrong information can spread on the internet, and not just about the subject at hand. Contact your health care provider with any questions.

Research can be greatly hampered by a number of anonymous posts claiming certain knowledge. I suspect books and contact with actual people will clarify what is desired by all: true, factual information. Now and in the future.
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How much information has Russia supplied to the EU on the Sputnik vaccine.

Is anything coming out of Hungary on effectiveness and side effects?
Argentinian President Alberto Fernández has tested positive for COVID-19, about two months after he received a dose of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, CNN reports.

Fernández wrote on Twitter Friday that he had received a positive antigen test after observing a temperature of about 99 degrees. Another PCR test confirmed this diagnosis.

"I'm already isolated, complying with the current protocol and following the instructions of my personal doctor," Fernandez said in a tweet translated from Spanish. "I have contacted the people I met in the last 48 hours to assess whether they constitute close contact."


I increasingly think that the AZ vaccine will be weeded out longer term from the vaccines basket, you don’t want a vaccine that people are frightened of. Other similar viral vector vaccines are not getting these kind of issues coming up. We’ve got Moderna vaccine coming up & the J&J one. From what I’ve read the J&J one will be one given to millennials especially as it’s one shot and go.
Even more mutated variant appears in California after first appearing in India. These variants increasingly look like that only vaccinated immunity will be able to cope with them.

However, immunity produced by vaccines is believed to be better than immunity produced by surviving COVID-19.

And while some variants are believed to result in the slight reduction of the effectiveness of some vaccines, some experts say that reduction equates to only mild to moderate illness.

Brazil saw 4000 deaths in the last 24 hours. Efforts to fight the virus continue to be hampered by the President though he has at least changed tact on vaccinations. The country is now host to at least 92 variants of the virus and is expected to reach half million deaths by the 1st July this year.

Covid: Brazil has more than 4,000 deaths in 24 hours for first time
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Now the next big question is with Kids: what vaccine for them at what risks?

I increasingly think that the AZ vaccine will be weeded out longer term from the vaccines basket, you don’t want a vaccine that people are frightened of. Other similar viral vector vaccines are not getting these kind of issues coming up. We’ve got Moderna vaccine coming up & the J&J one. From what I’ve read the J&J one will be one given to millennials especially as it’s one shot and go.

Official now:

Makes an interesting contrast to calling the policy of some EU countries on the same issue "completely crackers", doesn't it? That was not even 3 weeks ago! Meanwhile (as mentioned in the same article), EMA affirms their view that benefit outweighs risk and advocates no restriction, so now we have the UK being more cautious than the much maligned EU agency. Considering that, due to the more advanced stage of the vaccination campaign, under-30 is quite possibly more disruptive than under-55 in France, Sir John Bell's comments have aged very poorly indeed.
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I fear that this decision will come back to haunt the UK big time in the very near future.
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I increasingly think that the AZ vaccine will be weeded out longer term from the vaccines basket, you don’t want a vaccine that people are frightened of. Other similar viral vector vaccines are not getting these kind of issues coming up. We’ve got Moderna vaccine coming up & the J&J one. From what I’ve read the J&J one will be one given to millennials especially as it’s one shot and go.

There's at least some clotting cases associated with Pfizer as well IIRC (I know that's mRNA, not viral vector), so it's possibly not something specific to AZ. I'll be very interested to see what the mechanism is when they figure it out.
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