Astronomy and Planetary Science Thread

What happens now if they prove that Dark Energy is just something wrong with the equations, where do we go from here?
Many of these predictions lack experimental evidence to back them up and perhaps do so forever because the experiments that would be necessary to prove their validity are outside the available energy scale.

With all due respect to the beliefs of others, I think this sounds a lot like a dispute between two religious sects that will continue indefinitely because revealed truth is long overdue.

If these guys were dedicated to chess, it would not change anything in the world of experimental science.
That Nemesis hypothesis has always fascinated me ever since I had read Issac Asimov's Nemesis science fiction book back in 1989, somehow if Nemesis was real then it should be somewhere out in the wider Galaxy NMaude.
Dark Energy Camera snaps thousands of galaxies in stunning Antlia Cluster view


Jan 2, 2025
The Dark Energy Camera on the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile captured an "ultra-deep view of the Antlia Cluster," according NOIRLab.

Images and Videos: Dark Energy Survey/DOE/FNAL/DECam/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/T. Slovinský/R. Colombari & M. Zamani (NSF NOIRLab)/N. Bartmann (NSF NOIRLab)

Music: Stellardrone - Airglow
Some experimental evidence showing photons experiencing negative time, from Anton Petrov:

0:00 Negative time observations
0:50 The study and what it was for
2:25 Time delay question and the experiment involved
3:15 Quantum effects can be weird
3:50 What is this negative time that was found?
6:00 Data and results
6:50 Possible scenarios and explanations
7:40 Conclusions and implications
That Nemesis hypothesis has always fascinated me ever since I had read Issac Asimov's Nemesis science fiction book back in 1989, somehow if Nemesis was real then it should be somewhere out in the wider Galaxy NMaude.
Sometimes I wonder if Gliese 710 is a smaller, but closer object


In the news
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The Fermi paradox is simply too optimistic, it is based on the possible existence of other technological civilizations existing at the same time as ours, endowed with FTL technology and interested in exploration and contact with other intelligent races of this galaxy, in addition to what we know today life and intelligence take time to appear even in the most favorable environmental conditions... So many almost impossible conditions make the idea of possible contact a paradox, because the question is poorly posed.

Since the first metallic stars formed, hundreds of civilizations have existed and disappeared before life arose here.

If we have already been on the verge of extinction on several occasions, perhaps a large number of other civilizations would not have been so lucky, and a large number of the survivors may not have had any interest in the technology and in the development of FTL engines. And perhaps civilizations more advanced than us have no interest in contacting us... For the same reason I have no interest in learning the Swahili language... or perhaps they are computer organisms without organic bodies.

There are many things that we have discovered since the paradox was formulated and that substantially modify its approach.

And even if we were the only form of life in the galaxy... What about the other galaxies?
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The main mystery researchers find about the beginning of life is the statistical improbability that amino acids combined in the right sequence to duplicate later. We have always thought that the environmental conditions of our planet are ideal for today's life, but it is worth asking if they are also ideal for the beginning of life.

In my opinion, what we know about the outer moons should be considered and experimented with the conditions that we think may exist at the bottom of the oceans of those moons, under conditions of pressure, temperature and solubility totally different from ours... Who knows how salt water behaves at that depth?

Imagine that a Saturn moon containing a very simple form of life alters its orbit and disintegrates when it reaches the Roche limit, its inner oceans would freeze, and perhaps a large space iceberg could fall into our oceans.

Why not?
Does the Universe have a memory, from Anton Petrov:

0:00 Gravitational wave intro
1:50 Intriguing unproved proposition: gravitational memory
5:15 Why not detected yet
6:00 Future mission that may find this
6:40 How we could find these using modern technology
8:30 What's next?
James Webb Telescope found something: four more strange galaxies that appear older than the universe itself.


There some theory about that
Roger Penrose proposed once older universe before our big bang

Burkhard Heim theorised that Universe is far older 1x10+125 years !
it expands slower in form of empty Space Time since then, until 40-15 billion years ago, wen Matter began to exist.
Here our universe expand inside a vast empty volume of Space-Time.
this theory could explain the four old strange galaxies and stars who are older as Universe in Big Bang theory.
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Newly discovered 'kiss and capture' mechanism explains the formation of Pluto and its largest moon

Billions of years ago, in the frigid outer reaches of our solar system, two icy worlds collided. Rather than destroying each other in a cosmic catastrophe, they spun together like a celestial snowman, finally separating while remaining forever linked in orbit. This is how Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, originated, according to a new University of Arizona study that challenges decades of scientific assumptions.

