Archibald said:An US proverb could be "there's always something to salvage (or to learn) from the failure of a program" (even a HUGE failure such as the XF-10F Jaguar helped Grumman building the Tomcat 15 years later)
Didn't know that G-38 Navahos had been used as target for the BOMARC (another awesome missile of this era!!).
I've found many infos on the Navaho at "", and they have pics of the G-38 production line, with many missiles on it...
This missile was flawed on its tactical concept (because of the ICBM) but certainly not on its basic concept (albeit it many problems when tested).
Is it certain there isn't some confusion here? AFAIK the Regulus II was used as a Bomarc target but this is the first time I've heard even a peep about Navaho ever having anything but failures.