AkelaFreedom's Missile and UAV artwork

The "Grom" (Thunder) is a planned russian stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). The role of the "Grom" is to escort strike aircraft during combat missions, and to be able to deploy weapons or surveillance systems. It must also be able to be deployed as part of a swarm of drones.

The full set can be seen here -

Grom 01.jpg
Grom 02.jpg
Grom 06.jpg
SCALP EG is an Anglo-French low-observable air-launched cruise missile. In French service it is called SCALP EG (Systeme de Croisiere Autonome a Longue Portee – Emploi General, meaning General Purpose Long Range Cruise Missile). Storm Shadow is the British name for the weapon.
The missile has a range of approximately 560 km is powered by a turbojet at Mach 0.8. It is a fire and forget missile, programmed before launch. The missile follows a path semi-autonomously, on a low flight path guided by GPS and terrain mapping to the target area. Close to the target, the missile climbs and then bunts into a dive. During the bunt, the nose cone is jettisoned to allow a high resolution thermographic camera (Infrared homing) to observe the target area.

The full set can be seen here -

SCALP EG 02.jpg
SCALP EG 07.jpg
SCALP EG 13.jpg
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The Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (Air-to-Ground Modular Weapon) - AASM "Hammer" (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range) is a French Precision-Guided Munition. AASM comprises a frontal guidance kit and a rear-mounted range extension kit matched to a dumb bomb. The basic version features a 250-kg (550 lb) bomb plus hybrid inertial navigation system (INS) / Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance (SBU-38). Other variants add infrared homing (IIR SBU-64) or laser guidance (SALH SBU-54) to increase accuracy. Operational range 50-60 km at high altitude 15 km at low altitude.

The full set can be seen here -

AASM 250 04.jpg

AASM 250 05.jpg

AASM 250 13.jpg
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The designation series GBU-49(V)/B covers Enhanced Paveway II LGB/GPS/INS guidance kits for 500 lb MK 82 bombs. It's dual mode weapon that detect a target illuminated by a laser beam and/or GPS guidance using the WGU-53/B (Computer Control Groups). Airfoil Group - MXU-650/B.

The full set can be seen here -

GBU-49 01.jpg

GBU-49 13.jpg

GBU-49 14.jpg
Ravn X a drone designed to carry and launch satellites into low-orbit.
Ravn X rises to an altitude of over 18 km and a speed of over 900 km / h. Launched at such an altitude and speed, a two-stage launch vehicle will be able to deliver satellites into low-earth orbit.

The full set can be seen here -

Ravn X 01.jpg

Ravn X 05.jpg

Ravn X 12.jpg
@AkelaFreedom : Nice one!
Now let us know their respective estimated dimensions. Why not a profiles comparative diagram ?
Notice how Airbus design is the only one with a full set of rudder and elevator as the one with apparently the lowest internal volume available.
@AkelaFreedom : Nice one!
Now let us know their respective estimated dimensions. Why not a profiles comparative diagram ?
Notice how Airbus design is the only one with a full set of rudder and elevator as the one with apparently the lowest internal volume available.
Unfortunately, there is no exact size data, so there is no point in making a ratio table yet. The Airbus model is very different in concept of use, because it should be dropable, then there is no landing gear, which probably compensates for the space occupied by the folding wings and FCAS Remote Carriers are roughly the smallest in size, somewhere in the area of 7.5 m. And the largest so far is the Russian "Grom" - about 14 m long.
None the less, the "all-in-one" is a nice quick guide. Thank you!
Good point for the undercarriage volume bays. But GA proved that the mass fraction of an autonomous UAV is very different from that of a piloted aircraft. Their landing gears in particular have to bear less stress and can be made simpler (there are no human life at stake from a malfunction). Hence there is no strategic design advantages to not have one... On the contrary, man could say.
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The LongShot is the DARPA programme aims to develop a UAV that can be carried and launched by fighter or bomber aircraft, allowing them to stay away from enemy threats. It would then proceed to engage the enemy with its own air-to-air missiles.

The full set can be seen here -

LongShot 01.jpg LongShot 11.jpg LongShot 12.jpg
The "Molniya" (meaning - Lightning) is a Russian concept of a multipurpose unmanned complex for group use. The drones of this system will be launched by swarm from a carrier aircraft to break through enemy air defense or conduct group electronic warfare in conjunction with manned aircraft. It is also supposed to use drones as separate high-precision guided munitions or reconnaissance target designators.

The full set can be seen here -

Molniya 01.jpg

Molniya 04.jpg

Molniya 11.jpg
I know I have said this before but frankly I look at these and I am amazed. What you and the others show us makes us richer, I thank you Sir. Just in case I have not asked, are you using Blender or what else would do this quality of work.
I know I have said this before but frankly I look at these and I am amazed. What you and the others show us makes us richer, I thank you Sir. Just in case I have not asked, are you using Blender or what else would do this quality of work.
Thanks for the kind words. I create all my models in 3DS Max program.

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