I know that this is the "China Expanded Air Defense Zone" thread and some of you may think that I'm being facetious. I am not. It's
imperative that the United States show our brothers and sisters in the Pacific the "best of the US" and perhaps it will defuse some the
unfounded concerns of the PRC.
My suggestion is that it's time for the US to partner with the PI, Vietnam and Malaysia through the auspices of the Malaysia’s Peacekeeping
Center to train personnel in Coast Guard, Humanitarian and Disaster Relief duties. We can take several Whidbey Island-class LSD's today, more
as the LX(R) amphibs come online, paint them white and start training in the local waters between these three countries. There may be other
countries that wish to participate in this training as well such as Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Australia, New Guinean, New Zealand,
It's important for peaceful peoples, families with histories really, to be trained and ready to assist each other in Humanitarian Assistance and
Disaster Relief (HADR) missions. Especially in the Pacific Rim where we know that there is a very active volcano in N Korea and we've seen the
past devastation in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Sumatra, Solomon Islands, American Samoa, Samoa and Tonga (Niuatoputapu). I think that
full disaster exercises utilizing the assistance of the Pacific Fleet and the humanitarian capabilities of the participating militaries should be run
every two years with full exercises on paper happening every other year. A chance to learn from the last year and plan for the next year.
Smaller exercises, such as piracy and drug interdiction, surface and aircraft identification, ship boarding and other Coast Guard duties taking
place constantly.
The full exercise will mimic a tsunami relief effort where major infrastructures 5-10 miles inland have been destroyed. This will necessitate
landing craft, significant aircraft sorties, high levels of operational and logistical support coordination, triage and medivac coordination between
not only the Coast Guards of these countries but their militaries as well. Think of it as a multi-nation Coast Guard/Military coordination effort
for HADR missions. If you don't practice together consistantly, how can you work together effectively in an emergency?
If someone would just pass this on to the SECDEF, SECSTATE and POTUS I'd appreciate it.