Chinese VTOL aircraft


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22 March 2022
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Is anyone aware of any projects by China to create a VTOL aircraft to operate off of their helicopter carriers?
Is anyone aware of any projects by China to create a VTOL aircraft to operate off of their helicopter carriers?
Is anyone aware of any projects by China to create a VTOL aircraft to operate off of their helicopter carriers?

There are lots of VTOL drones but I am not aware of any manned aircraft even in prototype form.
Is anyone aware of any projects by China to create a VTOL aircraft to operate off of their helicopter carriers?
$10k says they rip off the shaft-driven lift fan if this is even real.
VSTOL fighters are one of the most difficult aircraft to build, look at what happened to the Harrier programme early on in its development with all the crashes. Same with the Russians with the Yak-38 and Yak-41, it will be highly interesting to see what the Chinese come up with for their VSTOL fighter.
The sixth-generation fighter can have a thrust-to-weight ratio with a maximum take-off weight of 1.25, which is enough for vertical takeoff in any weather. It's stupid to refuse such an opportunity
The sixth-generation fighter can have a thrust-to-weight ratio with a maximum take-off weight of 1.25, which is enough for vertical takeoff in any weather. It's stupid to refuse such an opportunity
So why can't a Su-57 do a vertical takeoff? Guess it's more complicated than thrust to weight, eh? :rolleyes:

There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.



However, I would give it a very limited reliability !

So why can't a Su-57 do a vertical takeoff? Guess it's more complicated than thrust to weight, eh? :rolleyes:
The thrust-to-weight ratio of the Su-57 with a maximum take-off weight of 1 (for the second stage engine).The main problem of creating VTOL is the inertia of thinking

There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.

View attachment 700109

View attachment 700110

However, I would give it a very limited reliability !

You can tell it's old because they copied the X-35 doors over the lift fan. (Then again, it's got the newer F-35 inlet lip so maybe they just were trying not to be so obvious.)

There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.

View attachment 700109

View attachment 700110

However, I would give it a very limited reliability !

You can tell it's old because they copied the X-35 doors over the lift fan. (Then again, it's got the newer F-35 inlet lip so maybe they just were trying not to be so obvious.)

Why such answer ? I never said old, but once upon a time, because I saw this some times ago, as far as I remember.

Global design is very close to F-35B with canards (both general looking and VTOL concept), I didn't said more than that.


There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.

View attachment 700109

View attachment 700110

However, I would give it a very limited reliability !

You can tell it's old because they copied the X-35 doors over the lift fan. (Then again, it's got the newer F-35 inlet lip so maybe they just were trying not to be so obvious.)

Why such answer ? I never said old, but once upon a time, because I saw this some times ago, as far as I remember.

Global design is very close to F-35B with canards (both general looking and VTOL concept), I didn't said more than that.

I never said anything about you. I was just commenting on the design.

There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.

View attachment 700109

View attachment 700110

However, I would give it a very limited reliability !

You can tell it's old because they copied the X-35 doors over the lift fan. (Then again, it's got the newer F-35 inlet lip so maybe they just were trying not to be so obvious.)

Why such answer ? I never said old, but once upon a time, because I saw this some times ago, as far as I remember.

Global design is very close to F-35B with canards (both general looking and VTOL concept), I didn't said more than that.

I never said anything about you. I was just commenting on the design.
Sorry for my misunderstood

while crawding on chinese internet, I found some data :


I am not sure of the exact source of this document. My understanding of chinese is highly limited, but from my Japanese skills, there is three interesting stuff :

RCS5 雷达 : RCS5 Radar (no idea of what does it means exactly)
XJ-99升力发动机 : XJ-99 lift engine.

For XJ-99 lift engine, I did some researches, and what is funny is that they refer to Allison/Rolls-Royce XJ99 :


That have some direct link with... Mirage IIIV Rb.162 !

So, I feel suspicious that China would use such old engine, and suspicious about the source of the document. Or maybe they considered a copy ? Mixing an AL-31 with an Allison Engine wouldn't be impossible but highly exotic !

