The Excalibur smart artillery round resisted even more g-forces...All it takes to kill a human is 12Gs, that must have been quite a ride going down through the atmosphere of Jupiter for the probe.
The Excalibur smart artillery round resisted even more g-forces...All it takes to kill a human is 12Gs, that must have been quite a ride going down through the atmosphere of Jupiter for the probe.
Currently, there are at least five manmade objects that are on a one-way journey out of the solar system but where will these go, will they just go on forever, will they crash into a star or planet in the far distant future long after we, our earth and sun has long ceased to exist. In this video, we will see just what is going where and what the future holds for them.
Written researched and presented by Paul Shillito
Images and footage : TWR, NASA, Richard Kruse, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), The Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Sure, it's a matter of taste... but many agree that one of the strangest moons in the solar system is the misshapen Miranda, the smallest and innermost of Uranus's five major moons.Discovered by Gerard Kuiper on February 16, 1948, it was named after a heroine from Shakespeare's "The Tempest." However, the Shakespearean Miranda is a young and beautiful woman, while this moon looks like it was pieced together, much like Frankenstein's monster.
This small, lumpy moon, features a surface covered with skewed and intersecting ice slabs, oddly rugged terrains, pockmarked plains, and dark, irregular canyons.How did this deformed landscape come to be? Was the moon bombarded by meteors? Did it survive a massive collision? Is it the result of stretching and squeezing caused by Uranus's gravity? We don't know yet! Or maybe we do..Follow along and let's try to uncover the truth together!--
Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr
The team used data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, which allows us to estimate the size of the universe at different points in time. The researchers combined this data with the known star formation rate in the cosmos at that time and then compared the two.
“We just input that information on star formation to this scenario and we ask: ok, how big is the universe by this scenario? If the black hole production is actually dark energy production and that black hole production is tracked by the star formation rate, then how quickly is the universe growing?” Dr Kevin Croker, from Arizona State University, told IFLScience.
What they found is a nice agreement between the growth of black holes and the expansion of the universe. The death of massive stars creates black holes and the amount of dark energy increases in the universe. This might be just an intriguing correlation, but it has some consequences that make it attractive to the members of the team.
The last giant impact on Earth is thought to have formed the Moon1. The timing of this event can be determined by dating the different rocks assumed to have crystallized from the lunar magma ocean (LMO). This has led to a wide range of estimates for the age of the Moon between 4.35 and 4.51 billion years ago (Ga), depending on whether ages for lunar whole-rock samples2,3,4 or individual zircon grains5,6,7 are used. Here we argue that the frequent occurrence of approximately 4.35-Ga ages among lunar rocks and a spike in zircon ages at about the same time8 is indicative of a remelting event driven by the Moon’s orbital evolution rather than the original crystallization of the LMO. We show that during passage through the Laplace plane transition9, the Moon experienced sufficient tidal heating and melting to reset the formation ages of most lunar samples, while retaining an earlier frozen-in shape10 and rare, earlier-formed zircons. This paradigm reconciles existing discrepancies in estimates for the crystallization time of the LMO, and permits formation of the Moon within a few tens of million years of Solar System formation, consistent with dynamical models of terrestrial planet formation11. Remelting of the Moon also explains the lower number of lunar impact basins than expected12,13, and allows metal from planetesimals accreted to the Moon after its formation to be removed to the lunar core, explaining the apparent deficit of such materials in the Moon compared with Earth14.
An international team of astronomers, led by researchers from the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw, have identified a new class of cosmic X-ray sources.The results of the study were published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a proposition that a lot of weirdness in the solar system can be explained by a planetary flyby 4.5 billion years ago
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• New Strong Evidence for Existence of ...
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#planet #solarsystem #astronomy
From that article though.The findings join a recent parade of discouraging results for the moon. Earlier this year, other readings from Juno suggested radiation emanating from Jupiter would create less oxygen in Europa’s ocean than previously thought. Additionally, efforts to spot plumes from the moon’s surface with the JWST space telescope have come up empty, casting doubt on geysers potentially spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope. Most recently, several modeling studies presented earlier this year at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference suggested the forces pulling on the moon’s rocky interior wouldn’t be strong enough to cause it to fracture, preventing the formation of features like hydrothermal vents.
The new thickness measurements come with caveats, however. Each of MWR’s six antennas targets a different frequency. Using them, the researchers looked for the reflections of microwaves penetrating the crustal surface, indicating layers of ice. But seeing those reflections meant making assumptions about the composition and temperature of Europa’s ice and the background thermal radiation it would emit.
It’s possible the assumptions they made are wrong, says Natalie Wolfenbarger, a planetary scientist at Stanford University who works on Clipper’s ice-penetrating radar. “When you do this model-based retrieval, there are some inherent ambiguities.”
Discover how scientists uncovered the Moon’s fiery volcanic past and revised its age to 4.43–4.51 billion years! Using zircon crystals as nature’s timekeepers, researchers found that the Moon’s crust melted and reformed multiple times due to intense tidal forces and volcanic eruptions. These groundbreaking findings not only solve long-standing mysteries about the Moon but also reveal new insights about the early Solar System and Earth’s evolution. Watch the full video for all the details and fascinating science behind this discovery!
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the Eltanin crater
ingomar200• Eltanin Asteroid
Acidification:• Asteroid That Killed Dinosaurs Turned...
#impact #eltanin #iceage
0:00 Strange impact that started the ice age and how we found it
2:05 Impact hypothesis and evidence for the impact
5:00 Effects of the impact and connection to ice ages
9:00 Conclusions and additional questions
Astronomers have cast their nets wide searching for habitable planets, and a team at the University of Georgia, Athens, argues that may be too broad to be useful. What we need, they suggest, is not simply to find planets that could support life, but to seek out those that could support the life we can detect, a much narrower subset. They provide a starting point in how to do that, focusing on what they call the “photosynthetic habitable zone” (PHZ) and identifying five planets in it.
