Maybe this is obvious at this point but slowly starting to believe the US will never achieve a shipbuilding or defense industrial base, in general, that supports its aspirational modernization goals.

It will more closely integrate with its allies into a global industrial base and global force structure. The US won’t have 80 deployable surface combatants but the US, Japan, Australia & S. Korea will.

I know the allies already cooperate and integrate I’m talking about making up shortfalls in US force structure.
Looks like AUKUS has convinced the Australian government to move away from their longstanding prohibition on nuclear power, last month they announced 7 sites where coal power stations would be replaced by nuclear power stations. This is also positive environmentally as Australia like China was one of the countries resisting ending coal power.

Looks like AUKUS has convinced the Australian government to move away from their longstanding prohibition on nuclear power, last month they announced 7 sites where coal power stations would be replaced by nuclear power stations. This is also positive environmentally as Australia like China was one of the countries resisting ending coal power.
Switch the nuclear makes sense given that they have the largest uranium reserves in the world.
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Looks like AUKUS has convinced the Australian government to move away from their longstanding prohibition on nuclear power, last month they announced 7 sites where coal power stations would be replaced by nuclear power stations. This is also positive environmentally as Australia like China was one of the countries resisting ending coal power.

What a load of rubbish!

Here are some facts: Peter Dutton is not in Government. He is the leader of the Opposition and thus this is all just talk. He cannot do anything and certainly his so-called announcement of "7 sites where coal power stations would be replaced by nuclear power stations" is nothing but wishful thinking. This is just political posturing.
Maybe this is obvious at this point but slowly starting to believe the US will never achieve a shipbuilding or defense industrial base, in general, that supports its aspirational modernization goals.

It will more closely integrate with its allies into a global industrial base and global force structure. The US won’t have 80 deployable surface combatants but the US, Japan, Australia & S. Korea will.

I know the allies already cooperate and integrate I’m talking about making up shortfalls in US force structure.
You're talking about japan and s. korea building ships for us or you mean combining with their naval ships to achieve numerical parity/superiority against china?
You're talking about japan and s. korea building ships for us or you mean combining with their naval ships to achieve numerical parity/superiority against china?
I think it will be a way the DOD tries to politically mitigate (somewhat deceptively) and pump up ship numbers while avoiding “talk” of industrial base production shortfalls.

“Oh sure we said we need 80 deployed major surface combatants and only have 72 BUT along with our allies we have 90”

Deceptively because we’d have 98 combined if we had 80 ourselves (in the above scenario)

If that makes sense (barely I know)

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