The study also suggests that both Pluto and Charon remained largely intact during their collision, with much of their original composition preserved. This challenges previous models that suggested extensive deformation and mixing during the impact, Denton said. Additionally, the collision process, including tidal friction as the bodies separated, deposited considerable internal heat into both bodies, which may provide a mechanism for Pluto to develop a subsurface ocean without requiring formation in the more radioactive very early solar system – a timing constraint that has troubled planetary scientists.

Related paper:

Here's a video about the unexpected discovery of two asteroid imapacts 35 million years ago (During the Eocene specifically the late Priabonian age), from Anton Petrov:

0:00 Biggest recent impacts on Earth
1:20 Volcanoes vs impacts
2:20 Largest impacts and ones that are intriguing
5:30 Initial effects of some of the impacts
6:30 Even more impacts at the same time?
7:20 What effect on the planet did this have?
8:30 Evidence and fossils
9:55 Unrelated shifts in climate
11:15 Conclusions
James Webb Telescope found something: four more strange galaxies that appear older than the universe itself.


There some theory about that
Roger Penrose proposed once older universe before our big bang

Burkhard Heim theorised that Universe is far older 1x10+125 years !
it expands slower in form empty Space Time since then, until 40-15 billion years ago, wen Matter began to exist.
Here our universe expand inside a vast empty volume of Space-Time.
this theory could explain the four old strange galaxies and stars who are older as Universe in Big Bang theory.
It is rude to ask a galaxy about its age. Those guys don't act like gentlemen.
New Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements Sharpen Puzzling "Hubble Tension"

“Because the SPT results are independent of Planck, they could have landed anywhere in the range of ‘agreeing with Planck’ to ‘agreeing with the local measurements,’ and they landed right on top of Planck. This sharpens the Hubble tension, at least with the most widely accepted local measurements,” Professor Crawford told IFLScience.

Related paper:



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The Initiative for Interstellar Studies has announced a competition to design the habitat of a generation starship, Hyperion. They expect to announce winners 2nd June next year.

Brief here:

Generic starship as a whole:

View attachment 746236
Would you like to join my team for design a starship?
The most powerful explosion (A GRB) ever seen by humanity hints at Dark Matter particles, from Anton Petrov:

0:00 Most powerful explosion ever seen - GRB 221009A
3:00 What caused this?
3:35 What makes no sense here
5:35 What happens to high energy photons
6:30 Intriguing resolution using axions
7:55 Axions and magnetic fields
10:00 Conclusions and what's next?
A new study has found that Pluto and Charon may've formed differently than previously thought, from Anton Petrov:

0:00 New discoveries about Pluto and Charon
1:20 Pluto system and why it's a mystery
3:05 Previous assumptions and why they may have been wrong
4:10 New analysis and discoveries
5:35 Common in the Kuiper belt?
6:50 Why this scenario makes sense and how it was discovered
8:20 Additional confirmations and conclusions
9:30 More questions?

You could say that Pluto and Charon are kissing planets;):D.
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Would you like to join my team for design a starship?
Well, my skills fall just the wrong side of the pen versus the CAD revolution, since I opted for an academic/dilettante 'career' way back. Your submission will require someone with up to date technical skills - and my autistic temperament is not well suited to keeping to deadlines either. Still, I'd be happy to consult! I think that this would be a good thread to set up on this forum considering the vast amount of talent available. 'Lets design a starship habitat' would be a great topic. Start with basics like structure, artificial gravity, then systems resilient over centuries...
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X-ray flashes from a nearby supermassive black hole accelerate mysteriously

The astronomers have detected flashes of X-rays coming from the black hole at a steadily increasing clip. Over a period of two years, the flashes, at millihertz oscillations, increased in frequency from every 18 minutes to every seven minutes. This dramatic speed-up in X-rays has not been seen from a black hole until now.

The researchers explored a number of scenarios for what might explain the flashes. They believe the most likely culprit is a spinning white dwarf — an extremely compact core of a dead star that is orbiting around the black hole and getting precariously closer to its event horizon, the boundary beyond which nothing can escape the black hole’s gravitational pull. If this is the case, the white dwarf must be pulling off an impressive balancing act, as it could be coming right up to the black hole’s edge without actually falling in.