I know @Archibald is an expert of these engines and started a nice thread here :

What do you think ?


while crawding on chinese internet, I found some data :

View attachment 700163

I am not sure of the exact source of this document. My understanding of chinese is highly limited, but from my Japanese skills, there is three interesting stuff :

RCS5 雷达 : RCS5 Radar (no idea of what does it means exactly)
XJ-99升力发动机 : XJ-99 lift engine.

For XJ-99 lift engine, I did some researches, and what is funny is that they refer to Allison/Rolls-Royce XJ99 :

View attachment 700164

That have some direct link with... Mirage IIIV Rb.162 !

So, I feel suspicious that China would use such old engine, and suspicious about the source of the document. Or maybe they considered a copy ? Mixing an AL-31 with an Allison Engine wouldn't be impossible but highly exotic !

I know @Archibald is an expert of these engines and started a nice thread here :

What do you think ?


As with much of Chinese mil internet, this is a work of fiction. It's fan-created images grabbing a bunch of real things and dropping them into an imaginary design.
Is anyone aware of any projects by China to create a VTOL aircraft to operate off of their helicopter carriers?

Sorry to say so, but none of these „source“ is reliable … in fact IMO both are just laughable

There were once upon a time some artist views spread on internet, with the name J-18, that were a F-35 clone with canards.

View attachment 700109

View attachment 700110

However, I would give it a very limited reliability !


All fake and fan made! … do we really need to discuss this here?

No ! As I mentioned before I had big doubts about the reliability of these sources. I guess China does not have any serious plan for a VTOL fighter for now…. Or anything public yet !
I could swear I've seen that configuration before. (The two horizontal engines, not the airplane around it.)
Interesting configuration ! Kinda hybrid between an Harrier and an F-35 ☺️
But with two side air intakes instead of the single nose air intake like the Su-75.
^ thanks for that link.

I was having some trouble understanding the first figure that's been posted before.
I initially thought it was a view from the bottom/belly, and that was the chin intake
but the tail end looked like it was drawn showing the top view

the second figure in your link confirmed it was indeed a chin intake.
although interesting choice for side intakes for the other engine.

in any case, a question would be.. does the PRC really have a need for a VTOL aircraft?
they've already gone full in STOBAR and CATOBAR.
^ thanks for that link.

I was having some trouble understanding the first figure that's been posted before.
I initially thought it was a view from the bottom/belly, and that was the chin intake
but the tail end looked like it was drawn showing the top view

the second figure in your link confirmed it was indeed a chin intake.
although interesting choice for side intakes for the other engine.

in any case, a question would be.. does the PRC really have a need for a VTOL aircraft?
they've already gone full in STOBAR and CATOBAR.
There is a lot of speculation around the future Type 076 having EMALS. It is highly likely to be a lot easier than developing a stealth VTOL aircraft from scratch, therefore I expect it to operate as a light aircraft carrier with UAVs and probably half a dozen J-35s stationed on it.
in any case, a question would be.. does the PRC really have a need for a VTOL aircraft?
they've already gone full in STOBAR and CATOBAR.
VTOL a/c are, first and foremost, not carrier aircraft, but restricted/austere strip ones.
Light carrier a/c thing becomes more popular nowadays(courtesy of F-35B), though - but first role is still here.
Quite right Ainen, that was what the Harrier was mainly used for in it's early years, I could see the PLAN doing the same thing.
A patent does not make a prototype...a prototype does not make an operational platform...
Usually, we consider :

Concept > Patent > Technological demonstrator > Prototype > Pre-IOC aircraft > Post IOC aircraft > Post IOC updates > Mid life update > Post Mid life updates > End of life updates > Decommisionning.

Some phases may of course be skipped if not applicable.

The point is that people getting worked up over a patent is premature.
Wow!!! Interesting find Ainen. It will be highly interesting to watch to see how this new fighter evolves over time before it is ready for the prototype stage.

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