In this video, we take an in-depth look at Eris, the distant and fascinating dwarf planet located at the farthest reaches of our solar system!
What You'll Learn in This Video:
• Discovery of Eris: How astronomers stumbled upon this icy world and its initial classification as a potential new planet!
• Eris’s Orbit: Learn about its elliptical orbit that takes it from 38 AU to over 98 AU from the Sun.
• Size and Composition: Find out how Eris compares in size to other well-known objects in our solar system like Pluto and Earth’s Moon!
• Moons and Atmosphere: Explore Eris’s single moon, Dysnomia, and the thin atmosphere that forms around it.
• The Dwarf Planet Debate: Discover why Eris played a crucial role in redefining what it means to be a planet!
• Future Exploration: Could we one day send a spacecraft to explore this frozen world? Find out what’s next for Eris.
Join us on a cosmic journey to one of the most remote, mysterious, and misunderstood objects in our solar system!
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Well as it says there’s already outlined alternative theory for the observations in the shape of Timescapes.What happens now if they prove that Dark Energy is just something wrong with the equations, where do we go from here?
What's up with the Parker Solar Probe? Neil deGrasse Tyson breaks down humanity’s closest approach to the Sun, why the probe hasn’t melted, and what scientists are hoping to learn.
This videos shows the complete history of Jupiter and its 4 major moons, in graphic videomapping details.
I used a music named "Urban Gauntlet" made by Kevin Macleod for the first part, and Fog Lake by Spectacles Wallet and Watch for the 2nd part
This is a timelapse of Neptune and its moon system, from the beginning to the end.
Music: Endgame, MachinimaSound (• Video )
This is a complete timeline of Uranus's system, from the beginning to the end.
Music: Endgame, MachinimaSound (• Video )
This is an animation that shows the complete history and future of Saturn & its moon system, from their birth to death. The previous version had several errors that made it kind of deceptive, so I deleted it and made this revised version.
Music: Endgame, MachinimaSound (• Video )
This is a complete timeline of Earth, the planet that we call home, from its formation to its end, and once again, the events may vary depending on the source.
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Snowfall - Scott Buckley (• 'Snowfall' [Uplifting Cinematic Piano... )
What We Don't Say - Scott Buckley (• 'What We Don't Say' [Bittersweet Neoc... )
I Walk With Ghosts - Scott Buckley (• 'I Walk With Ghosts' [Meditative Neoc... )
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a strange proposition that argues against dark energy but for unusual time dilation across the entire universe
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#darkenergy #timedilation #einstein
I have known about John Michell ever since I first started my interest in Astronomy when I was younger, he called Black Holes Dark Stars. I would think that if he were alive today he would not cope with the Relativity and Quantum aspect of the modern science of Black Holes.
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the TRAPPIST-1 system
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#trappist #star #exoplanet
Uranus is one of those planets that doesn’t get nearly enough love in the solar system. It’s big, it’s blue-green, it’s lying on its side like it just gave up on rotating like a normal planet, and it’s the topic of today’s video!
Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr
00:00 Intro
00:58 Uranus Atmosphere
3:56 Uranus Magnetosphere
7:15 Uranus Seasons
10:10 What if Uranus was not there?
13:08 Uranus Rings and Images by James Webb
14:20 Uranus Moons
16:20 Miranda
#insanecuriosity #solarsystemplanets #uranus
That is why we really need a space probe to visit Uranus as soon as possible to orbit it and the moons, perhaps a five to ten year mission like the Cassini mission for Saturn.
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the Mars Ingenuity helicopter and why it failed
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#mars #ingenuity #perseverance
Now, astronomers at MIT have pinned down the origins of at least one fast radio burst using a novel technique that could do the same for other FRBs. In their new study, appearing today in the journal Nature, the team focused on FRB 20221022A — a previously discovered fast radio burst that was detected from a galaxy about 200 million light-years away.
The team zeroed in further to determine the precise location of the radio signal by analyzing its “scintillation,” similar to how stars twinkle in the night sky. The scientists studied changes in the FRB’s brightness and determined that the burst must have originated from the immediate vicinity of its source, rather than much further out, as some models have predicted.
The team estimates that FRB 20221022A exploded from a region that is extremely close to a rotating neutron star, 10,000 kilometers away at most. That’s less than the distance between New York and Singapore. At such close range, the burst likely emerged from the neutron star’s magnetosphere — a highly magnetic region immediately surrounding the ultracompact star.
PLATO, due for launch atop an Ariane 6 launcher in December 2026
As a result, the mission has managed to meet all the milestones, with margin to spare, says Vogel.
Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about new discoveries about the Moon
Previous videos:• Study Suggests Giant Impact Did Not F...
• Scientists Discover Why Our Moon Has ...
#earth #moon #astronomy
0:00 Updates about the Moon
0:40 Previous assumptions about the Moon formation and how we know everything
2:40 Another interpretation and a new discovery
3:30 How zircon crystals store time
5:05 What this means and what the new study proposes
6:15 Why did the Moon melt again?
7:20 Additional explanations and conclusions
Did the Sun have a Twin? Where Did it Go? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Recent studies suggest our sun may have had a long-lost twin— a cooler, smaller red dwarf star. If the star did exist, where did it go? Could it have influenced Earth's orbit and weather? Discover the intriguing findings behind this cosmic mystery and how our sun's potential twin might still be affecting us today.