If a white dwarf is at the root of the black hole’s mysterious flashing, it would also give off gravitational waves, in a range that would be detectable by next-generation observatories such as NASA’s Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA).

“These new detectors are designed to detect oscillations on the scale of minutes, so this black hole system is in that sweet spot,” says co-author Erin Kara, associate professor of physics at MIT.

The white dwarf is practically at the precipice of no return and is estimated to be just a few million miles from the event horizon. However, the researchers predict that the star will not fall in. While the black hole’s gravity may pull the white dwarf inward, the star is also shedding part of its outer layer into the black hole. This shedding acts as a small kick-back, such that the white dwarf — an incredibly compact object itself — can resist crossing the black hole’s boundary.

“Because white dwarfs are small and compact, they’re very difficult to shred apart, so they can be very close to a black hole,” Kara says. “If this scenario is correct, this white dwarf is right at the turn around point, and we may see it get further away.”

Related paper:

While the black hole’s gravity may pull the white dwarf inward, the star is also shedding part of its outer layer into the black hole. This shedding acts as a small kick-back, such that the white dwarf — an incredibly compact object itself — can resist crossing the black hole’s boundary.

I wonder what the White-dwarf will turn into as it sheds mass and starts to decompress?
I wonder what the White-dwarf will turn into as it sheds mass and starts to decompress?
Most of them are carbon/oxygen as per Wiki, (super-diamonds?)

Some are oxygen/neon/magnesium--and a handful are helium white dwarves.

ET's Exxon division has expressed interest:)

Spaceflight tech

Astronomy news
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Most of them are carbon/oxygen as per Wiki, (super-diamonds?)

Some are oxygen/neon/magnesium--and a handful are helium white dwarves.

Given that there is a LOT of trapped residual heat in the interior of a white-dwarf (They take a very long time to cool down) I strongly suspect that as mass is stripped off of it reducing its' mass and hence gravity well. The white-dwarf may end up explosively "Decompressing" turning into a brown-dwarf then a gas-giant probably being reduced to something akin to a terrestrial planet.
First-ever detection of a mid-infrared flare in Sagittarius A*, the Milky Way's supermassive massive black hole

Using the MIRI instrument onboard the James Webb Space Telescope, an international team of scientists made the first-ever detection of a mid-IR flare from Sagittarius A*, the supermassive massive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. In simultaneous radio observations, the team found a radio counterpart of the flare lagging behind in time. The paper is published on the arXiv preprint server.

Related paper:

WASP-132 Proves Hot Jupiters Don’t Always Expel Their Siblings

The class of planets known as “hot Jupiters” puzzled astronomers on first discovery, but rapidly led to an explanation that they had formed far out and migrated inwards. It was thought that during this process other planets in the same system would either be absorbed by the migrating giant, or ejected from the system. However, the presence of three planets around the star WASP-132 shows this is not always the case, necessitating a rethink about the formation of hot Jupiters in general.

This was called into question when the TESS space telescope detected dips in WASP-132’s brightness, suggesting another planet in the system besides WASP-132b, whose 7-day orbit was an early exoplanet discovery. New work confirms TESS’s observations are caused by a rocky planet with six times Earth’s mass (a Super-Earth) and an orbit that lasts just 24 hours. Additionally, the system has a planet five times as massive as Jupiter, with an orbit lasting five years. WASP-132 is somewhat cooler and less luminous than the Sun, but the two inner planets would still be ferociously hot.

The authors of the study announcing the new planets propose WASP-132b formed beyond the system’s snowline, but undertook what they call a dynamically “cool” path, meaning it maintained a relatively circular orbit throughout. By never going through the extremely elongated phase some planets in the process of becoming hot Jupiters are known to do, it would have reduced the chance of disrupting other planets.

Related paper:

Evidence that the carbon in one's body has an extra-galactic origin, from Anton Petrov:

0:00 Traveling outside of the galaxy?
0:30 Research on the circumgalactic medium
1:20 How various elements got to Earth
3:00 Munch was the first to find gas outside the galaxy
4:05 Why this gas is there
6:00 Major mystery of missing gas
7:10 Proof of large streams and gas halos
8:30 Recent study and new confirmations
10:00 Implications and some more questions

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