According this article
China plans full reusability for its super heavy Long March 9 rocket


CNSA has recently released a big volume of data by Zhurong's Navigation and Topography Camera and @shujianyang converted them into 810 jpg files


More pictures from Mars surface taken by Zhurong Mars Rover after its landing are being released recently. Pic 1 edited by @areoinfo, Pic 2 (810 photos) collected by Weibo:空间栈
That’s the polar opposite of Viking’s terrain in terms of interest.

I think Viking photos set Mars exploration interest back actually.

Great overview of the Chang'e-5 mission results here:
- sample breakdown and water content
- reveals the Moon was still volcanically active 2 billion years ago
- unique example to study meteorite impact, solar wind irradiation

What a mess!
Better design could certainly help their crew to pump more attention to the mission instead of spreading their attention to body awareness (don't touch, do not get hurt). Can't believe the amount of things that can be flagged in this two minute video.

China's Chang'e-6 lunar sample return mission will target the southern part of the 490 km diameter Apollo basin on the far side of the Moon, with the aim of collecting material excavated from the lunar mantle. Launch in 2024.

Open access:

Landing site of the Chang’e-6 lunar farside sample return mission from the Apollo basin

Xingguo Zeng, Dawei Liu, Yuan Chen, Qin Zhou, Xin Ren, Zhoubin Zhang, Wei Yan, Wangli Chen, Qiong Wang, Xiangjin Deng, Hao Hu, Jianjun Liu, Wei Zuo, James W. Head & Chunlai Li

To address questions about the multiple lunar nearside–farside dichotomies and to provide new insights into both the early impact history of the Solar System and the geological evolution of the Moon, the Chang’e-6 (CE-6) landing zone has been selected to lie within the lunar farside South Pole–Aitken (SPA) basin in the southern part of the Apollo basin (150–158° W, 41–45° S), a site that provides access to a diversity of SPA material. Here, we describe the geomorphology, geology and chronology of three candidate sampling sites within this zone that are likely to ensure safe landing and sampling. The geological characteristics indicate that CE-6 is expected to collect lunar farside SPA ejecta fragments, possible mantle material and young (roughly 2.40 Gyr-year-old) and/or old (roughly 3.43 Gyr-year-old) basaltic material, all of which will provide important guidance for future in situ farside sample collection and deepen our understanding of the evolution of the Moon.

ILRS: CNSA's chief engineer Li Guoping says the Chang'e-8 (lander, rover, robot) lunar South pole landing mission is open to proposals for international cooperation.

Wang Qiong, deputy Cchief designer of the Chang'e-8 mission, introduces the preliminary landing areas for the mission


Constraints for piggybacking on CE-8:


A few more slides and new details on Chang'e-8, breaking down segments, payloads, etc.

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